My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2429: Chiradia

When Ye Fan swallowed up the chaotic void, the situation of the ancient refuge was mentioned, and Ai Er also fell into a shock.

The woman was sitting on the chair weakly, her hands licking her red lips and her eyes wide open.

Quiet for a while, Aier murmured: "Only because of the invasion of evil spirits, the crime rate around the Odin Empire is soaring.

In the past three years, people who have been murdered, robbed, and killed have been more than ten times more than in the past.

If the news of the end of the world spreads out... then..."

"Yes, so we have to be cautious, let alone civilians and ordinary monks, even if they are sacred monks, many will fall into collapse.

If there is any way to stop this disaster, perhaps we can also open this matter, so that we can unite the forces of the wild and fight together.

The problem is that there is no clue now. The only thing I know is that there has never been a civilization that can fight the devour of chaotic voids.

Once the news leaked, it just made the whole floodland desperate and did not help the situation." Ye Fan shook his head.

Ai Er said: "No wonder you would rather be misunderstood by them than to tell the true purpose."

"If you don't stop in time, maybe I can only do it." Ye Fan said with a smile: "But I always hope that before the crisis completely breaks out, I can live more masters.

It is not that they can stop this crisis, but at least they can protect more people and have more strength at key moments. ”

"Husband, are you because the military division said last time that they have become home here, and with children, they want to protect this world?"

In fact, even if you think so in your heart, those of them may not be in harmony with you," Su Shixue secluded.

Ye Fan heard something in the woman's words and said: "Wife, do you seem to know something?"

Su Xiaoxue sighed. "I used Tianyan arithmetic to calculate some future things, although I can't see it because you are an odd number.

But... Judging from the pictures I saw, you can’t seem to save this disaster.”

Everyone's heart sank, and behind Su Shixue's understatement, there are certainly many cruel future images hidden.

Ye Fan laughed at himself. He actually had psychological preparations. "There are so many natural laws that the ancient gods could not stop. If I couldn't stop it, it would be normal."

But you can't watch the end of the world, but do nothing, in case there is any chance. ”

Ai Er said with anxiety: "I originally thought that you will come here and fight against evil spirits with us. After making it clear, Antonio will not pursue it too much."

But now, it seems that the truth cannot be easily said. If Antonio really calls the Presbyterian Church tomorrow, things will be a big deal."

"Tomorrow, the Presbyterian Church is probably not open," Su Guangxue blinked.

"Wife, what do you mean by this?" Ye Fan wondered.

"I saw Fiona today. I saw that I saw the great knight, Hogel, and found out that it was actually someone who had appeared in my mind.

One thing I have figured out before, maybe it is the moment that happens tonight," Su Xuexue.

"what's up?"

"Eye of the Nether", Su Xiaoxue asked Ai Er, "Ai Er, you should know?"

Ai Er's face changed. "The Eye of Nether, it is an evil organization formed by the black magician of the Odin empire and the exiled gods. They have been trying to subvert the empire and retaliate against the court.

After the eruption of the evil spirit crisis, the eyes of the Nether have been inciting the emotions of the people everywhere, spreading the remarks of the condemnation, confusing many people and growing a lot.

But because we are all busy dealing with evil spirits, we have no time to destroy them."

"I feel that they will launch an attack tonight," Su Guangxue frowned. "Ask Fiona, do you know anything?"

Ye Fan quickly let Fiona and Benjamin come out.

When it comes to the eyes of the Nether, Fiona is really white and reveals the color of fear.

"Mr. Ye, I only know that the Eye of Nether has recruited us from all over the world since two years ago.

They provided some shelters so that we don't have to worry about being caught and burned.

Many of our tribes have gone, but later discovered that there are some black magicians in them who use our Sexi people to do human experiments. ”

Benjamin angrily said: "They are curious, why the Sersi people will not be attacked by evil spirits, not to protect the Sersi!

We saw with our own eyes that some of the acquaintances were abandoned in the wilderness and the organs were hollowed out! They don't see the Serbs at all! ”

When the blue rain could not help but smashed Yunyao, "Yunyao sister, it seems that someone started researching more than you."

Chu Yunyao thought: "Magic and science... interesting try."

Ai Er anxiously asked: "Light snow, what kind of picture you see in your mind?"

Just as Su Xiaoxue wanted to say something, Ye Fan stood up with Huo Ran and his brow was locked.

"Don't ask, it's already..."

Ai Eryi, then felt something, ran into the house with great horror, and removed the particle shield.

Looking up, the huge energy of the golden color of the gods is over the sky, and it has brought together countless evil spirits! ?

These colorful, different shapes of evil spirits, small only the size of the palm, but the huge foot has a size of hundreds of meters!

"How come... There are not many evil spirits in the court of the gods. How come so many evil spirits!"

Xu Lingshan said with amazement: "I have only seen so many evil spirits in the frontline battlefield at sea!"

"Yeah, there should not be so many evil spirits in the inland..." Ai Er also stunned.

An evil spirit in Wuhuan shrouded the golden temple.

Obviously, the smell of the souls under the court is smelling, and the evil spirits can't wait.


A thunderous roar, accompanied by the first evil spirit, hit the dome shield, and there are more evil spirits in succession, and began to hit the ground!

When Ye Fan and others just hanged, they found that the temple had become a pot of porridge.

The eyes are full of people who are flustered, and the ears are full of hysterical fear screams!

"God of the Great!"

Jubia's mirror appeared, and the cold face finally showed an anxious expression.

"Not good! I found a Chiradia squad in the forest southwest of the court!

There is a group of black magicians in the robes of the Nether's Eyes, where the evil spirits are sent to the vicinity of the court! ”

"What?!" Ai Er tightened her hands. "It turned out to be a space transfer... no wonder it would suddenly appear."

"The mage of the Nether's Eye, how suddenly it is so powerful, can send so many evil spirits?" Feng Yueying said differently.

"The most difficult thing to do is to transmit the flesh. Because the flesh particles are too bulky, remodeling can be very difficult.

The Chiradia Array is not a true transmission matrix, it is a matrix of conduction energy.

Living people can be broken down into particles and cannot be reshaped, so they cannot be transferred.

The evil spirits are just pure chaotic energy, so as long as the operation of the array can be maintained, it is theoretically possible to transmit.

The black magician, who is mainly the eyes of the Nether, should find a way to not be attacked by evil spirits through the Sersi.

Otherwise, they should have been killed by evil spirits themselves," Ai Er said with some annoyance.

The energy of the dome is obviously unable to withstand so many collisions.

The little evil spirits are pure chaos, and there are some giant evil spirits.

Under the impact of a huge evil spirit of more than 100 meters, the dome was broken!

Countless evil spirits, like wolves into the flock, rushed into the court!

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