My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2624: Phoenix goddess

For Ye Fan and others who are accustomed to walking in the wild, the earth does seem small now.

Flying around the world for a few laps, almost all of them have been turned over, and it will be half a day.

After a rug-like search, Ye Fan and others finally realized that the planet was not the world they lived in.

First of all, the plate activity has made the terrain change dramatically.

The original continents of the oceans are unrecognizable and the distribution of the people is completely different.

Secondly, perhaps because of the changes brought about by the original force, the richness of various cultivation resources, so that today's entire planet, cultivation and civilization and prosperity.

You can see Zongmen and the schools of cultivation everywhere, and passers-by who come and go, have more or less practice.

However, it seems that the earth has also enacted strict laws and has not become confused because of cultivation.

However, after all, it is a planet based on the Taiji world. Even if it has the original power, the cultivation is still insufficient.

Ye Fan probably perceives that there are so many worlds in the world that these people are located in some of the best places on the planet, and they can be seen in an extraordinary position.

Judging from the breath of these people, most of them are descendants of the clan. It seems that the blood is still innate.

The sacred environment, Ye Fan is not found, does not rule out that some people hide the cultivation, but it should not be possible.

This is actually very normal. After all, in the early days of the world, it seems that there are many sacred places. However, from the perspective of the total proportion, the sacred environment is also rare, and the chaos is even less.

Moreover, many are achieved for thousands of years, even for tens of thousands of years of cultivation.

There is a sacred place on earth, and it is no exaggeration for the earth to cultivate civilization.

In fact, most of the monks on earth do not know that there is primitive power between heaven and earth.

Because, below the holy world, only aura can be used.

They don't even have access to the power of chaos, let alone the existence of the power of the original.

At a picturesque seaside, there are no people, only a few sparse villages.

After flying around the world, everyone fell on a beach.

The table and chair stools were opened and a few bottles of wine were opened.

Enjoy the view of the sunset beach while chatting about today.

Chu Yunyao took out some of his own instruments on a separate table.

Direct access to the Earth's network through a computer that comes with it.

"In fact, it is similar to the original. Practice and technology are developing. It is nothing more than development. This network technology is too easy to be broken."

Chu Yunyao made a series of three sentences and forced into various databases to retrieve various confidential documents.

"Please, Yunyao sister, you use Ethereum, is that even the top-level technology of Taisu is good?" When the blue rain turned a blind eye.

"Oh, my technology has long surpassed the ether. I am looking forward to it. There is no stronger technological civilization in the Taishou area." Chu Yunyao is quite looking forward to it.

"Hey, the text is no different from ours, it's all Chinese characters," Ling Yuwei said.

"It will not be long before, how many years is it?" Feng Yueying asked busy.

Chu Yunyao's look was complicated and silent for a while.

"Online, it is now 9012, the calendar, is already an ancient calendar.

According to the AD, it should be 103016, that is to say... after 100,000 years..."

"What!? 100,000 years!?"

Everyone was shocked.

Chu Yunyao frowned, "In fact... it is not difficult to understand, the Taishou plane and the Taiji plane, the time difference is huge.

The time when the earth enters the Taishi plane is late, and naturally this happens.

Moreover, because of the original force impact, various turbulences in time and space, the specific time, this can not be accurately calculated.

Tens of thousands of years, more than ten thousand years, are possible.

I also told you earlier that I should be mentally prepared. ”

There was a panic and a loss in Su Shixue’s beauty. "That... group..."

Ye Fan reached over his wife's shoulder and frowned. "Yunyao, are you sure you made a mistake?"

This is over 100,000 years. How can these words be similar?

And just now we also saw that all over the world, architecture, human landscape, clothes worn by everyone, are similar to us at the time.

How can it be 100,000 years, the only change is the topography.

Everyone should be strange, and the architectural style must be changed. ”

"You can see the reasons for these problems from the current history of mankind."

Chu Yunyao said that he had taken a piece of human history and brought it out to everyone.

"I will give you a rough summary. The current history is written like this...

About 100,000 years ago, the ancient ancestors of the Earth, after an invasion of aliens, caused bad pollution on the surface.

The atmosphere, soil, and water are all filled with radiation.

The earth can no longer survive, so the Earth Federation at the time, in the lunar orbit, created a space station around the earth.

This circular space station, called the 'fire crown,', various human elites and biological specimens, was sent to the space station.

History called this period a ‘dark exile.’

In the later tens of thousands of years, the earth became a barren planet, and all civilizations were covered by changes in the earth's crust.

The earth has been reborn for a long time.

Until 20,000 years ago, all resources of the space station were in short supply.

The most brave group of human elites, on a ‘Prometheus’ spacecraft, returned to Earth and rebuilt civilization...”

Speaking of this, Chu Yunyao suddenly frowned, and his eyes showed a strange color.

"What's wrong? Yunyao sister?"

"Yunyao, what did you see?"

Everyone was listening to God, and Chu Yunyao was so shocked that he couldn’t help himself.

When you look at the paragraph that Yunyao pointed to, everyone is very expressive.


"This group leads the human race, returns to the earth, builds a great human pioneer of civilization, called "the swordman"!?"

"The first stronghold on Earth, codenamed 'INFERNO'!?"

"Founder, the leader of the swordman... ‘Phoenix goddess’ Du Yuner!?”

Ye Fan and Su Qingxue looked at each other and saw surprises and embarrassment from each other's eyes.

If Yuner has such a high status and strength, it means that the group has a high probability.

However, it also shows that in these tens of thousands of years, the regiment has encountered trouble.

"Scorpio... It’s a shame that Yuner’s gimmick is actually the founder of this earth civilization now?"

"My sister, born with a bodhisattva heart, is not unusual at making such a thing.

Plus she is so obsessed with someone, taking over the sword is also very normal." Xiao Xiner took a look at Ye Fan.

"She seems to have a very high historical status, and she has been worshipped as a god. All kinds of names are available.

The mother of the human race, the savior, the **** of nirvana, and the goddess of phoenix are the most common names.

In the evening, there is also the title of ‘wisdom goddess’, because now the science on earth is basically established by her.

It is no wonder that they can build a space station that has lived for tens of thousands of years. It seems that I still remember a lot of Ethernet technology in the evening. ”

"They have the resources we left behind. If we have a good cultivation, it is normal to live for more than 100,000 years.

It’s been a magical thing to not fly. That Yuner and the group, where are they now? ”

Chu Yunyao searched for a moment, but helplessly said: "We are 19 million years old..."

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