My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2894: taste

Zhongzhou, a bustling commercial street.

Ye Fan appeared with Ling Yuwei and Xiaojin on her shoulder, and immediately attracted a lot of attention.

After all, it has just been broadcast live in Kyushu, and almost everyone knows the face of the sword god.

The imperial swordsman, the ancient unparalleled, who is not curious?

Moreover, Ye Fan started from being famous. Although his time is short, his resume is really tough.

With a dragon more gold than real gold, it is difficult to keep a low profile.

Most of the people in the clan who came and went did not dare to give pointers, but watching and discussing was naturally inevitable.

In the eyes, there are fear, dissatisfaction, awe, curiosity, worship ...

Many emotions are mixed.

Ye Fan took Ling Yuwei's hand and glanced at the woman.

It was found that Ling Yuwei was full of enthusiasm. Looking at the nearby shops, she was not affected by these eyes.

Ye Fan thought for a while and was relieved.

After being an international filmmaker, the big star was naturally accustomed to this kind of scene.

It was Xiao Jin, with a look of energy on his shoulders.

Ling Yuwei walked and strolled, most of the time passed, and bought some miscellaneous small things.

After all, Ye Fan has seen the information of Kyushu and acted as a half guide.

Many shopkeepers who were patronized were a little flattered when they received the payment from Hong Huangshi.

Ye Fan couldn't help crying and laughing. He said that he wanted to unify Kyushu, but not to burn and plunder. Do these people really treat him as a monster?

At the beginning, many people were more worried about whether they would be taught if they looked at Ye Fan.

But later, passers-by found that the sword **** family seemed quite approachable, so they boldly started to follow.

The news of the sword **** carrying his wife and Jinlong shopping in Zhongzhou's commercial district spread quickly.

Even many members of the clan, through the teleportation array, came from various states to see the glory of the sword **** ...

Among the clans, most believe in the strong.

Therefore, Ye Fan's daring to shout out the "integrity of humanity" will not cause much hostility.

In fact, most of the children of the clan will look forward to seeing whether the sword gods can pick off these strong ones.

Many members of the clan, especially swordsmen, have even regarded Ye Fan as an idol.

As she passed by a noodle shop, the woman stopped.

"Wow, what kind of face is this? So beautiful?"

What attracted Ling Yuwei's attention was a restaurant called "Colorful Noodles".

As the name suggests, the noodles come in five colors, and the pictures are very tempting.

"Why, want to eat noodles?"

"Just the two of us and Xiaojin, there is no need to go to the restaurant, anyway, don't you think this noodle is particularly beautiful?"

"Let ’s do it, anyway, a guy has been reminding me to eat," Ye Fan looked at the greedy snake on his shoulder.

Xiao Jin, pretending to be cold, seemed to carelessly yawn, but quietly transmitted a message to Ye Fan: Master, order more meat.

Ye Fan shook his head secretly, saying that the goods were not saved.

The owner of the noodle shop at the entrance, seeing Ye Fan and Xiao Jin, was very restrained, and even a little hesitant.

"Good Sword God, good King Dragon, good wife!

The colorful noodles of the shop are traditional clan craftsmanship, and are made of five kinds of spiritual materials unique to Kyushu.

These five kinds of noodles can be matched together to gradually develop thirteen flavors in the mouth ... "

Ling Yuwei grinned, "Okay, okay, I want to eat like this, no need to introduce, is it just sitting there?"

"Yes, please feel free to both." The owner was busy laughing and invited in.

As soon as Ye Fan entered the restaurant, some of the guests eating the noodles immediately looked nervously.

There were even many people outside the hall pretending to pass by and pretending to look around.

Ye Fan ordered three bowls of noodles, one for extra large portions and double the meat, which was naturally given to Xiao Jin.

Seeing people gathering outside, Ye Fan was helpless.

"We're almost going to be zoo monkeys," Ye Fan laughed at himself.

"Don't you have to be a celebrity? What live broadcast ..." Ling Yuwei gave him a white look.

"No, these strategic levels will not come out easily.

They represent the vast majority of the power of the clan and the Arcane Realm.

As long as the strategic level is solved, the human alliance can be controlled, "Ye Fan said.

"Aren't you trying to comprehend Qinglong? Have time to do this? Is this the job that Qingxue excels at?" Ling Yuwei asked casually.

"Qinglong ... I have something in mind, and now I mainly think about a problem, and when I think about it, it should be almost the same."

"It's so powerful? It's only this time that you have found a breakthrough?" Ling Yuwei was surprised.

Ye Fan shrugged. "Speaking of which, thanks to Ye Xuanguang, this product's dedication to the blood of Qinglong helped me a lot.

This unified humanity alliance is not only to find someone to discuss and improve, but also for future consideration. "

"It's up to you. Anyway, I'm only interested in how to perfect my prototype rules," Ling Yuwei said.

Ye Fan smiled, leaving a corner of his eyes, and glanced at a restaurant across the street.

On the second floor, a figure is particularly noticeable.

It was a bald red vest, a tanned, muscular woman.

Although the woman had just arrived, it was clearly their target.

But Ye Fan was not sure what the purpose of this woman was.

The bald man obviously knew that Ye Fan had found her.

She sipped her wine and grinned at Ye Fan.

Ling Yuwei noticed Ye Fan's eyes and looked over.

"Wow, is that a nun? So strong?"

Ling Yuwei couldn't help but have a cold chill, "Smelly Yefan, when did you have such a heavy taste? Keep an eye on it? Don't look at it!"

"Where did you want to go? Do you have a problem, eat this vinegar too?"

Ye Fan smiled bitterly, too lazy to explain to the woman, and drank his own tea.

Not long after, the pastry chef came up with three bowls of noodles and a plate of meat.

Ye Fan really had some unexpected taste of the noodles with all colors and flavors.

"Master Sword God, how do you feel? Any dissatisfaction, despite telling the villain," the noodle master asked carefully.

"It was delicious. For the first time, I tasted such a variety of noodles and the soup was very delicious," Ye Fan said sincerely.

"Master, what kind of soup do you use for this soup? Is it too fresh?" Ling Yuwei also felt incredible and gave her thumbs up.

"This ... the old secret recipe is inconvenient to say, but the two really have eyesight.

The colorful face of our family is the most authentic old craftsmanship, inheriting six epochs!

It's not me bragging. I can't find a second company in Kyushu with this taste! "

The pastry master said proudly.

"Really? So powerful? I said I have taste, right?" Ling Yuwei said proudly.

Xiao Jin cheeks bulging aside, nodded energetically.

After eating noodles, although Xiao Jin's intentions were still exhausted, Ye Fan got up and planned to leave.

Came to the counter to pay, the owner was frightened, and repeatedly quit.

"Master Sword God, how are you sorry? You are able to come to our store, it is our pleasure. This money cannot be collected ..."

Ye Fan laughed, "Why, would you want me to eat for nothing and be a villain?"

I also do it for myself. If you take the money, you can continue to do business, and can I eat noodles for a long time? "

A group of people laughed and persuaded the store to take the money.

Seeing that Ye Fan was sincere, the shopkeeper took Hong Hongshi and thanked him.

Just then, a sneer came from the side.

"Hum, pretend to be low-key and deceive the people.

I heard that the sword **** took his family and went shopping in the shopping district.

Unexpectedly, it was really a show, it was ridiculous ...

By using such inferior means to buy people's hearts, it seems that the sword **** is just the same. "

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