My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2666: a little cooked

When Ye Fan heard it, he still had the heart to control what the first few devils, and quickly ran to the room where the group was.

The women at home and Nie Wuyue, etc., after receiving the news, also rushed.

Nie Wuyue saw everyone coming, but he couldn’t see two daughter-in-laws.

"Where is Qing and Xiner?"

"Mom, they met Shenlong and the Phoenix clan, they were their ancestors, there were some things to find them, so they haven't come back yet," Du Yun said with a smile.

"Hey, your sister, it doesn't make people worry, I see the news, I can really toss." Nie Wuyue smiled and shook his head.

Ye Fan and Su Qingxue are not thinking about what news, just focus on watching Chu Yunyao and Ji Qingqing, and carry out the final equipment debugging.

"Yunyao, I am here."

Ji Qingqing stood on the side of the vice console and nodded.

Chu Yunyao stood in front of the main control platform and looked back at Ye Fan and Su Qingxue.

"This time we have repaired the genes of the group. Although there is no problem in technology, it is a brand new attempt, and it always comes at risk.

So... I finally asked you once, are you sure you want to give gene therapy to the group? ”

“Is there a risk? What is the risk?” Ye Fan frowned.

Nie Wuyue and others also raised their ears and worried.

"I don't know, because the human body is too complicated, there will always be some unforeseen circumstances that will happen," Chu Yunyao said.

Ye Fan’s heart is awkward, and even if he saves the flood, he will not be afraid of him.

But this time it involves the daughter's life, he is very upset.

"Since the technical confirmation has no problem, then treat it, anyway... no matter what, it will not be worse than waiting for death now," Su Guangxue said red-eyed.

Ye Fan glanced at his wife, but did not expect that this time the woman got the determination.

"Yunyao, let's get started," Ye Fan sighed.

Chu Yunyao no longer said anything more. He opened the biochemical compartment and removed some intubation and testing equipment from the group.

After the small body of the group was carried into the gene therapy cabin, it was restarted to pick up some syringes.

Ye Fan frowned, and my heart was very uncomfortable.

Especially looking at her daughter's body, just like a doll, she was pulled out of the pipe and pierced into various things. She wished that she had been cut a few times by the sword and suffered this crime for her.

Su Xiaoxue’s eyes were wet, and he couldn’t bear to look at it, but he was not at ease. He could only keep staring.

"This time our treatment, in general, is to replace the genes that have gone wrong with the group into healthy ones.

Although it is all from your genes, it is not the most primitive, and what happens, we don't know.

However, at least one point can be sure that her body should not deteriorate any more," Chu Yunyao.

After the gene therapy cabin was closed, a different light wave began to appear inside.

Chu Yunyao and Ji Qingqing follow each other's steps and cooperate with each other to speak some technical terms that others can't understand.

Although Ye Fan is a doctor, he can't understand this super advanced medicine.

After more than three hours, Chu Yunyao sighed.

Open the treatment cabin and remove all the pipes from the group.

The face of the group was still pale and still in a drowsy state.

"From the physiological characteristics shown, the whole governance is successful, but the group also needs to take some nutrients and nurse the body to fully wake up."

Su Xiaoxue was relieved and gratefully looked at Chu Yunyao and went up to pick up her daughter.

"Hey, nothing, you will be fine, my mother will give you all the spirits, you will be healthy."

Ye Fan can't smile. "Wife, it's a three-point drug, or a food, don't eat Lingdan to break the child's meridians."

Su Xiaoxue realized that the elixir is risky and said: "What do you want to eat?"

"Children can supplement nutrients, high-protein foods, fruits and anything, soft things.

After all, this little guy hasn't eaten for a long time, even if the body is very strong, you should be careful, this machine has not been running for a long time," Chu Yunyao.

Su Xiaoxue then said to Gu Qing: "Qinger, go get some milk, I want to feed my daughter."

"Ah?" Gu Qing's face was red, and she lowered her head: "Princess... I... I don't have...milk..."

"Who wants you, I mean milk," Su Shixue rolled his eyes.

Everyone can't help but laugh out loud. After all, the floods basically don't have the habit of drinking milk.

"Forget it, or my grandmother, go and give my granddaughter some milk powder." Nie Wuyue smiled.

"I am going to give the group a little big soup!" When the blue rain volunteered.

"Don't, Xiao Yu, what you are deploying, or don't let the group take risks." Ning Zi is busy dissuading.

When the blue rain pouted, the girls were another burst of smile.

At this moment, Ling Yuwei suddenly noticed something and took out the meteorite compass.

On the compass, the earth elements converge on it, quickly forming a three-dimensional map, which is a variety of landscapes around the infernal purgatory.

At this moment, there are two spheres, which represent what is going close to the infernal purgatory.

"It seems that someone is coming, there are still many people." Ling Yuwei blinked.

Ye Fan also spread his knowledge and felt it.

"Xinger and Qingyi? How did they bring so many people?"

Ye Fan couldn't help wondering, but he was too lazy to think too much. He said: "Let's go out and see, my wife, you are going back upstairs, and her room is packed up."

Su Xiaoxue naturally did not have the mood to control other things, holding his daughter to take care of himself.

At the same time, outside the purgatory.

"Old ancestors, according to intelligence, the front is the hole in the sky."

We received the news that the inside should be passed down. Shenlong’s really found a master of the ancestors in the family. It’s a must to come here this morning.

The patriarch Xiao Junshan introduced the side.

Xiao Xiner is frowning. She always feels that this sea area seems to have come by herself.

Although the sea is winding, everything is almost the same, but the direction of flight seems to be really infernal.

Everyone saw Xiao Xin’s words, thinking that it was this ancestor who heard Shenlong’s ancestor’s ancestry, and he was a bit worried, but he also understood.

"Xinger ancestors, your strength is definitely stronger than the other ancestor of the other party, not to mention that we are definitely not weaker than the gods of the dragon, you can rest assured," Xiao Ruolan said confidently.

Xiao Xiner suddenly noticed something, could not help but turn her head and then flew in the other direction.

"Xinger ancestors! Where are you going?" A group of people of the Phoenix clan, stunned, but quickly caught up.

On the other side, a group of Shenlong's people are also flying towards the infernal purgatory.

"The ancestors of the Qing dynasty, coming soon, there is a dragon vein blocked by the Qimen array. The small woman has already investigated it." Lu Feiyan as a passerby, this time is flying ahead.

Feng Qingyu is a bit puzzled, although she is not familiar with the earth, but ... how does this road look like it is back home?

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