My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2638: Little Fox

On the other side, Ye Fan, after eating a few meals, found a hotel nearby to rest.

I haven't lived in a hotel on Earth for a long time, and all four are quite fresh.

In the middle of the night, the four were meditating, but they suddenly fell asleep.

On the balcony, a phantom appeared, opened the landing door, Shi Shiran into the room.

"It's really enough. I have been asleep for so long. It seems that a few of you are repairing for more than a lifetime."

The sledge came to the bed and bent over to take a small face of blue rain.

"It’s not bad, but it’s a pity that you shouldn’t be provoked, my sister can only take you away.”

In order to prevent accidents, the ferrets took out a medicinal herb and stuffed it into the blue rain.

Immediately, the girl was wrapped in a black cloth bag, directly against the shoulders, quickly jumped out, and the wind flew away.

When the snow fell, the blue rain left, Ye Fan and the fog night, Du Yuner, just sat up.

"Oh..." The foggy night couldn't help but smile. "Laughing me, this woman is too funny, assassination assassination, even talking to himself."

"It's quite a fate, my nephew, I met your family." Ye Fan laughed.

"A little demon fox, up to two tails, the blood of this lady, but the six-tailed fairy fox level, she is in front of me, is only a small fox scorpion", the foggy night is proud.

"Hey, your fox's tail is awkward. I didn't know who it was. The shadow dance took a few seconds and I was tired." Ye Fan shook his head and smiled.

The foggy night made a face and remembered the past, like yesterday.

"Ye Fange, my son, let's hurry with the past, what should I do if there is something wrong with Xiaoyu?"

The woman's medicine is very powerful. If I am in a general situation, I am estimated to have fainted. Fortunately, I have the blood of the Phoenix girl.

Xiao Yu ate her remedy, what to do if something unexpected happened," Du Yunan worried.

"Oh, Yuner, you will put a hundred hearts, play these drugs to poison, Xiaoyu is the ancestors of her ancestors!"

That girl is now estimated to be stealing music, and it’s a good time to sleep."

Ye Fan got up and regretted: "In order to wait for this little fox to shoot, I can't really love you, let's go, watch the show, and wait for the next ‘fair thing.’

Du Yuner’s face was red, and the foggy night was full of expectations, nodded hard.

A piece of abandoned quarry stone mine on the outskirts of Donghua City.

Lu Rongzhen took a group of black men and saw the snow fluttering with a black big bag.

"It is the third in the assassination list. In addition to the high fees, the others really have nothing to say."

"People I brought, the other half of the deposit, I hope Miss Lu will not forget."

"Money is not a problem, first inspection."

Snowy eyes did not matter, open the black bag, revealing the blue rain when sleeping.

Seeing this face that gave her a nightmare experience, Lu Rongzhen’s face was so gloomy that she couldn’t wait to go to the blood to eat meat.

"Hey... you will fall into my hands after all."

Xue Yu yawned and hugged his hands in front of him. "Miss Lu, are you going to unload her eight? Or is it insulting to death?"

"When is she going to sleep?"

"I gave her the "Tianxiang Nightingale Pills". Even if I took the pill, I had to sleep all day and be sealed and repaired."

"How do you call her to wake up?"

"She just fell asleep, strong stimulation, and naturally woke up," Xue said with a bad laugh.

Lu Rongyi waved a gesture and gestured to his men. "Go up and slap her, I want to see what she has hidden."

Lu Rongzhen firmly believes that he should be in possession of a certain drug, and will be full of rumors during the day.

In case, just in case, she decided to first check the whole body of the blue rain, and then retaliate.

But she just ordered, but found a group of big men behind me, all of them are not moving.

"What are you doing? What is your ear?" Lu Rongqi turned back and was dissatisfied.

I don't want to, just after the end, the two recent men, but directly rushed up!


Lu Rongzhen exclaimed, and before she reacted, the clothes on her body were torn!

Not only that, but the guys are like the beasts, trying to insult her!

In her eagerness, she rushed to run the plastic real yuan, to shake off these few men.

These hitters in the knot period are not her opponents, they are directly shocked and vomiting blood.

The snowy frown on the side, "Miss Lu, what happened to your men? Rebellion?"

Not waiting for her to finish, she felt someone behind her, was on her shoulder.

The snow was cold and sweaty, and suddenly turned back, when the blue rain was smiling at her.

A pair of watery eyes, can not tell the playful and smart, revealing narrow.

"Hey, how much do you kidnap me? How do I divide it?" asked Lan Yu.

The snow was cold, and the subconscious was retreating. He exclaimed: "You are making a ghost!? You are not coma!?"

When the blue rain is smashing, "Your medicinal medicine is very sweet, is there still? I want to eat candy."

Snowy face is green, what the monster is this?

"Fox fox! You do a good thing! Get her caught!" Lu Rong was furious.

"Do you have a problem with your surname? You haven't seen it yet, we are being played! Run!"

Snow scorpion dare to fight, since the blue rain is installed, it means that Ye Fan is deliberately set, she has fallen into the trap!

She is directly at the foot, working for a long life, and intends to run far.

Just after a flash, I found that there was a shadow in front of the body.

"Little fox, where are you rushing?" The foggy night blinked and appeared in the night.

Xue Yu’s heart trembled and it was traced!

She turned her head and spurred the blood of the Qingqiu.

"Shadow Dance!"

In an instant, the shadow of the snow owl is like a white afterimage.

But she thought that she would take out the housekeeping skills, and she would have nothing to do, but she was scared to find that the foggy night was actually around her, closely following her figure? !

Moreover, it is still a blue shadow! ?

In the foggy night, she smiled at her badly, and hit it directly with her arm. She hit the snowballs and flew out, such as a broken kite, and spurted blood.

The snow fell on the ground, and his face was unbelievable. He looked at the foggy night that was approaching slowly, and his face was like paper.

"How could it be... you... your shadow dance is the legendary realm of time!? You are our Qingqiu?!"

Xue Yu never knew, there is a master in the family, and the shadow dance is trained to such a high level.

The fog night 蕶 certainly didn't bother to answer, just sighed: "Little fox, you can't do this killer technology. So many flaws, I didn't see that we were deliberately under the cover, and even the ancestors were disappointed."

In the end, I can't blame the snow owl. The leaf sails and the foggy nights she faced are killers.

The so-called loopholes, they themselves know, the snow can not be found.

Ye Fan and Du Yuner, then came out and looked at the clothes and shirts, and the face was like a dead gray Lu Rongzhen.

"If you don't want to do much, you will let you live a life. It seems that you have no repentance at all," Ye Fan said.

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