My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2482: Shark group

Ye Fan wondered at first that the cube seemed to be a purely enclosed space.

If you want to let Ai Er inside be mentally attacked, there must be other sources of energy.

If this energy source is inside or next to the cube, it becomes a loophole that is easily destroyed.

So the best way is to hide an energy source outside.

Ke Yefan did not dare to guarantee that it was the same as he thought, so he asked Ai Er if he found something.

Ai Er answered that there is really no source of energy in his cube, and Ye Fan has implemented his own guess.

However, Ye Fan did not notice any energy fluctuations, which came from all directions.

In other words, the only one that may be associated with the cube is the underground!

Ye Fan carefully explored the underground situation and found an unusual energy fluctuation.

If you don't feel it carefully, you can't really find it. The energy of this perfect cube is derived from the underground transportation.

I have to say that if you destroy it at the beginning, it may be difficult to succeed.

Because Delia and others will certainly do everything possible, and Ai Er will suffer.

However, I just played a play with Ai Er, but the guys did not react!

It seems that Ai Er will take some time to come out. A group of chaotic members of the Ark have already attacked Ye Fan under the instruction of Delia!

"kill him!!"

Delia slammed her hands and released a lot of purple-red bird-like energy.

These birds crossed the arc of the road and launched a dive directly toward Ye Fan!

As the fall, the speed of the birds continues to accelerate, and at the same time, a wave of energy fluctuations is released, which interferes with the spirit of Ye Fan.


The moment when the bird fell, it turned into a sharp lens!

Ye Fan’s swords and flowers danced in the hand, and the crystals were cut off, and some of them broke through his body skin!

On the time of the arrival, Ye Fan’s skin wounds appeared in the petrochemical of the lens!

If Ye Fan does not have the blood of a five-clawed golden dragon, I am afraid that this strange energy can turn his whole body into a stone!

At this time, McGrath evokes a blue-green longbow, pulls the bowstring, and shoots three three-green arrows at the frequency of the sails!

These blue-green arrows are like a green comet, keeping up with Ye Fan!

Not only that, but these arrows can also bring a burst of air, the faster the flight!

Ye Fan found that he was hiding, and had to use the Folding Sword Shield to forcibly block dozens of arrows!

They are all chaotic monks, and the lethality of the means of attack is of course enough to kill Ye Fan.

Ye Fan did not dare to be so hard to resist, behind the dragon scale sword wings, rushed out of the warehouse!

Ai Er is in the perfect cube, but it is safe for the time being. He doesn't have to worry too much.

"The hostage is still there, are you running?"

Delia sneered and took everyone out.

Ye Fan does not really go so far, because Ai is still here, and he is not sure whether the woman can leave on her own.

When he came to the port, he found that the ark had gone far and disappeared.

And in all directions, there have been more evil spirits than just now! ?

A large number of evil spirits are gathering here, as large as buildings, as small as cattle and sheep, a steady stream!

A fierce murderousness came from the heart!

Ye Fan’s backhand sword, just collided with a huge axe!


The spine's axe bounced back and fell back to the orc deputy captain, the stone axe!

I saw the stone axe and both hands, holding the tomahawk bigger than its deity, and licking his mouth to reveal his teeth.

"Listen to the captain and say that you are very strong, don't know how to compare with me!"

The stone axe volleyed, and as the speed of Ye Fan approached, the body swung, and the double axe turned into a tornado, and it was as dense as the electric sail.

Like a meat grinder, you must smash the leaf sail directly!

Ye Fan wanted to dodge directly, but found that a large number of green arrows shot around him, limiting his movement.

The back of the belly was attacked by the enemy, and Ye Fan had to use the dragon scales to block the green arrows while using the black giant sword and the stone axe!

The axe collided with the giant sword and scratched the glaring Mars!

Ye Fan’s arms and muscles were knotted, and the two battle axes of the stone axe were inseparable.

There are not too many skills to say, it is block, slash, block, and then cut!

Simple and rude, but the most effective action, hard to make the orc stone axe cut back!

"This...the strength of this kid!!" Stone axe found that his arms were numb, and his hands were cracked!

Delia frowned, "Stone axe, come back! We can limit him remotely! No need to desperate!"

Seven or eight chaotic circumstances, under the leadership of Delia, continued to attack the long-range attack against Ye Fan.

Ye Fan was tired of parry, but did not use the meaning of the purgatory sword.

In the time of this siege, there are more and more evil spirits in the sky, and there have been three successive ones, and there have been evil spirits riots!

Three huge evil spirits are already born!

After two musks, a sudden wave of spirits came from below.

The colorful elemental particles explode with countless beams, and all the chaotic forces around the leaf sails are all broken!

"Ye Fan!"

Ai Er finally broke the perfect cube and flew up.

Ye Fan smiled bitterly: "Stupid girl, why are you coming up, staying in the perfect cube, you are safe!"

"I... I see you being besieged, of course you have to come up to help you!"

Ai Er looked around with vigilance: "Let's go! There are so many evil spirits here!"

"You see so many people, can we go?" Ye Fan sighed. "You don't have to help me, try to protect yourself."

Ai Er also realized that these chaotic conditions were mostly higher than her. Even if she was particleized, she would be stopped if she wanted to go, so she nodded and said, "What should I do now?"

Ye Fan’s eyes flashed a sigh of darkness and said: "Wait... wait for an opportunity."

Said, Ye Fan took out the last time Leviathan gave him the evil spirits and evil spirits, and threw them to Ai Er.

"Put this up, sprinkle the powder, wait for the evil spirits not to pay too much attention to you."

Ai Er knows that he can't hesitate at this time, or he will only drag down the man and do it quickly.

At this time, Delia and others stopped the attack.

"Well, entertainment is almost here," Delia pulled out three psionic bullets. "Sword God, then... you still have fun with evil spirits."

Soon, several other crew members also took out the psionic bombs.

Each use their own tricks to smash the psionic bullets toward Ye Fan!

The psionic bomb exploded around Ye Fan, and a lot of soul energy was scattered.

It seems that a lot of fresh blood has been scattered among the sharks, and countless evil spirits have begun to flock to the position where Ye Fan is!

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