"Oh? It seems that the sword **** is also good at playing games", Ji Zhihei is quite happy.

"Hurry up! Don't bullshit!" Ye Fan just wanted to get it done quickly.

"Mo Ji, if you don't want to wait, you can leave this game," Ji Zhihei laughed.

Ye Fan really wanted to smoke this meal, knowing that he was not willing to leave like this, he was deliberately delaying time.

Ji Zhihei wanted to drag on for a long time, waiting for reinforcements, and at the same time let the people of Shenlong City evacuate further.

It wasn't until the timer showed that the time was up, and Ji Zhihei dropped the sunspot.

Ye Fan was very fast, and after thinking a little, he became a child.

Played seven rounds in a row.

Ji Zhihei's figure has not changed at all, and is still very illusory.

Ye Fan found that his Baizi seemed a little bad ...

The area he is occupying is gradually shrinking.

"I know the sword god, the player is also divided into nine grades," Ji Zhihei said suddenly.

"I'm not interested to know, you hurry down," Ye Fan was impatient.

"Into the gods, sit and take photos, be specific, communicate quietly, use wisdom, smallness, and fighting strength, if stupid, clumsy.

This is the Nine Realms of Yizhe. Like Qinglong Jie, each realm is a hurdle.

Ye Fan squinted, what does this goods mean.

"Only watching Jianshen's chess power is indeed not weak, and the chess style is overbearing and fierce, but unfortunately there is more anxiety.

However, to exclude emotional interference, you should also reach the level of ‘fighting’, which is by no means leisurely.

Lord Sword God, your heart is far more delicate and ruthless than the vulgarity you show.

Although you are not brilliant, you are not a fool.

Although you are not a saint, you are not a demon.

It is not the person who killed Yao Zhonggu, nor will he actually go to slaughter the city.

I guess the jade charm of Ye Junyang must be just someone framed by you. "

Ye Fan, expressionless, asked, "What kind of player are you in?"

"Different talents, one victory over your realm," Ji Zhihei laughed, "Dazhi's 'ruoyu', right?"

"You don't blush," Ye Fan said.

Ji Zhihei suddenly smiled strangely, with **** in the state of a clip, remote control, a sunspot!

A white leaf of Ye Fan was eaten.

At the same time, Ye Fan's territory once again lost more than a dozen eyes.

"Heavenly Dragon Crossbow! Thousands!"

At this time, Ji Zhihei suddenly launched an attack!

He condensed the power of the sky a little, and the wind was great!

I saw hundreds of thousands of heavenly dragon crossbows, and began to shoot wildly towards Ye Fan! !!

Ye Fan suddenly felt wrong!

At such a short distance, it is difficult to avoid, simply summoning the stegosaurus to resist.

His own combat power at this time, in theory, should be able to easily block Ji Zhihei's heavenly dragon crossbow.

However, Ye Fan's Eight Wild Demon Dragons were even penetrated by the blue sky wind arrows! ?

"Bang Bang !!!!"

The stegosaurus was penetrated, and the arrow was approaching Ye Fan!

Ye Fan held both swords and cut down more than a dozen arrows in a row.


How did Ji Zhihei's Xiu Wei become stronger! ?

Could it be that……

Ye Fan's gaze fixed, "The strength of the chess game will affect the strength of the battle ?!"

"Good", Ji Zhihei did not hide it, after all, "when playing against each other, the more eyes he occupies, the more his combat power will increase.

If less is taken, the combat power will be weakened.

Sword God ... Even if your sword is more powerful, if you can't beat me in this game, you can't help me halfway!

On the contrary, if you lose your eyes so much, you may not be able to stop my attack.

Hurry ... it's your turn, over the time limit, but when you give up this round! "

Ye Fan looked at the water-drop timer next to it, and was running out of time, and hurriedly took another step.

"This step, but it is not up to standard", Ji Zhihe was a shame.

After that, another sunspot went down, and ate another fan of Ye Fan.

Ye Fan gritted his teeth. If he went on like this, he wouldn't be able to help this guy even if he would not be in danger.

Even if Ji Zhihei's strength continues to increase, he may limit his actions.

Although it is said that Ye Fan can be transferred by sword and leave here, how can he be willing!

"Sword God, it's your turn again," Ji Zhihei looked happy.

"Hum, why not attack this time?" Ye Fan asked.

"Now I don't improve enough, I will take a bit more pain when I occupy more points," Ji Zhihei confessed.

"What's going on?"

Ye Fan quickly turned in his head.

If you go on like this, your chess is not as good as your opponent and you will definitely fall into an absolute disadvantage.

It is almost impossible to win him, and he does not play chess exclusively.

But ... it may work!

Ye Fan did not change his face, carefully observed the situation, and then continued to fall.

Ji Zhihei was slightly puzzled when he saw the path of Ye Fan.

"So impatient?"

"Come on! Less nonsense!" Ye Fan said coldly.

Ji Zhihe shrugged.

You come and go with me.

After three more rounds, Ji Zhi's face changed.

"You are ... bad!"

Ye Fan showed a wicked smile.

He dropped a piece of white paper into a blank area where there was not much fighting.

Instantly, Ye Fan's three pawns, at first glance, controlled the blockbuster.

Although, this is only temporary, because it is very unstable, like an empty city.

Moreover, Ye Fan wasted three steps and lost his hope of victory.

However, Ye Fan does not intend to win at all!

"Enough ... one chance is enough!"

Ye Fan held Taichu and flew towards Ji Zhihei swiftly!

"Yan destroys the embers !!"

"Aria of Death !!"

"Twelve !!!!"

Ye Fan frantically chopped out the twelve-fold externally disintegrated black blade.

Do not press at all, forcibly cover a large area.

At the same time, a demon-like huge shadow directly enveloped the sky after being disintegrated!

The sky is dark, and the negative spiritual force like the tide is oppressed on Ji Zhihei's dragon soul!

Ye Fan has to hit Ji Zhihei enough before Ji Zhihei has played chess!

Physical, mental, double crush!

At this moment, Bai Zi, for the first time, was relatively large, and his territory surpassed that of Sun Zi.

But once Ji Zhihei, in that empty city, the next sunspot, Ye Fan's false advantage, will shrink a lot.

However, as long as Ji Zhihei has not taken that step, he is in the weakest stage!

At this moment, Ji Zhihei's dodge and defense are relatively weak.

If before, he would only be hurt by one thousandth, then at this moment, he would temporarily suffer one hundredth!

One percent!

For other monks of the same level, it may still be invalid.

But Ye Fan is different. For the massive sword meaning of the disintegration of the twelve times, it is already lethal enough! !!

The key point is that Ye Fan suddenly exploded, leaving Ji Zhihei a little messy!

"Boom boom !!!"

The raging Yan Ember, like a black and gold thunder, blew up in the area where Ji Zhihei was.

Ji Zhihei almost tried his best, and it was too late to watch more, so he went to the empty city and lost a sunspot.

The sunspots fell, Ji Zhihei's super strong dodge, came back again.



"Ahem ..."

Ji Zhihe vomited blood, and there were blood caves everywhere.

At that moment, Ye Fan's sword intention still hurt him!

If it hadn't been for only one percent he had withstood, and consciously dodged it, it would have fallen apart!

Rao is so, Ji Zhihei has already been seriously injured!

The chess game is looming, obviously, Ji Zhihei's spirit can no longer maintain this chess game.

"If Dazhi is stupid?"

"That's it?"

Ye Fan smiled evilly.

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