My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2722: Breach

In the state of double disintegration, Ye Fan's speed has made the black elves feel incredible!

Seeing Tess killed, the black elves felt cold chilling into their brains!

An unprecedented dangerous breath made their blood cold!

"Archive all! Siege!"

Yin Song calmed down his emotions and immediately gave instructions.

"Others are not too concerned, kill him, and then kill everyone!"

Woke up a little by Yinsong, the black elves suddenly realized that they were a more advanced race.

Humans, how can a group of guys who can't be used proficiently by primitive forces, pose a threat to them?

Suddenly, dozens of elites of the Purple Sparrow Tribe all released Xiu Wei, dozens of primitive powers formed on the training ground!

The primordial power that erupted at this moment made most of the Divine Swordsmen present at the scene feel pain.

A large number of people started to evacuate, and some even suffered internal injuries.

Facing such a scene, the black elves are even more proud.

The low-level race is really vulnerable!

"Sword God? District human, also worthy of calling himself God? Today is your death!"

Dozens of swordsmen such as Yinsong and dozens of black elves threw all kinds of killing moves at Ye Fan!

Suddenly, Ye Fan's surroundings were radiant and dazzling.

The intensive killing caused by the primitive force made Ye Fan's place become Shura **** in the eyes of others.

The people of the Excalibur Sect were nervous, and Hua Xiaoluo and others were stiff.

Of course, the women around Ye Fan looked calm.

After a wild attack, the black elves felt that something was wrong?

Around the body of Ye Fan, there is a sphere formed by a rotating flying sword, which completely encloses him!

All attacks have been blocked!

"It's ... how is that possible ?! This is royal swordsmanship?" Yin Song has never seen such a royal sword.

A small move of the Emperor Dragon Sword Prison made the black elves' attacks futile.

Suddenly the sword broke down and flying swords came out! Flying around!

"Frosty sky!"

The super-wide-range killing skill of the imperial swordsmanship was as fast as a beam of light when Ye Fan had not yet realized the principles of the plane.

Today, his heart sword, the plane of the plane, has already had his own mature feelings.

At first, it could only achieve a few hundred handles, but now, Ye Fan can manipulate thousands!

As soon as the frost was cast in the sky, each flying sword seemed to have no trajectory, and it just passed through the space directly, constantly blinking instantly!

In the distance, everyone only saw that the various cold swords of the flying swords were dazzling on the battlefield, and the trajectory of the royal swordsmanship was difficult to capture!

The state of dual disintegration and the unparalleled power of swordsmanship are not at all able to resist by these black elves.

The high single-point penetrating power makes Feijian have a slaughter effect!

A group of black elves had just thought that they would win, but at this moment they were completely in despair!

Because they were so alarmed that they didn't have time to use the power of faith.

After hearing the screams, all the black elves were sieved and fell on the training ground!

Their sword intentions, all kinds of tricks, are completely meaningless in the face of the emperor-level sword intentions.

Even though Yin Song had the practice of opening up the heavens, at this moment it seemed empty and weak, and before he could escape, he had been penetrated through the skull!

Just a moment of effort, the training ground was quiet.

With a wave of Ye Fan, Fei Jian disappeared from the field.

It took a long time for the gatekeepers of Divine Sword Sect to slowly return to God.

However, they did not exclaim in any joy, because ... it all happened too quickly!

Ye Fan's moves and admissions made them completely incomprehensible, not even clear what Ye Fan did.

In other words, I can see one or two in the cup, but only amazing.

In fact, even women, it is not clear how much Ye Fan has improved in these years of hard work.

The plane level is originally a small group of people who are above all beings in the Taishi plane.

"Okay, clean up and clean up", Ye Fan turned back, and asked the doorkeeper blandly.

The black elf at the scene had been broken by Yuan Fan's sword intention, and died very thoroughly.

"Observe ... obey!"

Moran and so forth came up immediately, commanding some doormen, and disposing of the black elf's body.

"His swordsman, your strength, Cup has no idea at all now. It seems that it was a bit overwhelming to say that you wanted to catch up with you," Cup Mo stopped and shook his head with emotion.

"No way, the brother is a single person, but I dragged the family and brought a mouth, but also a group of apprentices, the responsibility is great", Ye Fan smiled.

Hua Xiaolu waited for his disciples, showing frustration and shame.

"Haha, since the Lord Sword God is back, the position of the Sword Sect in the floodland must be stable.

In the future, the demons will not come here for three days and two ends, and I can remedy the alchemy with peace of mind, "Yaowei said with relief.

"Is the devil making a lot of noise in the flood? What's going on in Dazheng, Savage and the Odin Empire?"

Ye Fan is more concerned about his family and brothers.

"His Lord Sword God rest assured that the clan is still quite in the position of Tai Shi, and your family is all right, but it is much lower-key than before.

The Odin Empire is relatively more harassed by the demons, but Shu Lanting and Ai Luoman, some of the guests, have protected the Odin Empire's royal family in the past, and are currently stable.

Fortunately, the teleportation array is controlled by the demon king army, and the teleportation is not free, so the demons who come here are not particularly many, and some very strong demons do not look down on the flood.

In addition, different demons have different temperaments, and not all are combatants.

Others simply settled in the floods and did not conflict with humans.

Of course, there are indeed a lot of demons like this who plan to come to the floodlands to develop new habitats.

In order to fight for territory and conflict with humanity, this should also be an unavoidable process ...

Whoever lets Hong Huang be set up by the seventh demon king first, the human beings stay in the devil's place, naturally they must be a little bit angry. ”Medicine is the first way.

Ye Fan was stunned, no wonder I hadn't seen Shu Lanting and so on. It turned out that I had gone to Xie Linyuan.

It seems that only the top chaos monks can fight those strong demons.

However, now that we have risen to the first level, sooner or later, human beings will appear in the sky, and one day in the future, human beings will have the power to protect themselves.


Ye Fan felt that nothing was wrong!

His gaze swept across the gate of the mountain and flashed quickly!

The people were puzzled and followed.

When he came to the valley, he suddenly found that Yin Song, the black elf patriarch who had just died, had injured a flower fairy and was about to fly away.

Although Yin Song was slow and covered with blood, he did live!

"How is that possible? He was just broken by the imperial sword, and his body is so badly injured, how can he survive?"

Ye Fan obviously also felt incredible, and a flying sweep directly fell Yin Song to the ground again.

"Sword ... Sword God ... I knew it wrong! Let me go!

I can swear to the black elf king! Go home to Heran immediately and never step into the flood again! No one will avenge it! "

Yin Song no longer had the pride he had before. Facing the suppression of absolute power, he had collapsed and couldn't cry.

"I don't care about those, as long as you tell me why everyone else is dead, you can live!"

Ye Fan's eyes were burning and faint, he felt that this was a very important breakthrough!

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