My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2760: put all one's eggs in one basket

"Ugh !!!!"

Garrid's dragon armor seemed to follow the wave, conducting it.

A black aperture flashed over it.

Hard to resist! ?

Ye Fan frowned, and to be honest, he hadn't hurt Gary, he could guess.

But even without damage, Ye Fan felt heavy.

Damn, there wasn't even a scratch on Gared's chest?

In all directions of the Dragon Cave, roaring roars of demon dragons were heard.

These Thunder Dragon Army are obviously all excited and madly cheering for the strength of their own demon king.

"I'm afraid that this power is beyond our control."

Garried grinned, his body seemed slightly larger than before.

At the same time, Garried vibrated the golden dragon wings and flew towards Ye Fan!

Although the speed of the Golden Demon Dragon is average, Ye Fan knows that he wants to escape because of the strong suction force, which is unlikely.

Ye Fan's eyes were cold and sharp, he cast his sword and walked directly on the dragon, approaching Garid Huoran!

"breaking Dawn!"

A sword crossed, tearing the sky, and a beam of black and gold appeared!


A dragon claw forcibly caught Ye Fan's sword!

The silver-gray flying sword and the white-gold dragon claws were together, but they couldn't break the defense?

Ye Fan's heart was stunned, how could this happen?

My own daybreak didn't go all out?

Ye Fan practiced his sword intentions tens of thousands of times, and such a situation is unlikely to occur.

After a careful perception, I found that my strength and swordsmanship were weakened during this release process? !!

Damn, this article can instantly weaken your sword, let alone say, even the energy of his body is being drained away?


Garried slapped over a dragon wing at this moment.

Ye Fan single-armed primary antibody, turned out directly tens of meters away.

"Interesting, even the five-claw golden dragon of the Shenlong clan, after all, are just humans, and the physical body can resist the attack of the king?"

Gared said with interest: "It seems that you are not just as simple as an emperor swordsman."

Ye Fan felt numbness in his arm, but fortunately it was a quadruple disintegration.

If it was triple disintegration, the arm would be broken just now!

This is the devil!

Powerful rules, powerful flesh, and impeccable strength!

This is why the Seventh Kingdom has only four strategic levels and has not been quickly eliminated.

As long as there is a demon king, no one wants to fight directly, they dare to eat slowly.

Ye Fan knew that he was too weak, and even if he disintegrated, he could barely fight against Garry.

As for the accomplishments of the rules of planes, they must not be as profound as Gared.

If you look at the rules by yourself, you can only see a vague outline, and you can't see how the "black hole" appears at all.

Otherwise, the emperor-level rules would not make sense to lose to other rules.

Now, if you want to win, you must add other chips!

"Of course, the strength is good, but in this way, I can't make the king happy."

Garried seemed a little boring, and intended to end the fight as soon as possible.

A dragon wing vibrated and approached Ye Fan again.

This time, Garryd opened his mouth, and a more terrifying suction appeared from his mouth!

Ye Fan met for the first time. The dragon opened his mouth not to spit out the dragon's breath, but to "inhale" it!

"Yan destroys the embers!"

Ye Fan didn't hesitate, and started waving the flying sword frantically!

Each tearing the sky, burning the sword of high temperature and black flame, delicate like a wire, compressed to the extreme, sharp to an unimaginable level.


The sound of intense impact came from Garid's body, mouth, and dragon teeth.

Ye Fan did not step back and kept waving Yan Yan's embers.

Garrett swallowed his mouth, and with a powerful and outrageous dragon armor, all resisted absorption!

Seeing, one person and one dragon are about to collide together.

Garried was intact, except for some scratches on his mouth.

But Ye Fan's attack seemed to have reached its limit.

The tens of thousands of magic dragons below are all excited. In their view, Ye Fan is undoubtedly defeated.

Lei Jin grinned sneer, even if Ye Fan is really powerful, but far worse than the devil.

Siegfried shook his head, knowing that the battle was about to end.

Electric light fire!

A more powerful and terrifying coercion than before was released from Ye Fan's sword!

"Wusou, Shura!"


Ye Fan waited for Garried to approach, and at this time waved a Shura sword intention again, and released the disintegration!

The disintegration of the sword outside will cause a physical burden for Ye Fan.

And if Jianyi does not control well, it hurts himself.

After hundreds of thousands of trainings, Ye Fan found that the quadruple disintegrated body can only effectively control the ninefold release.

Once it is exceeded, it will start to hurt itself.

In addition, the more energy that is disintegrated, the more difficult it is to use it accurately. Actual use may not be effective.

After the disintegration of Nine Heavy, the natural power of this sword Shura is completely different from before!

Garrett's eyes were wide and Jin Mang seemed to know he was overcast, but he didn't expect it to be so hard!

With such terrifying sword power, Garryd roared!

The black-gold crescent blade, after being dismantled by Ninefolds, seemed to be an ancient monster, which was released from a length of ten meters to nearly a hundred meters!

The huge blade in the sky is like the sword of the gods, and Garrett will be cut off!

Garried had a dragon's mouth, and he directly bit the blade!

The black-gold blade twisted in the air, turning into a black turbulence, pouring into Garryd's mouth!

At the same time, Gared was flowing black light, and the golden armor showed signs of fragmentation.

However, the armor is also being repaired quickly!


Garrett roared, shaking the dragon's tail, and for a few seconds, he completely swallowed Shura's sword intention of Ninefolds! ?

Not only that, Garry's body has skyrocketed by a factor of three!

A golden demon dragon just a few meters wide has grown to more than 20 meters!

"Leng Xingchen ... You really have a plan, such a sword is worthy of being your opponent.

It's a pity, that's all for now, the king won't give you any more, so this is a chance for sudden trouble! "

Ye Fan's eyes were stunned. What exactly did Garried do? Is his stomach harder than his body?

Can even swallow the sword! ?

The point is, Garid has also become bigger and bigger by constantly devouring energy in battle!

Any energy seems to be a powerful nutrient for Garried!

It's greedy, no one comes!

A stronger suction was released from Gared.

For the first time, Ye Fan began to beat his heart because of tension.

After all, the women in the ring were watching this battle.

It doesn't matter if you are in distress, but you must not let women get hurt.

Ye Fan couldn't help regretting it. She knew that she would let the women dodge elsewhere and follow her own and became the most dangerous state.

Seeing Garryd over again, Ye Fan made up his mind ...

Since you can't beat it, you can only throw it all alone!

Even if it is dangerous, it is better than being slowly consumed.

At least fight off the opponent and find a chance to get away!

Although the trick is not fully understood, I can only use it for a while ...

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