My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2697: only me

"Well, willpower is good, but I tell you the truth, you only have two choices now ... the first one, obey me, obediently be my slave! The second ... die here! And before you die, you will It hurts ... "Ye Shupei said, a dark energy was transmitted to the candlelight through the long tentacles.

The candlelight felt the heart's blood speeding up, and the anger in her brain made her feel so angry! This kind of mental torture is far more painful than the body! The candlelight gritted her teeth, and her beautiful face looked crooked and twisted, just like a female ghost Shura, her eyes were bloodshot, and even the corners of her eyes shed tears of blood! "It seems that you are not willing to cooperate with you until you die. Anyway, then let me do my training furnace before dying!"

Ye Shupei laughed wildly, releasing a few black energies and flying towards the candlelight! "Om!-" A sword humming! It looks like Long Yin breaks the clouds! A three-foot green front pierced the sky, and the thunderbolt could not cover the ears. With the mighty thunder of might, it crossed a golden Changhong! Ye Shupei suddenly felt something was wrong, his face changed, and his subconsciousness was a dodge! But he was still a half slower, Fei Jian chopped off one of his arms! "Imperial Sword Intent !?"

Ye Shupei didn't seem to believe what he saw, but the sword-like coercion felt in front of him was indeed an imperial breath. The black energy had just dissipated, and the candlelight finally got a respite and fell from the air.

Ye Fan rushed at this moment, and a speeding-down fell, drenched in the blood of the candlelight.

"the host?"

Candlelight didn't expect Ye Fan to appear, and called weakly, full of doubts and surprises.

Ye Fan examined the woman's body, and then glanced coldly at Ye Shupei.

"It's you?"

Ye Shupei looked wrong, "You turned out to be an imperial swordsman !?

There is an emperor-level swordsman on a small earth ... it is so deep. "

"You don't hide too much. If I read correctly, the power of your body should come from the devil, right?"

Ye Fan frowned. The secret hidden in Ye Shupei was far deeper than he thought.

This dark power is full of anger, and although it is similar to the power of the devil he encountered before, it is a bit indescribable.

The point is that there is already some purely primitive power in it.

Even if the power of primitive power is not high, it is pure and it is obviously not available to the monks in the chaos realm.

Unless this Ye Shupei also understands the plane principle, the probability is too small.

The only explanation is that this guy can use part of the primitive power in the chaos through some "special skills".

"Since you found it, I will not hide it from you."

Ye Shupei said proudly: "I believe in the Lord of Rage, the third devil, His Highness Elarius! What you see now is what His Highness Ilarius gave to the faithful believers' The power of anger '! This is the power that the Devil of Faith can have. Even if I am a chaotic state, I can use pure primitive power! "

"That's just a little bit. For such a little demon power, you betrayed the **** Dragon?"

Betrayal of humanity and help the devil?

Build a demon teleportation array directly on earth and send the third demon king's demon army? "

"You already know?"

Ye Shupei froze slightly, but did not deny it.

"I do believe in demons, but the power that faith can bring is far beyond your imagination! I am just chaos now, and when I arrive at Kaitian, I will naturally be able to control the power of more anger! The more devoted His Highness's faith is, the more power I can get, endless! Humans, even clans, are only low-level species! Devil is a high-level species from the beginning plane! I can get His Highness Ilarius Enze, glory! "

Ye Fan sneered, "No amount of faith ... is also rewarded by others. If the dragon does not do well, do you want to be a dog waiting for someone to feed?

Your thinking is novel. "

"Haha ... you don't understand how big the gap between demons and humans is! If there is not a struggle between the seven devil kings, but also a game with the protoss, do you think that fragile humans can survive on the Taishi plane?

Just to say that there are at least fifty strategically powerful men within the sphere of influence of the Seven Demon Kings! And humans ... the total of all clans and sanshous does not exceed twenty! And there is no one, dare to say that you can defeat any demon king! Even if there are two or three demon kings, if they are willing to join forces against human beings, human beings will be at stake! This is weak meat and strong food! This is the reality of the Taishi Plane! I just recognized the reality, the strong believer, and embarked on the right path early! Unlike a group of old stubborns in their clan alliance and Austrian God Realm, they are still thinking about protecting such a small world and blocking the arrival of demons?

Haha ... it's just a pebbly attack of stone! "

Ye Shupei laughed.

Ye Fan was silent. I did not expect that the gap between humans and demons was so large. I thought that the clan would add up with the demons.

But twenty strategic levels and fifty are more than doubled! However, the scarcity of strategic totals still surprised Ye Fan.

After all, the Taishi plane is so vast, countless worlds, countless civilizations.

As a result, the strategic level of the devil is only about fifty, which is simply a drop of water in the sea.

Principles of planes ... This key to gain insight into the secrets of the Taishi plane is really rare.

"Boy, you are an imperial swordsman and a great power of heaven. If you are willing to surrender to His Highness Elarius, you will definitely be reused! Even, you may be supported. I wish you great success!

Why not go with me to the Abyss of Fury in Stormwind Valley to meet His Highness Illarith and accept his favor? "

Ye Shupei's tone was enticing.

Ye Fan shook his head sadly. "I could have thought about it. I really wanted to visit it. The demon king's residence was like this.

It's a pity ... you hurt this woman, so I can only stand against your third devil. "

Ye Fan said, reaching out and pinching candlelight's face.

The candlelight widened his eyes, but did not expect Ye Fan to say anything.

"Just for such a weak candle dragon woman, are you going to fight against His Highness Illarith?

This kind of goods, if you join the Third Demon Army, how much you want! "

Ye Shupei disdain.

The smile on Ye Fan's face dissipated, and he said coldly, "Although this woman in my arms is very cheap and often beaten by me ... but it does not mean that anyone can bully her.

The only person who can hit her in the world is me, because she belongs to me alone! "

The candlelight trembled, the mist was faint, and the man looked at him stupidly.

"the host……"

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