Chaos Void located somewhere in the wild, a small, small-sized ark that can only accommodate about 100 people, quietly lurking.

On the façade of the ark, a few letters are engraved, which is the name of the Ark: HOPE, Hope.

In the control room, Chu Yunyao, who was in the white coat, held a glass of red wine in his hand and sat in the captain's position, looking out at the chaos and screaming out.

Under the console, a round table, Ning Zi Mo, Feng Yueying, Ai Er, Nian Rujiao and other women, all sit or stand, quietly do not speak.

Everyone's face can't tell the dignity, even if it is very good at adjusting the atmosphere of the foggy night and the blue rain, this time they are all red, no mood to say joking.

"My Tianyuan 蛊 didn't recover, I didn't have time to give Ye Fan's brother another sputum, or I could help me a little." When the blue rain sucked the nose, it was self-blame.

"This time the battle, which is to take a single injury can determine the result? Xiaoyu don't feel bad, except for the light snow and Xiner, we can't really help." Ning Zi caressed the girl's head.

"In fact, everyone has tried their best to do what they can. If we go together, we can really help, then who will be afraid of death... just, it’s useless to blame ourselves, and it’s only a drag on the road.” Feng Yueying Road.

Ai Er laughed and laughed. "I may have done something wrong. If I chose to practice with you earlier, instead of staying in the court to resist evil spirits, I might catch up with this battle."

"You are... the **** of the gods, Aier-黛西蕾? Are you also with the Lord of the sword?"

Aside from the side of the ark's protective window, there are still a few women who keep a distance from the girls.

It was the candlelight, the wind and the hustle and bustle, and the candlelight also brought the little niece to the air.

At this time, Xiao Huaisu recognized who Ela was, and it was very magical.

Ai Er frowned at some dissatisfaction. "Can't you?"

Xiao Huai Su smiled. "It's not that it is, it's a bit strange... If you know it, time should not be long."

"Hey, I know the time with Ye Fan, but it is much longer than you. Besides, this Xiao De, you know the time with Ye Fan is very short?"

He reasonably said that it is still not your door student, and how many times did you get along with it? How did you develop your feelings? ”

Ai Er saw that his own feelings with his lover were questioned and immediately countered a few words.

"I..." Xiao Huai-su was somewhat dissatisfied: "I didn't know that he was a sword god. He was a cold brother. I was heart-warming. I like cold brother."

"Cold big brother?"

The girls looked at each other and sniffed a strange smell.

"You said that the cold brother, will not be called cold stars?" Ling Yuwei guessed.

"Yeah, how do you know that? He also lied to you like this?" Xiao Huaisu blinked.

The women sneered, full of disdain, contempt, and even seemed a little shy.

"Is it enough, can he not take another name?"

"This guy, too shameless, this time I really can't come back, maybe this is the censure," Xu Lingshan shook her head.

"Don't mention this, Gillian is here," Feng Yueying whispered.

Nian Rujiao wiped away the tears and said nothing: "It doesn't matter, for me, the cold star is the last thing in the past."

As long as the husband is good, he wants to call anything, I will not be angry."

The women all felt uncomfortable in their hearts and went up to comfort.

"So... cold star, with the lady, what is it... oh!"

Xiao Huai Su was still very curious, but the wind and the wind next to it directly caught her mouth.

"Can you die if you don't speak?"

Xiao Huai Su blinked innocently.

"Giggle... you are too interesting."

The candlelight smiled and looked at the interaction between the two women with enthusiasm, then drank the red wine in the cup and walked slowly to the console.

She bowed her head, and her long, fragrant hair fell, looking at Chu Yunyao who said nothing.

"Chu Guoshi, you look for me, let me take them to the boat, but now, I don't know what the master is going to do, you are not going to explain it to us?"

Feng Qingyu and Xiao Huaisu also hurriedly looked over. They were also confused. After going to the ark, they were not sure what was going on.

I thought I would see Ye Fan, but I learned that Ye Fan was going to fight with Ye Xuanguang, which really shocked them.

Chu Yunyao did not speak, but clicked on the keyboard a few times. In the middle of the round table below, a holographic image appeared.

It is this time to eliminate the black hole battle plan model.

"Since Ye Fan said, you are all yourself in the future, then you really have the power to know what to face.

I only said it once, can you understand yourself if you can understand..."

Immediately, Chu Yunyao explained this plan probably.

When I heard this crazy plan, the candlelight and the wind were clear, and Xiao Huaisu was all dumbfounded.

Although for them, Hongmen dominates, the power of Hongmeng, and the reasons for the formation of primitive black holes are still very vague.

However, even if they don't know much, they know that this is an "impossible task"!

"How can this be done?! Even if the world is flooded, it is almost impossible to move it!

Although I don't know how big the world created by Hong Meng is, but it is definitely bigger than the flood? ! Xiao Huai Su exclaimed.

"It’s a mess! Where is he? Now tell him to come back!” Feng Qingyi couldn’t help but feel excited.

Chu Yunyao sighed. "First of all, this is the only hope for saving the world, and no one has the right to make decisions for him.

Secondly, this plan is not without success, but the probability of success is too small.

It is indeed impossible to promote the two worlds, but it is the interaction force that really pushes the power of the two shares to the two sides.

These two forces are the most crucial. Ye Fan and Ye Xuanguang, the power of man-made plus, may not even count one-hundredth of a billion.

What he is pursuing is just such a small variable. Can it just break the critical point and let the black hole's gravity lose its effect.

In fact, after the original force of the flow speed, the volume, the collision frequency of the two forces of force, and other parameters, the calculation.

It can be roughly estimated that the two forces, or the two planes, do have a chance to be completely separated.

It is really difficult to push an object that is still, because there is static friction, but the moving object is always easier...

More importantly, if the power of the two shares is pushed to a certain extent.

The black hole in which we live is a drop in attraction.

Other black holes, if they are close together, will increase the appeal of these two forces.

One after another, one increase and one decrease, it will cause a chain reaction.

If you are lucky, these two forces will encounter the gravity of other black holes, and the success rate of this plan will increase greatly."

"I don't know so many things, but no matter what, it is a very low probability of trying.

After all, you also said that when the Emperor Yu and the Emperor Xuanyuan were not able to do it, the candlelight frowned.

"Chiyou and Ji Xuanzhen did not do it. It is very possible because Ji Xuanzhen did not cooperate.

Or because Chiyou had no experience, so it was not successful, and unfortunately was directly killed by Ji Xuanzhen.

Of course, you are right, it is possible... really can't."

"The master still dares to take risks? He and Ye Xuanguang add up, not necessarily the opponent of the two ones," the candlelight frowned.

Chu Yunyao took a deep breath. "There are two reasons. The first one, Chiyou did not have the opportunity to try again and again, but Ye Fan has simulated it.

Second, if our guesses about the group are true... then they will at least not die."

"What? Group?"

Candlelight, Fengqing and Xiao Huaisu are very confused.

The other women, but it is the color of hope, understand what Chu Yunyao said.

At this moment, the control room door opened and several figures rushed in.

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