My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2699: Inextricable

In a large cabin of the flying boat, the icy crystals exuded a faint blue light, and the white cold lingering, as if in a glacier.

In the middle is a high-back seat made of black cold metal, and at the end sits a strong Demon general.

The silver wolf-headed metal helmet, pale cheeks, covered with folds, looked grim and fierce.

On his legs, a **** dog burning blue ice and fire was lying on his back.

The general's pale, slender hand gently brushed the blue fur of the **** dog, and the **** dog continued to spit out a mouthful of ice and mist.

On the two sides in front of this general, there are hundreds of demon warriors with different shapes, like ice sculptures, standing quietly and motionless.

At this moment, the space fluctuated and opened an internal portal.

"General Hatty, the plan over the earth has been spotted."

A withered black demon wizard in a black cape appeared in the cabin.

Suddenly, hundreds of demons on both sides opened a pair of cold eyes, as if the ice sculptures were alive!

Hardy was not panic and asked lightly, "Where is Ye Shupei?"

"Ye Shupei, together with several believers, have all been killed, and none have survived!

However, one believer sent a message at the end, saying that there is a Shenlong monk who has the strength of heaven on the earth.

If nothing else, it should be that he undermined the construction plan of this teleportation formation. "

"Oh? In such a small world, can there be left in the open sky?"

Hatty narrowed his eyes, revealing a bit of interest.

"Pass me instructions, the ice wolf ship starts space jump and speeds up!"

"But ... General Hatty, we are still far from the earth. If we start the space jump now, it will consume a lot of energy.

At that time, we must stay on the earth for a long time and replenish energy, otherwise it will be very troublesome to return to Stormwind Valley, "said the wizard.

"So, we must rush down before the arrival of human reinforcements, build the teleportation array!

A teleportation formation has been established, and we can directly find the reinforcements from Storm Valley. Naturally, we don't need to care about energy supply! "

Hart sneered, "Why, do you think that a monk who can open the heavens can obstruct our ice wolf group?"

"Don't dare!" The wizard was startled and looked down.

"This time, we will fight with the army of the second devil, Jelos, to contain the first devil, Satan, and it is about the glory of our Highness Ilarius!

The earth is the most important stronghold in that galaxy. If it can't be won in time, it will delay the establishment of the entire front.

At that time, the delayed fighters will not be said, but they will still be laughed at by the group of disgusting sea monsters.

His Highness Illaris blame, Lord Finnis can't hold us back, you know what the consequences will be ... "

A group of demon warriors nodded and said loudly, "Vow to death!"

This roaring shout made the **** dog lying on Hati's leg jumped in shock.

Hati stretched out his long arm, grabbed the **** dog, and stuffed it directly into his mouth!


The **** dog screamed and had been bitten off his head.

Hati chewed, making a "click" sound in his mouth, as if gnawing at ice cubes, and still holding the corpse of the **** dog that had extinguished the ice fire.

He looked up and looked forward to the deep universe, as if already looking forward to the strange world that was about to arrive ...


Infernal Purgatory.

Ye Fan took the women to play on Tianxing Island for a few days, and after gathering a lot of information about the Taishi plane with those of the special envoy, he returned to his home.

According to Elijah, the nearest stronghold of the Terran Alliance, although closer than the Demons, would take time to send someone over again.

However, they are still confident that they will reach Earth earlier than the demons.

Ye Fan's construction of the teleportation array was not very concerned.

He is more interested in the situation of the major forces and the strong.

As far as we know, the clan alliance is basically no different from the clan situation previously known.

The four major clans are still the most core and powerful existence, and they are the backbone of the clan.

However, because of the Dragon Dragon on the Taishi plane, there are strong blue dragons.

Although the number is not more than one hand in the entire Taishi plane, it also has an overwhelming advantage.

After all, Qinglong means absolute strategic level.

Therefore, the status of Shenlong is extremely lofty, which also makes the clan relatively united.

The strong men of the Shenlong family take the ability to enter the "Shenlong Temple" as their highest pursuit and honor.

It is said that it was the birthplace and dormant place of Shenlong's ancestors. The secret inside is only known to those who have entered.

However, the Shenlong strong who can enter must at least reach the strategic level, which is to understand the laws of the plane.

So ... in fact, very few people have gone in since ancient times.

When Ye Fan asked if they had heard of "Jixuanyu", "Chiyou" and "Yan Emperor", Yilia and Baihan said they had never heard of them.

Ye Fan didn't seem to lie when he looked at them.

However, because the Taishi plane is too broad, what they know is only the tip of the iceberg, so it is normal for some people to not know it.

It is possible that these people have other names in the Taishi plane.

It is also possible that before they were born, these powerful men had gone to higher planes or to mysterious places such as the Dragon Temple.

As for the masters and servants of Ye Wuya and Ye Qun, they have never heard of them.

In contrast, the Demon Clan is one of the several high-level ancient lives on the Taishi plane, and the Seven Demon Kings and their strategic-level magicians are more famous.

Because of the war between demons, the war between demons and protoss, never stop.

The human race, which silently controls its own reproduction, has relatively little sense of existence.

What makes Ye Fan feel amazing is that the seven devil kings are also somewhat related to the seven kinds of evil in mythology!

Pride, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, overeating, desire!

From the first devil Satan, the second Jelos, the third Elarius, and so on, the seven demon kings, and so on, all the demon pronouns they have symbolized a kind of original sin!

This is not the first time Ye Fan has discovered this "coincidence".

Some ancient myths have been discovered from the beginning, and they have been verified one by one. Until now, even the legendary demons seem to exist.

It seems that the congenital Wutai is really a whole, even if there are different planes, there are inexhaustible various connections.

It seems that there are two hands, in the invisible form, silently manipulating behind, setting all this.

Although the special envoys believe that these evils are just the "hobby" of the devil.

But through a battle with Ye Shupei, Ye Fan realized that this should be the principle of planes realized by the Seven Demon Kings.

Then again, the world in which Hong Huang lives is under the jurisdiction of Asmode, the seventh demon king.

Asmodem realized that such an ambiguous rule of planes, Ye Fan was really curious, how could the other party be a demon king, could it be a great demon?

But these things, Ye Fan is not anxious to understand at present. After returning to Infernal Purgatory, he continues to concentrate on understanding his own plane rules.

Because of the time difference, there is more than one month in Infernal Purgatory one day outside.

Ye Fan plans to stay at home for three years before taking the group to the monster show.

Cultivate, stay with family, and occasionally read outside news.

However, two years later, the Ye Fans suddenly found something wrong ...

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