Ye Fan smiled, "There is still a wife you can't think of?

Rare. "

"Don't be kidding, what the **** do you think?"

Su Qingxue shouted.

"Since he doesn't want to be in trouble now, it means that my life is very important to him.

This time, in the battle with Gared, I was finally distracted.

I woke up from the self-free sword world ahead of time because I was subconsciously worried that you would die with me.

So ... I'm thinking that if you go to a dangerous place in the future, you might as well leave you to Ye Yeya ", Ye Fan said.

"No! I can't be separated from you anymore!"

Su Qingxue refused immediately.

"Wife ... Obediently, I only thought about it after thinking about it.

The old wife and wife, I naturally can't bear it, but in the future, we need to make a short sacrifice.

You are with me, even in the ring, nothing has happened so far.

But the strong men I face in the future are getting more and more unpredictable. How can I be willing to let you take risks? "

Ye Fan stepped forward, holding Su Qingxue's incense shoulder, "You are smarter than me, you should know that this is the most secure.

Maybe you ca n’t find it all. It ’s a better bodyguard than Ye Wuya ’s master and servant.

In order to keep me alive, Ye Wuya will take good care of you.

Wei Wei learned a skill from him at first, maybe you will have your own chance.

The most important thing is ... Maybe I can find some secrets from Ye Wuya and solve my doubts. "

"Although Ye Wuya is unfathomable, he has a horrible side.

However, he was very simple in other aspects.

He likes to eat, like to grow vegetables, and cook. It is true that you are invited to eat, and you are also true to like Tuantuan.

What is the connection between Ye Wuya and me? This is my business.

He will not embarrass you because of me, and he does not bother to do such things.

Otherwise, he won't just give you a warning look alone.

He was not interested in tearing his face, he just hoped that what he was going to do would not be disturbed.

So, leaving you here, I ... rest assured, "Ye Fan said.

Su Qingxue's eyes flickered. After a long time, he said, "I think about it."

Ye Fan smiled. He knew that when Su Qingxue said "consider", he actually agreed.

"In other words, what is the strength of this old foodie, we are talking here, will he also know?"

"Perhaps, but knowing what, you also said, he doesn't really care about these."

The next two days, Ye Fan and others did not rush to leave.

In this ordinary world of paradise, farm, hunt, eat good food and drink some good tea.

Although Ye Fan has been thinking in his heart, the next cultivation direction, but also knows that he can't be anxious, but an accident is a mistake.

It is also important to accompany women and daughters to enjoy life.

However, what made Ye Fan feel strange was that Xiao Jin took a few small beasts and didn't come back. He didn't know where to go.

On the third day, Ye Fan felt wrong.

Coupled with looking around for a hoe, Ye Fan took his daughter and flew all the way to look for it.

As a result, after flying for several hours, the scope became larger and larger, and no trace of Xiaojin was found.

When Ye Fan was wondering, the blue sea ahead attracted Ye Fan's attention.

Unconsciously, it had already reached the position of the ocean, this may be a depression in the head of the Titan.


Ye Fan suddenly found that there was a huge dark black tortoise floating on the sea.

It is Mo Mo! Steamed buns, Xiaozi and dumplings are called crickets on the turtle's back.


Ye Fan only saw a half-dead worm that was dying and was struggling there.

"what's the situation!?"

Ye Fan quickly dropped and placed Tuantuan on Momo's back.

Fly to the sea, watching curled into a few meters long, dying little gold.

"Master ... I can't do it ... I'm sorry ... you said you should eat it ..." "Woohoo ... Are I going to be the first dragon to die of a bad stomach ... It's so embarrassing ..." Ye Fan was so angry that he raised one hand directly, and wanted to pull it down fiercely.

Can be lifted to half, saw Xiao Jin tears, but reluctant to fight.

"How many times do you have a bad snake to eat a bad stomach before you remember it?"

Ye Fan looked around, "What on earth did you eat?"

!! "

Xiao Jin said weakly, "I don't know ... it's something in the sea ..." It turned out that Xiao Jin took a few young beasts and went fishing under the sea.

As a result, I found something dark like fungus, smelly, and I don't know what it is.

Dumpling, without a word, took a bite.

Xiao Jin saw the dumplings eaten, and he also wanted to taste them. Wouldn't he be allowed to smell the smell and smell delicious?

As a result, just after taking a bite, I found that dumplings fainted! Dumplings won't die, so they gradually recover.

However, Xiao Jin couldn't do it. He was surrounded by death and couldn't recover. It seemed to be poisonous.

"This sloth bear can't die! It dares to eat wildly, and you follow Hu?

!! "

Ye Fan didn't know how to say this greedy snake. Not only was he greedy, but he had less nerves! "Woohoo ... Master, I know it's wrong ... but I'm dying, so don't call me ..." Ye Fan can understand why these little guys didn't go back.

The only Xiaojin who knew the way was dying. Momo, a chronic child, could swim quickly in the water. He could not fly in the sky.

Ye Fan picked up Xiao Jin and let Mo Mo return to her small body, all returning to the ring.

He flew back near the wooden house, and in the vegetable field, Ye Wuya was guiding the women to dig a ditch.

"Old food! Look, this stupid dragon has a bad stomach. It seems like it can't recover. What's going on?"

The women quickly gathered around. Although Xiao Jin was a bit shameless and timid, after all, she was just like her family and everyone was concerned.

Everyone heard Ye Fan's story, everyone was angry and wanted to laugh, this greedy snake is too embarrassing! "Do you want to make dumplings intentionally! My patron saint is dead!"

Shi Lanyu poked Dumpling's head.

Dumplings plucked a vegetable from the ground, and bit it on its own, it had nothing to do with it.

"Xiao Jin won't really die, how could there be such strong death?"

"Anyway, it's a fire dragon. What's so poisonous?"

The women were anxious to see Xiao Jin's breath getting weaker and weaker.

Ye Wuya took off his straw hat and fanned it.

"I said before that this world is a dead Titan.

Although this Titan is almost completely rotten, in some parts, there are actually residual Titan bodies.

The dark stuff it eats should be some of the Titan's muscles that have not completely rotten.

Titans are much stronger than this fire dragon. Their main strength comes from the flesh.

This little thing, eating the carrion of Titan stronger than yourself, will naturally be hurt by too much death. "

"It ... it eats Titan carrion !?"

Ye Fan has to admire these little things, his eyes are really poisonous, and everything can be found! "Grandpa Valkyrie, you are so good, save the patron saint!"

Shi Lanyu begged.

"Little girl, I'm not a doctor, I still stewed this fire dragon, and save it ... I can't do it."

Ye Wuya looked at Xiao Jin with a smile and seemed to be thinking about how to cook.

Xiao Jin was frightened, and Ben was dying, his eyes turned white, and he passed out.

"Well, this timid dragon" Ye Fan frowned. "Old food, seriously ask you, is there really no way?"

Ye Wuya looked at him playfully, "There is still a way, but it may not be successful. The key depends on how willing you are?"

Ye Fan frowned, thinking for a moment, his eyes fixed! "You said using ankh !?"

"Yes, your mouthful of water can cure it to some degree, but whether it can be completely cured depends on its creation," Ye Wuya said.

"But ..." Ye Fan frowned, looking at the tutu on the side, and looked at Xiaojin again.

"Husband, use it for Xiao Jin. Anyway, this water can only relieve the pain of Tuan Tuan once, and save Xiao Jin ... maybe it can save his life", Su Qingxue said, "Although it is useless, it can be at least faithful." .

Ye Fan saw the woman say this, and no longer hesitated, took out the only ankh, and put it next to Xiao Jin's mouth.

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