My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2756: cycle

Siegfried nodded, and nodded in confirmation, "Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

Garried smiled a bit playfully, "You've been fooled ... but, don't blame you, it seems I've been fooled"

"His Highness ... Why do you say that?

Didn't he go in? "

There was a strange color in Siegfried's eyes.

"Lord Xingchen, are you satisfied with this performance?"

Garried suddenly turned his head and glanced at the dim passage behind him.

Regin and Siegfried turned suddenly.

I saw a figure walking from there.

"How can ..." Siegfried's eyes brightened, but he quickly became confused.

Come, it is Ye Fan.

Ye Fan has been hiding his breath with Qianlong's tactics, but he did not expect that it was only a little closer to Gared and it was exposed.

This Gared was indeed much more hidden than he thought.

What can become the devil is definitely not a general strategic level.

Belief is one thing. In essence, without absolute strength to support, it is impossible to establish a foothold in Taishi.

"Mr. Leng, go into the treasure room and take your ankh, isn't it good?

Why did you do this? "

Garried sighed with regret.

"It is important to take ankh, but, for some reason, I have to keep an eye out so that I can't get in and out."

Ye Fan walked forward, looking at the killing scene below, and sighed in his heart, as expected.


how do I say this? "

Garried asked with a grin.

"Actually, I have been thinking about a problem. The way you fight does not plunder. Instead, you are throwing money crazy.

And in the Long Grotto, you send Goblin more wealth than their tribute.

You are always squandering outwards, so how can your dragon cave guarantee a steady stream of wealth? "

Ye Fan muttered, touching his chin.

"I said that mutual benefits and planned operations will naturally lead to wealth," Garried laughed.

"Maybe this is a reason, but the biggest problem is with Goblin.

I deliberately read information about demons like Goblin before I came here.

The Goblin race has two characteristics. First, it is extremely greedy. It is more important to treasure than its own life.

As long as the temptation is big enough, there is nothing that Goblin cannot do.

The second ... is to breed quickly. Goblin is just like a mouse. It has several animals in its lifetime and grows fast.

This is why, so small, there is little demon power, and even demons that cannot be cultivated can always exist in the Taishi plane.

Just like an endless mouse, they can always survive on their tenacious reproduction ability. "

Ye Fan looked at Gared. "To be honest, this race, I don't think they can bring any wealth to any kingdom.

Even if they are naturally greedy for money, they will mine all kinds of minerals, but they are just hard laborers.

No demon king pays much attention to Goblin, except you ... Garyid, the greedy king.

However, since you have given them more property, it must not be a matter of focusing on their characteristics of collecting money.

So ... the only explanation is ... you like their breeding speed.

In two months, the number of Goblin in a tribe can be doubled.

Although Goblin are weak, they are born with greed.

Rather than saying that you think of Goblin as a 'national', you are raising it as a 'animal'.

They eat and drink for two months to breed more Goblin and provide you with a steady stream of faith.

If I'm not mistaken, in the end, these dead Goblin will also be your 'feed' for raising low-level magic dragons.

In other words, the magic dragons that Goblin ate actually grew up with the same people who ate them.

Goblin and the low-level monster dragon have been eating their fellows ... throughout the process, your greedy king can continue to gain the power of faith without paying anything substantial.

It's a wonderful cycle, and it looks like you're really good at it. "

"Then I do n’t understand. Since I said that I was using Goblin, would n’t these goblins spread the news?

After they came in, wouldn't they be afraid of encountering the same accident as the previous Goblin? "

Garried asked with a smile.

"This is the saddest part of this race, Goblin."

Ye Fan booed: "For a race that can not be recognized by six relatives because of greed, even if they know that there is danger to their lives, they will go to the Dragon Cave to pay tribute to them ... even, they will rob them because they are worried about other Goblin. Take their wealth, and deliberately conceal many of these truths here.

In fact, with Goblin's greed, even if they knew the truth, they would not be able to resist it, always holding on to luck.

That's why ... you take Goblins so seriously, there is no better place to be a believer than this race. "

Garried clapped his hands.

"You know how to tell stories, Mr. Leng. Although you tell a wonderful story, it seems that everything that happened here has nothing to do with you.

But I'm curious, why don't you enter the sixth treasure room, don't you stop ankh? "

Ye Fan shrugged and pulled out a transparent crystal bottle with a trace of clear liquid inside.

"I said ... don't take your ankh?"

Ye Fan smiled evilly: "I just kept my hand, and I wasn't locked in by you."

Garried's expression froze for the first time, and then smiled stiffly. "How did you do that?"

Ye Fan squinted his eyes, recalling the scene in the treasure room before, all a little scared.

When he entered, he found that it was a dreamlike world.

Jinshan Yinshan is no more, all kinds of strange treasures, spiritual materials and magic tools have never been seen.

Some spirit grass fairy fruit, just smell it makes people covet.

The key is that even dozens of beautiful women with different styles are closed in golden cages.

You can eat, drink, and have fun, and only Ye Fan and others can enjoy it casually.

To be honest, if it weren't for a group of women in the ring of space, Ye Fan would not be able to resist those beauties and cry.

However, as soon as Ye Fan entered, he gradually found that his inner greed had been magnified unknowingly.

He only wanted to take Ankh at first, but when he saw those things, he couldn't help but stop.

That is not an ordinary baby, nor is it an ordinary beauty, even if Ye Fan is the master who has seen it, he will be very tempted.

Plus, Garried said, whatever he took.

Fortunately, Ye Fan had long been mentally prepared, and with the supervision of women, Ye Fan quickly found what Jared said was the bottle containing Ankh. After a brief confirmation, he came out of it.

However, when Ye Fan was about to come out, he suddenly found that even the "door" had disappeared! He then confirmed that this treasure room was completely controlled by Gared, and he wanted to go out through Gared.

But Garryd could never have imagined ... he had mastered a little phantom law by relying on his brother Grande.

As early as when he entered the treasure room, Ye Fan gathered a phantom in a hidden place outside.

Through phantom switching, Ye Fan still succeeded.

After all, the Emperor's law of planes is not something Gared can stop.

"How come out, the demon king need not worry about more, I got the things, Goblin's breeding mode, I also admire, goodbye ..." Of course Ye Fan would not explain more, and turned to leave.

He didn't need to completely fall out with Gared. The immediate priority is to confirm whether this ankh is real and can effectively heal the masses.

A thunderbolt suddenly flashed in front of Ye Fan. The burly golden armor bald and stopped the way.

"Human, Your Highness hasn't let you go yet," Lei Jin grinned.

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