My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2671: Mother and daughter

The couple went out to play with the group, but the other women did not get together.

Shantou is naturally reluctant, but because of it, it is a bit conspicuous and he has to give up.

Once again, I came to Donghua City, and Ye Fan has a lot of roads.

The group suddenly changed its own home, and some did not adapt, but the kindergarten was gone, she was very happy.

Gu Qing finally had the opportunity to go to the city of the earth to go shopping, naturally full of fresh eyes.

Donghua City covers a vast area, and the place where Ye Fan ran before actually became the tip of the iceberg.

This time, because of the children, I chose a mirror moon lake scenic spot suitable for family vacation.

The waterfront lakes are all kinds of resort hotels.

After the cultivation of civilization and prosperity, the resort has also built a beautiful and beautiful place, some of which are the valleys of the smog and the sky, and some are towering skyscrapers.

On the island of Huxin, it is a huge playground and there are many water sports.

As soon as the group ran to the playground, it was completely mad. When it was a cloud-gun car, it took the Ye Fan couple to sit three times in a row.

The so-called bullet car is actually a roller coaster without a track.

Using the principle of mutual exclusion of runes, let some people sitting on the ball continually eject in a space.

Once the aura is activated, these **** fly like the marbles, constantly moving back and forth, seemingly to hit, but they can't hit.

Although Ye Fan and Su Qingxue are interesting, they are all experienced people who have experienced the "black hole battle".

When the group wanted to pull them to sit for the fourth time, Ye Fan couldn’t help but scream.

"Qinger, you bring a group to play," Ye Fan looked at the side of Gu Qing quite look forward to, said with a smile.

"I?" Gu Qing, although she wanted to go, still looked at Su Xiaoxue with hesitation.

"Go, I want to play, I just want to play, I am here to relax, don't have to be strict," Su Xiaoxue handed the bank card to Gu Qing.

"That... well, thank you princess," Gu Qing took over.

"Qinger's sister! Go and go! The group still has to play!" Little fat girl grabbed Gu Qing's hand and couldn't wait.

Recently, the group has been very familiar with Gu Qing, and especially like Gu Qing.

The reason is that this big sister is relying on her, unlike her mother, she always asks her to learn and ask her to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Gu Qing was a little annoyed at first because the group called her "sister", but after a long time, she became accustomed.

Gu Qing picked up the group and ran to learn how Su Xiaoxue had just bought the ticket, and then they entered the red bullet car together.

Reiki, in the huge transparent space, hundreds of **** began to eject.

Looking at Gu Qing and the group laughing inside, Su Xiaoxue rested in the arms of Ye Fan.

"Fortunately, with the arrival of Qing, let her share it. This girl is really too noisy, this character is not like you are not like me." Su light snow mouth disgusted, his eyes are full of love.

“There are still many hot items here, it is estimated that it can be played for a few days.” Ye Fan reached out and stroked the woman’s delicate cheeks. “Wife, are we going to organize a wedding?”

"Wedding?" Su Xiaoxue raised his dagger and his eyes widened. "Are we not doing it, at the time of the Great Evangelization."

"That time someone else did it for us. It was Xiao Houye and the long princess who became married. What's more, your memory has not recovered. It was not completely you at the time."

Ye Fan kissed the woman's forehead. "The most important thing is that there is no room."

Su Xiaoxue smiled and said: "I see the last sentence is your true heart... or forget it. Anyway, the memory of the wedding at that time, I have it, I have done it.

We have been together for so long, our daughters are so big, and we have a wedding. It doesn't mean anything. ”

"I really don't do it?" Ye Fan frowned. "Is this not a pity?"

"After so many things, I have been thinking about a ceremony for so many years.

Besides, if you really want to have a wedding, you have to call a guest. Our relatives and friends are almost gone.

Do we both get married and let the sisters send blessings next to them? Have you thought about their feelings? Su Shixue asked narrowly.

Ye Fan’s face was awkward. He did know that he was sorry for her woman, but he always felt that he owed Su Shixue.

"And, my husband, you have thought about it, really want to do a wedding, what is the specific plan?"

"Oh... I haven’t thought about it yet. Shouldn’t I take a wedding photo, find a good place, exchange a ring or something?”

"Ye Fan, are you stupid!"

Su Xiaoxue couldn't help but poke the man's forehead.

"I will forget it. You are also a person who saved the plane. Do you marry your wife, just like ordinary people, are you not a little creative?"

