My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2403: civil war


Thousands of challenges have made Xiao Xiner no longer have any fear of this mysterious and powerful towering pillar.

After the state of the Sacred Heart, her rebirth efficiency, greatly improved, coupled with the sturdy physical quality, actually achieved a delicate balance!

Burns, repairs, burns, recovery...

Although still full of pain, Xiao Xiner is tenacious, and it is hard to force forward!

"Hong Yi Wing!"

Outside the colorful feathers behind Xiao Xiner, there are two white flame wings!

At the time, Xiao Xin’s speed accelerated again, turning into a white lightning and launched a sprint!


Xiao Xiner suddenly flew out of the pillar of fire!

The sight in front of us suddenly changed!

Surrounded by flames in all directions, it is a black, broad ground.

This black mineral was able to withstand the surrounding heat and was not melted.

Xiao Xiner found some buildings in front and could not help but fly over.

Worried about who I met, Xiao Xiner still wrapped herself in flames, avoiding the embarrassment.

However, when Xiao Xiner came to a large ancient building complex in the middle of the platform, it was discovered that there was no living thing at all.

This seems to be a building similar to the temple, towering black tower, solemn and solemn.

Surrounded by dozens of majestic and weird black stone carvings, these stone carvings seem to have five senses, but they seem to be different and more rough and mean than ordinary humans.

"this is……"

Xiao Xiner suddenly felt a bit familiar, bowed down to the black little jade person in his hand, and then looked at the stone carving, could not help but hold it!

These stone carvings seem to be the same material as the black Xiaoyu people, the same kind of appearance? !

Can it be said that this sacred object is the product of the same civilization with the original ancient civilization of this temple! ?

Just as Xiao Xiner fell into thinking, the two holy places were under pressure, but they appeared in the positive direction!

I saw a man and a woman, two Feng Yan wrapped in the figure, appeared in the temple over the sky!

"Hey? Is it a woman of the sword god?" The man is Huang Ningfeng.

His wife, Xiao Qi, said: "It turned out that it was a breakthrough to the Sacred Heart. No wonder.

The two of us took advantage of each other to take damage and only barely entered it.

It is also strange how a gimmick has come in."

Xiao Xiner estimated that both of them were the ancestors of the Phoenix clan, and they also respectfully performed a ceremony, saying: "Xiao Xiner, a younger generation, has seen two seniors."

Huang Ningfeng and Xiao Qi looked at each other and saw each other from the eyes of the other party.

Although Xiao Xiner is reckless, she is not stupid. She naturally understands the wild world and the weak meat. This place should be more careful.

It seems strange to see the couple, and I immediately watch out for it.

"There seems to be nothing here, the younger generation is gone first."

Xiao Xiner said, immediately the Hongyi wing will fly away.

However, as soon as she was about to leave, she saw Huang Ningfeng wandering faster in front of her!

"Shantou, it’s hard to come in, why is it so eager to go?" Huang Ningfeng smiled and laughed.

"What are you getting in your hand, let the ancestors look at it", Xiao Qi is on the other side, reaching out and saying.

The couple are two, and Xiao Xiner will be directly sandwiched.

"This is my thing. Even if the two are the ancestors of the Phoenix, they have no right to take it away." Xiao Xiner's face was cold.

"Who said to take it away, but it is to take a look, you can't understand this girl?" Xiao Qi Liu Mei inverted.

Xiao Xiner will be convinced, pretending to hand over the things, but a twist, find a gap to escape!

"Dare to run?!"

Huang Ningfeng has already prepared for it. He took out two phoenixes and long whip, and rushed in front of Xiao Xiner to entangle the girl!

Xiao Xiner struggled with strength, and the hands condensed out the sword and backhand cut off Feng Yan long whip!

But at this time Xiao Qi has arrived, and directly displayed the "Honglian glimpse"!

At the time, more than a dozen red lotus phoenix avatars, facing Xiao Xiner began to impact from various angles!

Xiao Xiner launched a shield, and even blocked it, but still could not stand it, and was hit by a violent violent head!


Xiao Xiner fell on the black hot ground, spurting a blood, dizzy!

Huang Ningfeng has a subduction and has tens of thousands of broken feathers and phoenixes!

Xiao Xiner endured the pain and recovered herself while fleeing quickly.


All the way behind are intensive bombardment!

Xiao Xiner found that she had no chance to fight back, even if it was a Phoenix clan. These moves would be her own, but it does not mean that she can avoid it all.

The couple are both sacred body repairs, and the phoenix dance is exhibited for nine days. The power is naturally stronger than that of Xiao Xiner's holy heart!

If Xiao Xiner is relying on the mysterious flame here to cultivate the Sacred Heart, the body of tempering, the starting point is higher than the general chaotic power, and there is no chance to mediate!

However, even if Xiao Xin's starting point is higher, after all, there is still a level, the Eucharist and the Sacred Heart, or there is a clear gap!

"Hey! The stinky head is quite able to run!" Xiao Qi eyes exposed.

Both of them have a heart and soul, and they have already decided that they must not let Xiao Xiner go out!

Once they can, they can swallow the secret here.

Second, they told the sword **** that they would not come in. If Xiao Xiner took the news and said that they were inside, it might be regarded as an enemy by the sword god.

Third, the holy things in Xiao Xin's hands, they have already taken a fancy!

Another point is that no one knows that they are coming in, even if they kill Xiao Xiner, the sword **** will not know that they are doing it!

As long as Xiao Xiner is dead, all the secrets here will belong to them!

The couple have repeatedly applied their tricks and drastically reduced the time of Xiao Xin’s reborn.

Even though Xiao Xiner's physical fitness is excellent, it is not completely able to withstand the power of chaos, and the injury is constantly increasing.

If you go on like this, you will only have one dead end, you can’t escape, you can’t beat it...

"Golden Wheel!"

Two Fengyan rings, which directly bombed Xiao Xiner, and fell under a black statue!

Xiao Xiner gasped for a big breath, and saw the statue in front of her eyes, but she suddenly became a spirit!

She glanced at a black little jade man in her hand and said in her heart: "Only try..."

Although she did not fully grasp and understand the usefulness of this Xiaoyu person, the only way she can escape now is to use this holy thing!

At the beginning of the attack of the purple fire ancestors, she is still vivid.

Forcing the pain, Xiao Xiner evaded the black Xiaoyu people while avoiding the flash.

A phoenix phoenix into it, black Xiaoyu people's eyes, nose, mouth, ears, are beginning to emerge Fengyan Jinmang! It seems to be alive!

A wild, rough, and majestic atmosphere, released directly from it!

There is a mysterious bond that is connected with the consciousness of Xiao Xiner!

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