My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2603: Stupid

When Ling Yuwei put a Promise in the Promise, Chu Yunyao began to build the Ark in secret.

There are not many people in the city of sinlessness today, but it is not very eye-catching.

After Ye Fan put all kinds of things to the right, he put himself in the gravity training warehouse and started the final stage of sprint training.

He also knows that it is impossible to reach the quadruple disintegration in a short period of time. After all, the gap between each disintegration is greater.

What's more, he has no natural powers, and his talents are worse.

What he can do is to do his best and leave no regrets.

After more than two months in the big array, Ye Fan walked out from the gravity training warehouse.

Although he still has time, Ai Er and Xie Linyuan, with a group of Odin empire, rushed to the city of innocence.

Meeting room in the city palace.

"The boss, the court and the empire were all occupied by the Obsidian Legion.

This Ye Xuanguang, in order to speed up the progress of the Ark, is almost crazy."

Xie Linyuan blamed himself: "It is useless to us. If we haven't reached the final meeting, we can't keep it."

Ye Fan patted the shoulders of the old brother. "This can't blame you. He has hundreds of chaos under his hand. Just go to a few, and you can't be able to parry."

"Ye Fan, how is your cultivation, are you sure?" Ai Er worried.

"In fact, practicing for a few more days, a few days, is not enough to affect the final battle.

Since obsidian has already taken up all the floods, then I will wait until the people are dead."

Ye Fan smiled. "Would you like, let's have a meal together, eat and drink a big meal, then act as planned?"

"No!" Su Xiaoxue stopped, "Do you want to eat a meal, and then confess to the situation behind you, then go to die? It is unlucky."

If you are going to find Ye Xuanguang, go straight, we will not send off, only waiting for you to come back."

Ye Fan’s expression solidified, and then he smiled. “I will make a suggestion. Since your wife said so, then don’t do it.”

After the meeting, Ye Fan went to the courtyard where the Ye Huangtu couple and others lived.

I haven't seen many days, the couple and Ye Hang, Ye Qingqing, are very missing, asking about how Ye Fan is getting ready.

Although they know that Ye Fan has decided to fight with Ye Xuanguang, but specifically how to plan, is still in the dark.

Ye Fan simply drank some wine with the family, talked about some leisure days, and let them not worry too much. At that time, according to the arrangement of Su Xiaoxue.

"Son, although my mother knows, you must have a lot of things staring at us, but if you don't say, mother will not blame you.

Mother has only one request, you must come back alive, ok? Mother hasn't held her grandson yet," Ji Su said with a red heart.

Ye Fan has mixed feelings. He lacked family warmth since childhood. Although his mother Nie Wuyue re-find him, he also made up some maternal love.

However, what really gives his family a feeling is the family of the town of Houfu in the town.

Ye Fan did not know now, how he did it with the original Xiaohouye, or did not replace it at all, he could not understand.

But what does it matter? He can feel that the inner feelings are real.

"Big Brother, you have hurt me the most since childhood, you can't leave the Qinger no matter what," Ye Qingqing also endured tears and hugged Ye Fan.

Ye Fan touched his sister's head and smiled and said: "Don't make such a life like death, I really don't have any grasp, I will not die in vain."

Ye Huangtuzheng said: "Don't say anything else, thinking that there are people waiting for you at home, everything is careful."

Ye Fan nodded, and after some relief, he walked out of the yard.

All the way to the laboratory of Chu Yunyao.

Ye Fan’s model for women to design and calculate has been completed.

Looking at a model appearing on the holographic image, Ye Fan did not ask the woman what he meant this time, but he looked at it seriously.

The impact, the complexity of the various compositions and parameters, dazzling.

Chu Yunyao looked at the man in a complicated way. "Can you understand?"

Ye Fan was silent for a while and said: "I only have one in ten thousand chances, right?"

"I know that you are stupid, every time I asked me, it was intentional," Chu Yunyao said coldly.

Ye Fan smiled back. "I like you to yell at me, "stupid" tone, very cute."

Chu Yunyao squatted, don't go too far, his eyes are red and red, "stupid... know that it is one in ten thousand, do you want to die?"

"The theory belongs to the theory, isn't it up to me to implement it?" Ye Fan shrugged. "I won't beat the battle with a low win rate..."

Chu Yunyao took a deep breath, "actually..."

Halfway through the words, the woman shook her head again.

"what happened?"


"What is the situation, Xiaoyao Yao will have a time to speak and stop?" Ye Fan feels weird.

Chu Yunyao frowned, "Nothing is fine, nothing else, you are gone, I will do the last system matching test of the Ark."

Ye Fan was holding the woman's waist from behind.

"You are fine, but I want to have something to do with you..."

After a blizzard.

Ye Fan left from the city of innocence.

Although there is still a month away from the Doomsday Conference, he does not want to wait any longer.

Every day, countless people who are against the obsidian, and those who have been abandoned by obsidian, are dying one after another.

Since it is necessary to face all of this sooner or later, Ye Fan does not want to be dragged to a more serious casualty.

Flying all the way.

Passing through the thousands of mountains and waters that have gradually become familiar, Ye Fan came to the Dazheng Imperial City.

When a horrible emperor-level sword was under pressure, it overshadowed the imperial city, and all the remaining obsidian warriors all vacated.

Ye Fan walked like a stroll, came to the palace, went down with a sword and directly destroyed the icicle.

Su Forget, which was frozen for nearly two months, was finally released.

"Lord of the Sword God, you are..." The pale face of Su Forgot, his face was amazed.

"Let's go, the next thing, has nothing to do with you.

I am saving you. I hope that if there is an opportunity in the future, you can be kind to those who survived the disaster." Ye Fandao.

Su Forget's look changed, but he also realized what he had to do, and he had to hang his hand and "respect".

He drummed his feet and decided to fly away.

"Prisoner in the district! Who is allowed to leave?" A chaotic six-point obsidian general, directly to intercept Su forget.

But the generals just started, but saw a black flame sword, like a lightning flash out of the air, directly open him, burst!

From the beginning to the end, Ye Fan stood in the same place and didn't seem to move!

Su has forgotten, just raised the spirit to deal with, but found that the enemy has become a blood fog? !

Dozens of chaotic scenes on the scene, hundreds of sacred elements of the Obsidian Legionnaires, all scared to retreat, heartbreaking!

They didn't even see Ye Fan's shot, and the chaotic six-strong warrior was spiked! ?

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