My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2398: basement

“Is this the legendary mobile phone of the big levy?” Yu Ying was surprised.

"Good things, how do you do this in the end, capture this picture in an instant? What technique is used?" Breton is also very fresh.

Ye Fan did not know how to explain to them, saying: "You have time to go to the big levy to buy two to play, remember to look for the products of the cloud group..."

Sansheng nodded very seriously, apparently listening to it.

The blue demon is blinking, and suddenly he reaches out and blows the whole sand table with one palm!

"Light rain! What are you doing?" Ye Fan stunned.

"Since we have got the drawings, we can't let outsiders see it," said the Blue Demon.

Ye Fan shook his head silently, and this girl was still so embarrassed.

"Looking down, there should be a layer of underground below, and the aura fluctuations are transmitted below."

Ye Fan took the lead and searched for the entrance to a basement.

What surprised them was that there was some yellow faint light in the basement?

I saw some light on the stone wall, where it flashed, it seems to be some kind of long light?


The blue demon screamed and scared his face.

Ye Fan quickly grabbed her and looked down, only to find that it was a corpse that scared her!

The Virgin Gate Virgin, of course, will not be afraid to see the general body.

This corpse is a baby!

The corpse of the little baby dried up with some hair.

It seems that the relationship in the basement did not completely rot.

"Lord of the Sword see..."

Breton's face was dignified, pushing the white worm forward, and there were hundreds of giant corpses in the light. !

These corpses are old and young, there are men and women, a few are not completely rotted, and they can still see a look of despair.

"Do these people are hiding from here at the time?

No wonder there are no people on the floors above.

In the end what happened? Let these ancient giants be so fearful, and stunned.

Ye Fan looked at the blue demon around him with concern. "Little rain, are you okay?"

The blue demon looked up and looked at the man’s sincere concern for his eyes. His heart was a little different. “Nothing, thank you for your concern.”

Ye Fan nodded, loosened the girl, and the first one walked to the front.

Looking for the place where the aura fluctuated, Ye Fan found the past and found a piece of red stone from a body.

"It turned out to be just a piece of red rock. It is strange. If these giants have cultivation, there is only one piece." Ye Fan holds the red stone and wonders.

"Will, these giants, in fact, have nothing to do, or if they are monks, they will not even have a magic weapon with them," Breton analyzed.

Elder Rondo bent over and picked up a heavy hammer on the ground. "Yes... is it made of magic crystal mine?"

"Magic Crystal Mine?" Ye Fan glanced, carefully looking at the past, it is like obsidian, but more metallic luster, there is no aura above, so he did not pay attention.

"It seems that there are weapons of the magic crystal mine everywhere, swords and spears, axes and forks." Blue demon said: "These people are holding the magic crystal mine weapons, is it to fight against the ancient evils outside?"

"Strange, if this is the case, are they always fighting against those monsters?

In this case, can they build these buildings? "The shadow is boring."

"There is a possibility, that is, at the beginning... there is no evil spirit." Ye Fan is deep inside, and there is a heavy uneasiness.

Everyone is silent, is this civilization really destroyed by those evil spirits?

"There is still a mural in the Lord of the Sword God, which seems to be different from the outside," Zhong said.

Ye Fan heard it, went to the wall and looked up.

These murals seem to be the giants of the basement, painting when they are taking refuge here.

Although not very beautiful, it is easier to understand than the complex runes outside.

From these murals, Ye Fan saw this giant family, and thrived in this land, hunting, sacrifices, and various activities.

Those towering buildings and huge statues symbolize the prosperity of this civilization.

However, when it came later, a lot of horrible monsters fell in the sky, destroying everything...

When I got there, the murals didn't have much content, and it seemed to indicate the final ending.

"Is it true that the evil spirits in the mouth of the Sword God are really the key to the extinction of this civilization?

Do they have no practitioners, can build such a magnificent building, but can not fight those monsters? "Yu Ying and others are very puzzling.

Ye Fan looked at the bones of the earth, and his heart was awkward. Now the clues seem to be that the evil spirits are really born from the chaotic void...

It seems that Sodom's mainland, the Odin empire, all found evil spirits, it makes sense.

Because as long as there is a place of chaotic void, that is, where there is chaos, it is possible to breed evil spirits.

Ye Fandao: "There is no sacred thing here. Let's go to the red area on the map."

"Hey! It took a long time to get up, and only found a piece of red rock! Unlucky!" Breton shook his head and sighed.

Everyone smiled helplessly and planned to go upstairs and leave the underground building.

I just got up, but suddenly I felt the wave of chaos that passed down at the top! ?


A lot of black boulders collapsed and the sand poured down!

The entire tower was actually attacked from the top, causing a landslide! ?

"Damn! Someone wants to bury me waiting!?" Rondo was furious.

"You stand by me", Ye Fan is not in a hurry, directly call out the Shield of Lightning, and seal the top directly!

A large number of rocks fell down and landed on the sword shield, making a loud noise!

"It seems that someone deliberately followed us and left the black hand. It is simply not to put me in the eyes. With this means, I thought it would kill us?"

We are not the useless bones in the basement." Breton sneered and once again summoned the armor to wear the mountain beast.

The demon beast has just been released, and I heard a strange buzz from the top!

The buzzing sound passed through the sand and shook it into the depths of the ground.

Everyone is in a closed underground space, this sound wave is extraordinarily powerful, reverberating everywhere, drilling into the depths of everyone's mind!

At the same time, the sound waves mixed with the power of chaos also control these underground sandstones, and through the country hundreds of meters, to create a monster with sandstone!

A group of people are feeling restless, and these monsters are rushing towards them!

The repair of this chaotic force is obviously higher than the blue demon, and the girl suddenly shows painful color and pale face.

Sansheng and Rondo are able to cope, but they can face the monsters that are constantly attacking, and they have to deal with these sound waves, and they have no time to break through!

Ye Fan directly splits a sword shield, protects the girl group, and flies out more than a dozen flying swords at the same time, crushing all these smashes!

"You all just protect yourself! I am going to break through!"

Ye Fan looks cold, he wants to see, who is behind the black hand.

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