My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2433: Evil spirit riot

In the court, the battle makes the night seem to be white! The towering tower of the golden majesty collapsed in the flame of the explosion.

The raging evil spirits are big and small, in the sky, in the streets, in the houses! But if they are attacked by evil spirits, even if they are sacred monks, if they are not properly defended, they will be seriously injured and even killed.

Moreover, the monks below the holy place cannot survive without relying on the instruments and special means! For many civilians who are low-educated, even running and running, they don’t know where the power of chaos can take their lives! Blood and wreckage can be seen everywhere, a body with a lost soul, and the face is terrified and stunned.

The screams and screams from all over the place, let the first light of the city of God shine like a demon's Shura field! Although the temple has countless sacred places since ancient times, most of the monk monks will not stay in the court forever.

At this time, the sacred monks in the entire temple were counted as elders, and there were more than fifty. After all, there were many holy places and they were sent to various places.

Fifty sacred places, in terms of a city, are already very impressive.

The helpless thing is that the number of evil spirits hit is thousands! In this way, more than fifty sacred places are just a drop in the bucket! After all, no one can think of it, the eyes of the Nether can use this transmission method to suddenly drop the evil spirits in the distance near the court.

"Go into the underground refuge! Fast! Fast!!"

At the emergency refuge passage, Pierre took a team of knights and escorted a group of people into the air.

"Pierre Pierre! There are evil spirits coming!!"

The stalking knight shouted.

Pierre turned his head, and a leaping spurt, a sword swung out, and a white star flashing stars! An evil spirit was crushed, but a group of evil spirits flocked from the rear to the entrance! Pierre is **** damn in his heart, but he is also a little skill! Suddenly, the two whiplashes formed by the two phoenixes accurately bound all the evil spirits! Feng Yan bears, burning and exhausting! "Don't thank you," Xiao Xiner, who was flashing behind the flames, smiled at Pierre.

Pierre frowned, but saw Feng Yueying also came to the scene at this time, his eyes were bright.

"Don't move, I will treat you." Feng Yueying saw that there were several knights who had been hurt by the power of chaos and immediately applied the healing spells of the court.

"Miss Yue Ying, thank you for coming in time to save my men," Pierre said.

Xiao Xiner is speechless. "Hey, I saved them! Don't you thank me?"

Pierre pretended not to hear.

"Singer, don't waste time, there are so many evil spirits!"

In the sky, Xu Lingshan waved a sword with a sword like a mercury liquid.

A sword is swung out and the two evil spirits are wrapped directly in the silver liquid! The liquid squirms and smashes, and the sword smashes the evil spirits! This sword is one of the sacred objects that Ye Fan found in the ancient ruins. Because it is in line with Xu Lingshan's characteristics of the silver moon sword, the offensive and defensive balance is given to Xu Lingshan.

The woman named it "Galaxy" herself, because like the water of the Milky Way, the stars are shining.

"哼", Xiao Xiner also knows that the overall situation is serious, said: "Yue Ying you are here to treat, then we will go to other places to kill evil spirits!"

Feng Yueying nodded, with a touch of worry, looking at the southwest direction... At this moment, a dozen elements of particles, a dazzling figure, instantly appeared in the sky above a clock tower, it is Ai Er! More than a dozen evil spirits of different sizes, feel the soul, and come to Ai Er! The elemental particles of the force of chaos, a condensed, produced a high-pressure energy group, flying around the body of Ai Er! "boom!"

A burst of particle blasting, countless dense particle beams, through the fast rays of the close evil spirits! The evil spirits cannot withstand these powerful rays and are broken apart by disintegration! However, some of the huge evil spirits, after being disintegrated, quickly re-aggregated in the high concentration of chaos! Ai Er had expected that he would release countless rays again and completely defeat the evil spirits! God knew for a while, and Ai Er disappeared and appeared outside a hotel.

In the basement of the hotel, the sorcerer shrank a group of guests who did not dare to go out.

After an evil spirit directly smashed the entire stone hotel, it broke into the basement! Ai Er reached out and turned out a huge particle palm print, blocking the whole body of the evil spirits! "God of the Gods!!"

A group of desperate civilians, gray-faced, seeing Ai Er’s figure, tears in his eyes.

Ai Er's particle prints broke out with a burst of violent particle shock waves that smashed the evil spirits! "Don't hide here, go to the nearest refuge, I will protect you!"

Ai Er turned back.

Dozens of civilians quickly set off and thanked Dade.

Ai Er hangs and looks at the people who fled, while observing the battle of the entire court.

Even though the evil spirits have been killed a lot, the more they kill, the higher the concentration of chaos.

The monks were bleeding, and the civilians appeared directly on various complications, and people continued to fall.

"Oh..." The force of chaos in the air began to vibrate, and the whole temple began to tremble! "bad!"

Ai Er’s heart is tight, and one of the most worrying things has happened! Some experienced sacred monks raised their heads and looked at the sky, his face pale.

Hogel, a white gold armor, came to behind Ai Er, "God is an adult, you move too fast, so it is difficult for me to protect your safety in time!"

Ai Er’s eyebrows are close. “The Knight of Hogel is long. It’s not my safety issue. It’s a ‘emotional riot.’ It must be blocked as soon as possible!”

Hogel looked up and looked at the sky in the center of the court, with a huge evil spirit of at least five hundred meters.

Like a colorful star, it is it that brings the power of chaos! The power of chaos, a large number of small evil spirits, is approaching the huge evil spirits at a very fast speed! They fluctuate at a unique frequency and begin to merge.

Many of the evil spirits that have just been killed are revived again, and some that have not been resurrected are absorbed by the great evil spirits! Half of the **** battle masters, this time has already revealed some desperate colors... "God of the gods ... we have to prepare for the temporary abandonment of the court", Hogel dignified.


Ai Er veto: "We are gone, what about other people here!"

Let them wait to die! ? ”

"Your safety is more important than the lives of anyone here!"

Hogel is right.

At this moment, a dragon-like figure quickly rushed back from a distance.

"Ai Er, what is the situation now?"

Ai Er turned and sighed, smiling at the same time, "Ye Fan, have you solved it?"

Hogel saw Ye Fan and looked at Ai Er’s look, his brow was locked.

Ye Fan nodded and pointed to the sky. "What is that?"

Ye Fan was far from the point that the situation inside the court was a bit wrong, and there was a huge evil spirit in the sky.

But the strange thing is that no one is going to move, let him be a demon there, and he is somewhat puzzled.

Ye Fan also did not participate in the large-scale war against evil spirits and lacked experience.

See no one to get started, guessing if there are any special reasons.

In order to prevent help, Ye Fan still removed the state of the battle, first found Ai Er, intend to ask the situation.

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