My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2492: faith

Do not pass on the son, pass to the grandson?

The thoughts of the "Thirteenth World" have made them unprepared!

When such information is transmitted, the whole Odin is naturally shocked, but it seems that most people, just holding a skeptical attitude, there is no objection.

Although the royal family, the emperor is very convinced, but Ai Luoman support, plus the "Sword God" and other strong, have expressed support, even if the emperor is not satisfied, and can not fight.

It’s noisy, but I can’t look down on the big waves.

For Ye Fan, this is enough.

As long as Xie Linyuan’s rule of the country can be revealed, most people will shut up.

Anyway, Fuan is also an orthodox heir, and there is nothing to be picky about.

The poor little Fuan, who was ignorant, was pushed to the throne of the emperor, and he had to bear some pressure that he did not have.

After such a power transfer, the situation in the Imperial City has temporarily stabilized.

That night, after Ye Fan and the women discussed it, Su Xiaoxue and other women decided to stay in the Imperial City. It was safer here, and the second one could help Xie Linyuan stabilize the situation.

Like Ling Yuwei, there is no need to run around, it is better to find a good place, and quickly establish a Promise for the cultivation of the Promise, so that everyone can hurry to practice.

Ye Fan was non-stop, and with Ai Er, rushed back to the court.

Prior to this, Shulanting had already arrived with Liviatan and arrived at the court early.

For nothing else, it was the arrest of the insurgent Grandmaster Hogel, the supreme Master Antonio.

Although these two people can't afford too much power, they can be deep-rooted and powerful. They must be eradicated as soon as possible so as not to bring more disasters.

Go back to the court and enter the referee.

"Boss! Miss Ai, you can come! Really mad at me!

The Antonio ghost has not been found, the book girl is still looking for, there has been no news.

When we got here, we only caught this traitor!

He also wants to launch the knights to judge together, but fortunately we came in time, did not let him succeed! ”

Leviathan pointed annoyedly at the back.

Ye Fan and Ai Er looked up and saw Hogel, who had already taken off his black armor and was tied to the shame column by the chain.

Next to it, stood the third Cavalier Pierre, and a black high-ranking knight.

"God of the Great!"

Pierre and the black knights were saluting.

Ai Er saw the black knight and breathed a sigh of relief: "The Cavalier Evra, but you are safe, I am worried that you will be secretly black-handed."

Ye Fan knows that this is Evra, the head of the Second Knights who has been stationed outside and cooperated with the Olympic forces of Odin.

Evra blamed himself: "I didn't expect Hogle to make such infidelity. You are shocked by the gods! We are not able to fulfill our responsibilities, please punish you!"

Ai Er shook his head. "This can't blame you. I didn't expect Hogel to betray me..."

"Haha..." On the court, Hogar, who had been tortured, grinned and said: "Betrayal? Who is the one who betrayed first!"

Ai Er-黛西蕾... I have guarded you for so many years, you have never even shown a bright smile to me.

But... you are actually a woman who has been killed in the middle of the road, so much attentive!

You betrayed my heart for you! You betrayed me! ! ”

"Damn! Hogel! Are you talking about people??"

We are the knights of the gods! Guarding the gods and adults, how can we mix children and children! ?

I like Miss Yue Ying so much, but I have something to do to be sorry for the gods, I am sorry for the court! ?

You have always been my role model, but how can you tell if this is right or wrong! ? Pierre was so sad.

Hogel snorted, "Guarding the court? Guarding the gods? For what? For the gods of our faith!?

The world is ruining, everything is going to be extinct...where is the god! ? God has mercy on us! ?

Why, for me to give up the love of my heart for these cold-blooded gods? ! ! ”

There was a silence in the court.

Pierre and Evra, a group of knights, all showed their sorrow.

Quiet for a while, Ai Er sighed with a sigh. "If you think, believe in the gods, the gods will solve everything for us...

That belief is no longer a belief, but a sad ‘begging’.

We are sick and beg God to cure us;

We are poor and beg God to give us prosperity;

We have encountered difficulties and begged the gods to solve for us...

Belief in the gods is not to let the gods solve all the troubles for us.

But because we have faith, we have the power to overcome the suffering in front of us.

If we are just a group of people who have encountered difficulties, they want to let the gods solve the beggars, how can the gods recognize the believers like us? ”

Ai Er looked at a group of knights and said: "Listen, God does not care, we exist or destroy.

It is not a believer who has a god; but a god, a believer.

So, don't blame God for not giving you enough help, every godpower that is given is worth 100% thanks! ”

The scene once again fell into silence.

Hogel’s face was red and white, his eyes were wet, and there seemed to be a confession, but it did not help.

Evra and Pierre and other knights, revealing the color of reverence, have put their hands in front of them, and ride the Knights.

Ye Fan also looked at Ai Er in amazement. I didn't expect her to say something like this.

"Hogel, I took the position of the Knight of the First Knights in the name of the gods, and retrieved the gun of the meteor belonging to the court."

Your guilty, the elder of the referee, will give you a fair trial! ”

Hogel looked numb and hung his head in a hollow manner.

Ai took a deep breath and turned to walk out of the referee, saying: "These years... thank you, Hogel-Bassins."

Hogel was so excited that he couldn't help it, and his face fell into two lines of tears.

Going outside the referee office, I found a quiet balcony. Aier sucked Yao’s nose and wiped the tears on her eyes.

Ye Fan smiled bitterly. "It's still very sad. After all, I have been together for so many years."

Ai Eryi, busy turning around and explaining: "You don't misunderstand, I don't mean that, I just feel..."

"Stupid girl, what am I going to misunderstand? I mean, after all, the companions of so many years, in the end, not to be hospice, certainly not difficult to accept."

Do you think that I feel that you are sorry for him, so I am jealous? "Ye Fan Wan Dao.

Ai Er’s face is red, “Well...”

"Don't be silly, do I have such a glass heart? Can he compare with me?" Ye Fan raised an eyebrow.

Ai Er couldn’t help but smile. "You are really cheeky."

"If you laugh, you have to recognize the responsibility for what you are doing, and you want to open it." Ye Fan reached out and grabbed the girl's shoulder.

Ai Er nodded, "Thank you... I am much better."

Ye Fan said with emotion: "But really, what you just said in the referee, let me look at it.

Suddenly reacted, in fact, you are not the original young princess. It is true that you should have such experience..."

"What do you mean?" Ai Er whispered: "I said that I am old."

Ye Fan laughed: "You are over-interpreting, saying that you are old? You look in the mirror yourself, do you believe it?"

Ai Er screamed: "Even if I am old, I use particles to make it easy, and you will never find it."

"Ah? Are you always in a good position? Are all small wrinkles on the face?" Ye Fan pretended to find out, and reached out and pinched Ai Er's delicate face.

"Oh... don't pinch it! It's all true!"

It’s hard to get things done, the two are playing, and Ye Fan suddenly notices someone who is not far away.

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