You are not too shameful, I am shame for you, take a wedding photo, find a place to exchange rings? This is not the scenery that the Princess had married to Houye House. ”

Ye Fan can't help but smile. If you think about it, if you can't make a special wedding, isn't it unnecessary to do it yourself?

"That... then I think about it again," Ye Fan said.

Su Xiaoxue stretched out in his arms and whispered: "Husband... I want to eat doughnuts."

Ye Fan mysterious smile, from the space ring, took a box of strawberry doughnuts directly.

"Prepared for you early."

"Wow, when did you buy it?" Su light snow shines.

"You just took the group to the bathroom, I took the opportunity to search for the nearby dessert shop."

"Are you quite a thief, deliberately waiting for me to come out and suddenly come out, a surprise.

It’s good to say that girls are happy, or that your skills are good, no wonder that Xiao’s dean has been stunned by you, and his eyes are different.”

Su Xiaoxue picked up a donut and bite his mouth. He did not forget to take the opportunity to give Ye Fan a white eye.

Ye Fangang was quite proud, and suddenly he stunned. "When you eat, you eat, suddenly mention these?"

"Oh, don't say it, I want to drink ice latte."

"I will go buy it for you!"

Ye Fan hurried to buy two drinks back nearby.

When he returned to his seat, he found that Su Xiaoxue had already eaten six, and dozens of dozens of doughnuts.

This speed is so windy!

Seeing that the regiment was coming back from the car, Su Xiaoxue quickly put the donut into the space ring and gave Ye Fan a "beep" gesture.

The meaning is obvious, don't give this girl a donut.

Ye Fan can not help but, "As for? A few donuts, but also deliberately squatting, not enough for me to buy."

"What do you know? She will be fat when she eats! I am good for her..."

"That's not going to do this, is it a mother?"

"There are no mothers and daughters in front of the doughnuts!" Su Guangxue looked serious.

The group has already been thirsty. Seeing that Ye Fan has a drink in his hand, he screams and wants to drink.

Ye Fan handed a glass of orange juice to her daughter, and the little girl licked and drunk half of it.

"Mom, what is the powder on your mouth?"

The group noticed that there were some pink creams on the lips of Su Qingxue.

Su light snow wiped, the face did not change color said: "Nothing, baby, my mother is a little tired, let Qinger sister take you to play the rapids flying over there, flying on the water, that can be fun."

The group immediately attracted attention and took Gu Qing to play.

Gu Qing is confused, the monk monk, will be tired of playing this thing?

When the daughter left, Su Xiaoxue took out the doughnuts, drank the coffee, and continued to enjoy it.

"Husband, I want to go shopping in the mall tomorrow, let Qing Er with a group to play, we manage ourselves," Su Xiaoxue eats while vaguely said.

Ye Fan looked at the woman who completely released herself. Suspicion asked: "Wife, tell me the truth, actually you have already wanted to play it yourself? Are you broken?"

Su Guangxue’s face is red. “Who likes to bring children at home every day? Do you know how much pressure I have been in these years?

At the beginning, I wanted to smear the poison, practice madly, and then help you to control the Shenjian Zong and the city of innocence. I have to worry about everything.

You guys still don't give me peace of mind, always provoke some strong enemies, and they can't breathe the black meteorites. They have to save the world and almost died together.

It’s hard to settle down now, and the group has recovered. What happened when I came out? ”

"When you do, don't be excited, I will ask you this question. These years, my wife has worked hard and respects you."

Ye Fan held a smile, holding orange juice and clinking with Su Xiaoxue's coffee.

That night, Ye Fan wanted to let the group go to sleep with Gu Qing, but this girl was lying in the middle of her father and mother, and she called Ye Fan a big head.

On the morning of the next day, Su Qingxue put on a blue and white dress, a waist dress with some lace fabrics, stepping on the crystal sandals, long hair fluttering, beautiful and refined like Lingbo fairy.

The 18-year-old looks exudes the mature temperament brewed in the years, so that Ye Fan can see his eyes straight.

As soon as I got out of the hotel, I found that the rate of returning was really bursting.

The beauty of Gu Qing, under the light of Su Guangxue, is bleak.

Ye Fan wants Su Shixue to be easy to accept, so it is too high-profile, but with such a peerless beauty holding hands, Ye Fan feels that the vanity is greatly satisfied, it is no problem.

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