My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2849: Just look

Ye Fan was a little hesitant before.

He was worried that if this law of generations were to kill Zhuang Biyou directly, Ye Longyuan would also die.

Therefore, he has been careful to deal with it, dare not directly kill Zhuang Biyou.

After trying, it was found that the short-cutting of the silk thread of Dai Dai would not hurt Ye Longyuan, and Ye Fan had a certain number in mind.

It simply gives the same strength to the surrogates and does not share life.

That being the case, it is easy to handle.

Take Ye Longyuan directly to the distance, no more worry.

"Killer! Want to escape !?"

"Shenlong clan, follow me to kill this demon!"

Zhuang Biyou Dayi waved the fan suddenly, and that feather fan spirit turned directly into a huge metal feather fan.

I saw him a metal feather fan, suddenly vacated to catch up.

"Tianfeng Dragon Shadow!"

With the blessing of the wind of the sky, Zhuang Biyou's speed became more rapid.

Shenlei flickers, golden arcs flow!

With one stroke of Thunder Dragon, he caught up quickly!

Outbreaks sped up in a row, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After the Shenlong people obeyed, many **** people also echoed and followed.

"City Lord, what shall we do?"

"Do you want to keep up with Zhuang, or just watch it change?"

The elders within the clan asked questions.

Although the owner of this city laughed at everyone every day and had no temper, he was quite popular.

Because everyone knows that although Feng Yu Zhi pursues the principle of "do not seek merit, but seek no fault", it seems not domineering.

However, people can take the Shenlong family smoothly through various storms, which is an amazing thing.

Therefore, people still ask for their opinions.

Feng Yu stopped squinting, his eyes flickered.

"Three must-dos and ten deities, what's the situation?"

Feng Yu stopped asking an elder behind him who was in charge of contact information.

"In the three must-sees, the elder Feng Xiaotian has never seen a dragon, and has not yet answered.

Elder Xiao Qingxuan bluntly said that this is something within my Shenlong clan.

If there is no iron certificate, it proves that the sword **** came on behalf of Ye Junyang, the demon head. It is not convenient for her to intervene prematurely.

Maybe ... That's why the emperor returned to the dean. As the dean of the college, he would come to see to protect the students.

Of the ten statues, the ones who are definitely coming are now: Hua Feihua and Ji Zhihei in our clan.

But it also has something to do with the two in Cangzhou, who are closer.

The other ten statues seem to be watching, most of them stand like Elder Xiao Qingxuan ...

I am afraid that as long as the sword **** does not provoke other clans, they will not easily intervene ... "

"It's pretty much what I thought."

Feng Yu smiled slightly at the corners of her mouth.

"I remember, Lord Ye Xuanguang, seems to be with the sword god, there have been festivals before.

Now that the sword **** is here, tell the obsidian legion about it here. "

"Let Xuanlong Huang come? This ..."

"Although Ye Xuanguang is terrible, he has a tense relationship with us. Will he help?"

A group of elders turned pale and seemed embarrassed.

"Although there may be a conflict between Xuanlong Huang and our elders, in this matter, at least we should be on the side."

"Yes! City Lord".

An elder was immediately responsible for contact.

"Let's go, we have also followed up and damaged Yao Lao. Zhuang Lao can't be surprised."

"When necessary, everyone must use the blood of Shenlong to fight, first protect Zhuang Laoquan, and then wait for rescue!"

"Observe the Lord's orders!"

The wind nodded, and a group of other elders rose up.

At this time, a landscape of thousands of troops chasing one person appeared over Shenlong City!

The sound of the dragon groaning and the sound of the air seemed to be rolling like spring thunder, one after another!

Even if the opponent is the sword **** of Megatron Taishen, after the battle just now, the people of the Shenlong clan are not very scared.

After all, the clan has three terrific and ten.

Even if the sword **** is a real demon king, he can't do anything in Kyushu.

The heritage of the First Clan is not so easily shaken.

