My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2478: Not willing to let go

"The Sovereign, the Japanese messenger, in the demon country, is the elder of Zhu Rongshi, I wish you..." Liu Qing Hou.

Ye Fan glanced, "What? I wish the Sixth!?"

Liu Qing Hou Yi said: "The Sovereign, do you know the sixth?"

Ye Fan is crying and laughing, this cargo is still a Japanese messenger, hiding deep enough? However, on the strength, he is the Japanese messenger.

"The sixth is responsible for smelting. He is not in the city. He seems to be in the city to treat his daughter and seek methods.

Later, because he had extremely high casting skills, he became a Japanese messenger. In fact, he did not have to be a few years." Liu Qinghou smiled and said: "The Sovereign knows him, that would be better."

Ye Fan nodded. "I don't know, his daughter is still my wife and they are cured."

Everyone is amazed, it’s really good!

"What about the water fire messenger?" Ye Fan asked again.

"The water messenger is in the waters of the northern part of the wilderness. He was born in Xuan Mingshi. The fire messenger is in Tianhuocheng. He is the elder of the Phoenix...

Their identities are also relatively hidden, mainly responsible for transporting water and fire to the sinless city.

On both sides, I will inform you. Now it is imperative that we need to find two messengers of wood and earth.

The number of Lingcao Linghua in the city began to be stretched, and the various materials in the wilderness were also short." Liu Qinghou said.

Ye Fan waved his hand and said: "This is a small matter. Wanhua Valley is now mine. I will find a suitable one from Huaxian, and I will be a messenger."

On the other side of the wilderness, I am a high priest. I will send a servant of the temple to come to be a messenger."

Everyone was in awe, Ai Luoman said: "You are still a wild priest?"

Ye Fan nodded and said with some emotions: "The title is more and more."

In the end, Ye Fan chose a relatively strong one from the chaotic environment, replacing Xiaorou as the Eastern defender.

Some arrangements are in place, and the rest is to start repairing the city as soon as possible and continue to build the refuge fortress.

The new land of nowhere is divided, and it is on the right track.

Ye Fan is worried about the women, and there is no thought to stay.

He gave Liu Qinghou a mobile phone and asked him to communicate with the Odin Empire.

Next, he will let Chu Yunyao put the communication network to the land of nowhere.

Early the next morning, Ye Fan took the dumpling and its "devil meat" and left.

Once again, I came to the valley of the day, and Ye Fan looked around, but did not see the semi-personal shadow?


Suddenly, there was a wave of fluctuations in the air, and Su Xiaoxue and other women continued to appear.

Ye Fan discovered that there was actually a strange door array.

"Are you okay? What happened in the sinless city? Have you seen the city owner?" Su Xiaoxue asked.

Ye Fan smiled and said: "Small rain is not for me, what is it that you have heard a thousand miles? You didn't hear anything?"

"Don't mention it, this is a light rain! Give you the kind of shackles, it will be invalid when you enter the city!" Ning Zifei poked the head of the blue rain.

When the blue rain grievances said: "I... I did not expect that there is such a strong prohibition."

Ye Fan Waner, it is estimated that the devil's layout of the law, the effect, after all, is the skill of the beginning of the plane.

"But the husband can come back really fast." Nian Rujiai smiled and said: "We have been here for half a month in this ‘Infinite Promise,’ and you are back.”

"Half month?" Ye Fan reached out and touched Rujiao's forehead. "Gillian, are you fever? I have only been away for a few days."

Nian Rujiao smiled and said: "French, there is nothing wrong, we really waited for half a month."

Ling Yuwei glanced at the man, "Don't ask, come in with us directly."

Ye Fan was puzzled and walked into the Qiankun array with the women.

The foreground of the eye is like one side, I saw it, and it is about two or three hundred squares in all directions, and it is foggy!

"This is... aura!?"

Ye Fan found that the aura here has become a misty! It’s a strange place, like a fairyland!

The vegetation around us has grown a variety of rare fruits, and the students are tempered by the aura!

"Boss! Yu Wei's singularity is so powerful! It's incredible!" Xie Linyuan said it was a strange way.

Ye Fan carefully felt and muttered: "Here... time flow is different?"

"Now I know, the time flow rate is much faster than outside.

Two or three days outside, we are inside for more than half a month! Ling Yuwei was quite proud.


A little purple-colored beast fluttered into the arms of Ye Fan, and the face of Qi Yefan was Xiao Zi.

Ye Fan holds a little bit of a little purple, it seems that this little guy has a good meal.

For the beast, this growth rate is already very fast.

The snake is hanging on a tree, eating the fruit, and has no time to greet Ye Fan.

Ye Fan hated the iron and shook his head, and he was too lazy to teach the goods.

"Wei Wei, there is such a good law, how can I not use it before, so that everyone can practice faster", Ye Fandao.

Ling Yuwei sighed and took out the meteorite compass and said: "Without this holy thing, I can't make all kinds of layout materials in a short time.

Moreover, the Qimen Faction also needs to be constantly researched and tested. In the past, there were such conditions. ”

"Unfortunately, the time is tight, and now the flood has entered the most dangerous moment.

If you can give it to everyone for ten years, everyone can use this kind of infinite martial arts to practice, perhaps there is a holy place." Feng Yueying cherished.

"Even if it is a temporary hug, it is better than not holding it.

The cultivation is based on the fact that there are many epiphanies, and the length of time may not be able to break through.

Wei Wei’s law matrix ensures that we have sufficient resources for cultivation. As long as we work hard, we will always gain something,” Xu Lingshan said.

The girls nodded, and now they have the strength to help Ye Fan, it is too little, what can be done is to hurry and cultivate.

"Husband, what are you doing, how is the investigation? Is the magic crystal mine taken in the city of innocence?" Su Guangxue asked.

Ye Fan remembered the business, let everyone sit down and simply began to talk about the various things that happened this time.

After the girls learned the truth about the city of innocence, and the secrets of the original black hole and the wild world, they were all shocked.

I learned that Xiaorou was in the city, and Xiao Xiner and other women were mixed.

The emergence of Ye Wuya’s master servant made everyone feel confused.

"Now it seems that the magic crystal mine is missing, most of them are the empire thief shouting to catch a thief." Xie Linyuan frowned: "This is similar to my previous guess, it is almost the same."

"Why is this? The disaster is coming, King Arthur is doing this trick?" Xu Lingshan confused.

Xie Linyuan smiled bitterly: "Xunzi, there is something in this world, even if you die, most people will not let go... You know what it is?"

Xu Lingshan shook her head.

"Power..." Su Xiaoxue said quietly.

Xie Linyuan smiled and nodded.

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