My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2857: Three must

"It can make you say such things, presumably things are not small."

Ye Fan asked curiously: "If you talk about collapse, what are you going to do?"

"Kill you", Ye Xuanguang saw his intention of killing, seeing the poor.

"Oh ..." Ye Fan smiled. "This is the Xuanlong Emperor I know."

"Talk first, and come with the king."

Ye Xuanguang leapt forward and flew straight to Kun Peng's back.

Ye Fan did not hesitate and followed Xun Peng's back.

When I came to Kun Peng, it seemed as if I was standing on a piece of suspended land.

A feather is as strong as a metal plate, as if it were a football field.

As soon as Xu Peng fluttered her wings, she flew out of Shenlong City in an instant, leveling herself.

If it weren't for the strong wind, I didn't feel moving when I stood on it.

In a few breaths, she has been far away from Shenlong City.

"Where are you going?"

"That is the ancestral land of the Shenlong clan. You and I are members of the clan of the Shenlong clan. It is not appropriate to shoot in the city, it will destroy the fengshui of the ancestral land."

Ye Fan muttered in his heart, this Ye Xuanguang, his loyalty to the blood of the clan, really came from the heart.

This loyalty and faith will help him cultivate the blood of the dragon.

But why not be a bondage.

"Just here."

Ye Xuanguang said something lightly, and Xun Peng stopped flying.

The two fell from the air and came to a wild field of birds and flowers.

Space magic waved, and a space door opened.

Dubrick came out with a group of maids.

On a piece of grass, there were gorgeous tables and chairs, a few dishes, and two pots of wine.

Dubrick finished these arrangements, saluted the two, and went straight.

"It seems that your Obsidian Legion has not been dissolved."

Ye Fan clearly felt that Dubrick's strength had increased.

Not surprisingly, the group of chaos and even the holy realm of the Obsidian Army has been improved after entering the Taishi plane.

The obsidian army of these elites are already strong in the aspect of the plane.

With plane-level tuning like Ye Xuanguang, it is easy to adapt to this plane and quickly increase the combat power.

"Why dissolve? Is my king insufficient or unpopular?" Ye Xuanguang asked.

"I only heard that you came to Shenlong, but I did not expect you to bring all the legions," Ye Fan said.

"My king just let these men go to their respective ancestors to improve their strength.

Dubrick also came back from the Austrian God Realm a few days ago, and has made considerable progress, "Ye Xuanguang said.

"I see it", Ye Fan nodded, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Ye Xuanguang recalled with a trace, saying: "In the floods at first, I met some demons who couldn't control it.

Relying on the demons, he was born to control the power of primitive power, and tried to merge the king's legion.

The king frustrated them all, took the army, and after rest, he went out of the flood.

Encountered on the way were some demon army of the seventh and fifth kingdoms.

After capturing some supplies, he asked the clan's position.

So he grabbed two warships from the demons, jumped through space, and came to the clan alliance. "

Ye Fan couldn't help laughing, grabbing the battleship from the Demon Army is really Ye Xuanguang's style ...

"My King came to the Clan Alliance for two purposes.

First, it is natural to enhance strength. There is a sacred place like the Dragon Temple here, which has greatly benefited the king.

Di Tianzhao and Dubrick have also improved each other.

This second point is the hope of the king to win the rightful place for the clan of the Taishi plane.

The demons and the protoss have always pretended to have higher lives by virtue of their innate mastery of primitive power.

But in the Taishi plane, the real strong should be based on the plane level.

Just one point ... Which of the protoss and the devil can dare to say that you can reach the plane level by blood alone! "

Ye Fan poured a glass of wine to himself, "Wasn't the Abyss Witch?"

"The probability of an abyss witch becoming an adult is extremely low, and it is simply not enough to serve as a reference.

Even the abyss demons are too few to fear.

According to the investigation of the king, the evil gods, high-level dragons, and ancient-level demons among the demons.

Among the Protoss, the Platinum Protoss, the Supreme Angel, etc.

Although they have different talents, the actual upper limit is actually inferior to our clan.

At least, in front of our Shenlong family, the upper limit of our blue dragon bloodline is far above these demons and protoss! "

Ye Fan stuffed a fruit into his mouth, sweet and sour, and quite delicious.

Seeing Ye Xuanguang's words so impassioned and embarrassed, Ye Fan didn't speak, so he vaguely said, "The upper limit is high, but someone needs to be there ..."

"That's right! That's it! It seems that you have realized that the problem is key!"

Ye Xuanguang's eyes were burning, and suddenly his voice rose.


Ye Fan was so confused, what did he say that was the key?

Ye Xuanguang poured a glass of wine and made a comparison with Ye Fan.

"Sure enough, he is worthy of drinking with the King."

Ye Fan muttered something inexplicable in his heart, but still touched the cup with Ye Xuanguang.

I still remember when I was in Honghuang, this product said that except his father, I had to drink with myself, because others were not qualified.

Ye Fan thought for a while now, didn't he say that he was on a level with his father?

Drink it all.

Ye Xuanguang continued: "Presumably, you can already understand.

The reason why the devil and the protoss can press the clan in the Taishi plane is not that their blood is higher than us.

Their pedigree is far lower than the upper limit of our clan, let alone wisdom and understanding. They are similar to us.

The reason is that these so-called high-level races account for most of the resources of the Taishi plane ...

It is because their leaders know how to survive in the Taishi plane!

The demon king, the **** king, has the almost inexhaustible energy through the power of faith.

You've played against Garrett and Gladney.

Ask yourself, if they do n’t have the power of faith, what will happen to the battle? "

Ye Fan's face was frozen, this time, his heart really moved.

This guy ... can't think of ...

Ye Fan looked serious and frowned.

"You do n’t say, my king can also guess that you must have thought of one thing when you fought with the two demon kings--

The power of faith is endless, hurting is useless and recovering too quickly.

If you fight, you will be consumed alive ...

Is it not? Ye Xuanguang asked with a smile.

Ye Fan unhappyly stuffed another fruit into his mouth.

Is this product on the scene?

"Don't be surprised, although the king has never played against the demon king. But he has talked to the three clan masters.

The reason why Sanjue is Sanjue can stand out from the clan's level ...

It is because they both have experience with the Demon King, which can convince the ten lords to take it orally. "

"What?" Ye Fan said suddenly, "Three must have played against the devil ?!"

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