Moreover, this sword **** is not comparable to the demon king, it seems to have "water" ...

Ye Fan unfolded the wings of the dragon scale, spreading his sword and walking the dragon, and flew for a few minutes in the air.

At his speed, he just left the area of ​​the city.

You can see how spectacular this city of dragons is.

Ye Fan was not surprised to notice Zhuang Biyou who followed him.

It is not easy to completely shake off the blue dragon who masters the power of Shenlei.

This guy, although the law of generations is a little disgusting, but he really has the ability.

The bloodline of the three robbed Qinglongs is more than Kai Tianjiu's solid cultivation.

It is stronger than Ye Xuanguang who fought against himself.

Of course, at that time, Ye Xuanguang had just entered Taishi and needed to adapt.

After such a long period of adaptation, Ye Fan had a hunch that Ye Xuanguang's strength must be above Zhuang Biyou.

After all, it is not difficult for a strong person to understand the principles of the plane.

Moreover, Ye Xuanguang's extremely talented martial arts idiot, with strong self-esteem, will never allow himself to be too far behind.

The kind of Ye Xuanguang is estimated to have been able to open the sky nine or more, it has been too vegetarian, so the true strength is limited.

Even if Ye Xuanguang's blue dragon did not break through, it was still the three blue dragon ...

As long as the cultivation is not too bad, Ye Xuanguang has finished Zhuang Biyou on combat skills, consciousness, physical strength, and speed.

After all, the use of Qinglong's blood is very important.

Ye Xuanguang is also a fanatical follower of the dragon blood, specializing in blood skills.

There was no comparison before, and Ye Fan was hard to judge.

Today, I met Zhuang Biyou's bloodline skills and made a verdict!

Even the most basic heavenly crossbow, Ye Xuanguang's speed, accuracy, and intensity are at least two steps higher!

It can be imagined how much effort and sweat Ye Xuanguang spent to practice hard.

To be honest, although Ye Fan's ideas and thoughts are different from his, he is destined not to be friends.

However, in cultivation, there is still a taste of fraternity.

Ye Fan is obsessed with kendo, while Ye Xuanguang is obsessed with the blood of Shenlong.

Nothing more, neither of them would say it.

Ye Fan pulled back his thoughts and glanced back.

I noticed that the strongest coercion in the back was Zhuang Biyou, and there were countless small coercions in the back.

"Come here ... I'm afraid you'll lose it."

Ye Fan sneered.

At the same time, Ye Fan was not idle at hand.

He is using a huge amount of spiritual power and the power of the Dragon Soul to help Ye Longyuan recover his consciousness.

Ye Longyuan was not only mentally weak, but in fact he suffered a lot of injuries.

To him, Zhuang Biyou's strength is too strong, and if he is weak, he will spend half of his time in this way.

Ye Fan actually feels that it is not easy for Ye Longyuan to survive.

Ye Longyuan has not practiced the crazy dance, it is not easy to have this body, no less hard training.

"Ahem ..."

Ye Longyuan's eyes cleared.

When Ye Fan saw this, one flew down, came to a hill, and put Lao Tzu down.

Ye Longyuan was ashamed, apparently, he also remembered what happened just now.

"It's my idea."

"You don't know what kind of law he has, it has nothing to do with you."

Ye Fan said, throwing out dozens of flying swords in a row to protect Ye Longyuan.

"Fully protect the mind with the dragon soul, I will not give him another chance to control you."

As long as Ye Longyuan takes some precautions, Ye Fan is confident that the law of generations can do nothing.

As for letting Ye Longyuan go first, it is not really necessary. Once he is injured, he may be caught by others.

"Wait, no matter what happens, as long as within five miles of me, I'll keep you okay."

Ye Longyuan couldn't help but hesitate to hear Ye Fan's waves, but he was full of confidence.

"Ye Fan, what are you going to do?"

"Just look at it."

"Look what?"

"Look at me killing dragons."

Ye Fan turned and wrote lightly.

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