My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2419: Knight

When the knight of the head is silvery and heavy, the golden pattern on the armor is obviously far from the other knights.

He has golden curls, blue-green eyes, and a white handsome face, just like a prince who came out of a fairy tale.

As soon as the Cavaliers saw Feng Yueying, the joy of the moment was beyond words.

In a hurry, the knight ran to the woman, "Miss Yue Ying!

You can count it back, where have you been?

Do you know how much I worry about you? ”

Feng Yueying saw the arrival of the people, suddenly exposed the helpless color, some carefully looked at the side of the face is not very good Ye Fan, barely smiled: "Captain Pierre, I am enshrined by the instructions of Xilei adults, invited A few friends came."

Since the contact with Ye Fan came to Odin, it was secretly settled by Ai Er and Asazil and others, and did not publicly tell other people in the Odin Empire.

In addition, Ye Fan does not want to be too loud, so Feng Yueying does not want to say too much.

Moreover, the Odin empire is still blocking the news of evil spirits, which is related to the internal trust problem of Odin.

"Friends of the gods adults?"

Pierre then curiously squinted at the eye-sail, and found that he did not see what was repaired, and he could not help but frown.

Immediately, Pierre made a magic rune in front of his eyes, and two golden lights were printed on his eyes.

Soon, Pierre's flashing rune eyes reveal a hint of disapproval.

"Plastic spirit realm?

The sacred adult is really a realm, such a person can also be a friend, perhaps this is to read the old," Pierre said with emotion.

Ye Fan didn't mind being said that he was more curious, the kind of spell Pierre had just cast.

It seems to have strengthened his eyesight and seen some of the hidden strength of Qianlong.

"Miss Yue Ying, now the Odin Empire is not safe everywhere. If you want to go out in the future, you can call me.

As long as I have no tasks, I will be honored to be your knight to protect your safety," Pierre said with deep affection and sincerity.

Feng Yueying smiled and said: "Captain Pierre, thank you for your kindness, but I already have a lover, you really don't have to do this to me."

Pierre sighed. "Miss Yue Ying, you are saying this again. For so many years, you have always said that you have a lover, but where is the person?"

I know that you feel that our identity is very different. After all, I am a nobleman from the court, and you are a rising civilian.

However, I don't mind such a disparity in identity. The love between us will cross the barriers of class and become a story of the ages..." Feng Yueying really dared not let this guy go on, and quickly reached out and took the leaf. The arm of the sail.

"The Pierre Knight is long! Ye Fan is my lover! We have reunited!"


! ”

After a shock, Pierre immediately laughed and said: "Miss Yue Ying, he is just a realm of spirituality. If it is your lover, can he also rise in plastic realm?

Even if you lie, want to obstruct my love, you should not use such a loophole lie! ”

"He is really!"

Feng Yueying reiterated again.

Pierre heartache said: "Miss Yue Ying, do you think I will believe this?

He is just a plastic realm, and his ugly man, how can he be worthy of the stars! ? ”

Feng Yueying Liu Mei scorned, "Captain Pierre, please don't say my lover like this!"

Pierre loudly said: "No! He is not! Miss Yue Ying, you can't deceive me!"

Ye Fan can't stand it anymore. This Pierre pursues Feng Yueying, but he can understand it. After all, there are always pursuers.

Plus Pierre did not do anything too much, Ye Fan will endure.

However, this guy seems to be a bit sturdy, telling him that he still doesn't believe it.

"Is it right? Look at your own eyes."

Ye Fan was too lazy to talk nonsense, directly reaching over Feng Yueying, reaching out to hold a woman's delicate face, a long kiss.

"Well..." Feng Yueying snorted, although he was so shy in the street, he could not refuse men.

"Ah!-" Pierre screamed and screamed, pulling out the sword directly from the waist! "You have tarnished my goddess! I want to fight you!!"

An adjutant on the side immediately hugged Pierre and loudly dissuaded: "Pierre Pierre! No! He is a friend of the oracles! Killing him will anger the gods!!"

Hearing the gods, Pierre was like pouring cold water, hating to stab the sword back to the scabbard.

Ye Fan was calm and self-satisfied. After kissing Feng Yueying, he took the woman's hand and said: "Ying Ying, let's go."

"Oh...well," Feng Yueying looked at Pierre apologetically and walked away with Ye Fan.

Pierre rose his face, full of painful colors, looking at the back of Ye Fan, with a bonfire in his eyes.

Ye Fan took the woman's hand and walked, saying: "It seems that Ai's prestige is still very high. The guy who heard Ai Er would not dare to move me. He thought that he would have to kill when he first came."

"Husband, in fact, that Pierre, is also a simple aristocrat, he is not malicious, you should not give birth to his anger", Feng Yueying said.

Ye Fan frowned, pretending to be angry: "How, you plead for him?

You shouldn't really mean something to him? ”

"Oh! What are you talking about! Really, I will wait for you for decades?"

You are my first and only man..." Feng Yueying has a passionate heart.

"This is almost the same", Ye Fan proudly laughed.

Feng Yueying sneaked: "However, there is such a pursuer, in fact, it is also beneficial, so that you can see my husband eating my vinegar... Prove that my husband still cares about me."

Ye Fan looked at the woman silently, and wanted to hit her **** in the street. What thoughts! ?

"Right, let's say, Pierre chased me, but not as good as the first Cavaliers, the leader of Hogel, chasing Ai Er to catch the fierce.

The Knight of Hoggar, who had been kissed before Ai Er did not become a god, was rejected by Ai Er and became ugly in public.

However, the Hogel Knight is not a hate, but has been insisting.

In the past three years, every time Ai Er went to the evil spirits, the Knights of Hogel were fully protected, and he was wounded several times.

The whole temple and even the whole Odin, all admire the infatuation of the Knights of Hogel.

Everyone thinks that if Ai Er is married to the Knight of Hogel, it will be a happy marriage..." Feng Yueying said.

Ye Fan listened uncomfortably. "Is this knight of the court only thinking about picking up a girl?"

They refused him, what is the dead skin?

Is it not his job to protect the gods? Is this infatuated? ”

Feng Yueying slanted and leaned at the man. "Husband, I said Ai Er, why are you so excited?"

Is Ai Er also your woman?

She has a good man to chase, are you so upset? ”

"I..." Ye Fanyu said, "I am with Aier... that life and death, at least not a normal friend! I certainly care about what kind of man she is with! What about that...嚯Oh... absolutely not!"


"It doesn't matter! Anyway, it's not a good thing..." Feng Yueying couldn't help but couldn't help but smiled and shook his head.

All the way to the giant tower in the middle of the court, Feng Yueying took Ye Fan and went to the office of the chief assistant.

A woman in a fur collar trench coat with a cold expression, wearing a towering clergyman hat, is working inside.

"Jubia adults", Feng Yueying greeted the sound.

Jubia looked up and looked at the two. "Yue Ying, you are back. Is this the person the oracle is going to meet?"

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