My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2836: New world

"You demons still have such a big party?" Ye Fan said unexpectedly.

"Naturally, there are gods, clans, and their own rituals.

Even in history, it has been recorded that the master of Hongmeng revealed miracles at the festival. "

Ye Fan suddenly remembered that Gretney seemed to have said that it had witnessed the miracles dominated by Hongmeng.

Could it be ... at the Demon Sacrifice?

"It seems that you strategic masters, while you are your own, are also old acquaintances in private."

"The war between the demon kings is, of course, to fight for the position of the demon emperor, but it is also to train our demons.

Only by maintaining the fighting power of the demons can we have the status of Taishi and not fear the protoss.

During the war with the Protoss, our seven kingdoms are even allies.

This, in fact, you humans, is also a truth.

Therefore, it is not easy for anyone to annex them, "Finnis laughed.

Ye Fan nodded. In fact, all races have these problems.

"Master Sword God, now that you are satisfied, I will officially send someone to build a teleportation array."

"no problem."

Ye Fan was anxious to practice the rules.

Zhou Wangxian was next to me and wanted to fight for it.

"Master Sword God! Of course you promised that Illarius would build a teleportation array.

But we can also rebuild one in Infernal Purgatory!

Aren't you going to the Clan Alliance? We can ... "

After waiting for Zhou Wangxian to finish speaking, Ye Fan directly raised his hand and interrupted.

"Whoever dares to mess around in my house, whoever I slaughter ...

You want to create another teleportation team and talk to Finnis yourself. "

Having said that, Zhou Fanxian looked awkward and Ye Fan went straight home.

Although the earth is ruled by demons, there is no big difference, but Ye Fan is not very relieved.

For security reasons, Ye Fan decided to let his mother and two women go to the deserted area for a while through the space jumping device.

After several people learned about the situation, Nie Wuyue understood Ye Fan's decision.

In fact, Nie Wuyue also wanted to go to Honghuang for a long time, and just took this opportunity to pass directly.

Ye Fan also talked with Feng Yueying and Xu Lingshan.

"After Dazheng, stay in Dazheng Imperial City, or go to Xuanyuan City, it's up to you."

"If mom wants to meet her father and mother over there, it doesn't really matter, what does it say?"

Feng Yueying was worried: "This is not good, will the father and mother over there be sad?"

"Actually ... I feel like they both knew something."

Ye Fan smiled: "Follow the fate, it is impossible to hide it forever, so many things happen, they should have nothing to look at."

Settled several female dependents, Ye Fan quickly entered the ring of sword gods.

For the past three days, I kept watching and remembering.

Ye Fan is already familiar with the operation mode of the liquid transfer law.

However, he is not Delphi, and his understanding of liquids is far worse than the aquatic demon of ancient whales.

Therefore, Ye Fan must come up with a transfer rule of his own.

The energy he knows best is of course the sword, or in other words, the sword.

Jianqi, if the mountain is water, and even the last solid sword.

Ye Fan's understanding of the sword, if not worse than Delphi's understanding of liquids, is certainly the closest.

It's okay to combine people with swords.

No sword in my hand, or a sword in my heart.

Not enough.

Said to be integrated with the sword, to put it plainly, there is still this concept of its own.

In the desolate world of the sword **** ring.

Ye Fan was immersed in his own bits and pieces of perception.

For Ye Fan, time and space are no longer there.

His consciousness can only be understood from the rules of the law, and he continues to understand deeply ...

Feel, find that feeling!

Unable to say, the word is unclear!

But only if you get it right and get into that feeling, can you really grasp it!

There is no sword without me.

When neither the sword nor itself exists.

In fact, it has become a sword!

"I don't know the true face of Lushan, I just live in this mountain" ...

At first glance, this is a relatively low-level realm.

There is no comprehensive understanding of things that exist objectively, so it is impossible to recognize the nature of things.

But think about it in other places.

If you forget the objective existence, use purely subjective thinking to see where you are.

Well, what I see is the whole world!

Me, everything!

Sword is the world!


As if, there is a drop of inspiration, falling in the sea of ​​Ye Fan's consciousness, rippling with golden ripples ...

Ye Fan's eyes opened arrogantly!

Seizing the feeling of this moment, Ye Fan's deep sense seemed to open a new pair of eyes!

An unprecedented perspective, an unprecedented world, unfolded before him!

There is nothing in this world, only swords!

No matter what shape, what form, what color ...

Ye Fan knows that swords are all swords!

I don't know how far, and in which space.

He only knew that his pair of "sword hearts and eyes", beyond his eyes, had already surpassed the earth!

Cross the Milky Way, I don't know how many light years I have seen!

Do not!

To be precise, no distance, no space, no time!

Because, here, the sword is the only one!

This is an unprecedented visual and spiritual shock!

It is beyond the imagination of the naked eye, and it is comparable to the consciousness!

Even if Ye Fan didn't really enter into this feeling himself, he would not believe that someone could have a view overlooking the universe!

At this moment, Ye Fan felt a little ... in the sense of the Creator.

Maybe, those who create the plane, the world, the creator of life ...

In their eyes, this is the perspective ...

As if you can move a finger, you can flip a galaxy, and you can reverse a space-time ...



Ye Fan suddenly felt that his head was very heavy.

The eyes gradually dim, it seems that the brain is beginning to eat?

How could this be?

Only at this time, is it possible that your own mental strength is so different from Delphi?

Or maybe ... what Delphi saw was not exactly the same as what she saw?

"Silly boy ... can it be the same as what you see?"

"It's just ... it's too early for you ..."

A hazy, hazy voice suddenly entered Ye Fan's mind!

"Who !?" Anti-collection is on, click to load manually!

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