My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2927: God of Winter

Because of Hua Feihua's intervention, Ye Xuanguang found a good step, which also has a noble name.

The scene has reached this point, and everyone naturally looks forward to it, Ye Xuanguang and Su Qingxue duel.

The venue moved to the outer square.

The news spread, and it immediately attracted a large number of clans gathered in Zhongzhou.

Not long after, there were hundreds of thousands of people around the suspended island.

I heard that the wife of the sword **** wanted to make Xuanlong Huang three moves, everyone felt incredible.

Could it be that this couple are so powerful?

"Ye Xuanguang, say yes first."

Su Qingxue emphasized: "The main purpose of this discussion is to prove that the three you mentioned are just your words.

If after three strokes I'm not harmed, and stand still, you must provide the clan alliance with the mastered information. "

"My King advises you, don't be stubborn. You don't need three moves, one move ... My King can kill you," Ye Xuanguang said.

"How are you, mother-in-law, dare to agree?" Su Qingxue looked impatient.

"Yes ... Jun has no jokes!"

In front of hundreds of thousands of clan children, Ye Xuanguang naturally did not dare to break the contract.

However, in Ye Xuanguang's view, Su Qingxue couldn't possibly do it at all.

No congenital spirit treasure, no holy relic, relying on personal strength alone to prevent him from injury?

Unless Su Qingxue's cultivation and the law of planes are far better than him!

At least it has to be three kinds of types to make it possible.

But ... is it possible?

The two in the field were in dialogue, and they were ready to start a discussion.

But outside the court, it is actually more lively.

None of the ten fellows were idle.

"Haha, it's interesting. It's boring to sit there for meetings. Whoever fists listens! That's fun!"

Huang Wanrou laughed, sat down and pulled out a chicken leg, eating and drinking.

"Opening! Opening! Black Ye Xuanguang, White Su Qingxue, buy and leave! Buy and leave!"

Ji Zhihei suddenly released his "chess game" rule.

A huge chessboard opened by the battlefield.

A group of clan children started betting there, using black and white as "chips."

The point is that this product was opened outside the market long before everyone came out.

At this moment many children have already bet.

Everyone is familiar with it, obviously, this is not the first time!

"Ji Zhihei, what kind of system!" The emperor returned dissatisfied and shook his head.

"Forget it, Dean Emperor, who asked him to run Ji Ji, and encountered a good thing to make money, which is not the first to rush forward ..." Xiao Qingxuan giggled.

"A white one, what about a foggy night?"

The emperor found that the two students beside him were missing.

"Dean, my brother, they are betting ..."

Bai Lu bowed his head shamefully.

"From an emotional point of view, I am holding Ye Xuanguang, and his emotions of protecting dignity are in place ..."

Wu Ye Mingling touched her chest hair while analyzing.

"I think Sister Su has beautiful lines. She must have won it. I put it down, 200,000 ..."

Bai Yi quickly took out an embroidered space wallet.

"Thank you Brother Wuye, thank you for a beautiful girl, buy it!"

Ji Zhihei ha ha laughed and collected money.

Candle core soul is standing next to the crowd, covering his face with both hands, constantly shattering thoughts: "Many people ... many people ..."

Jiang? I don't know where to find a group of men, and pulled up a banner just finished.

"Miss Su will win! The sword gods unite the alliance! Everlasting!"

Jiang Xingchong rushed to Ye Fan and asked, squinting his face, "Master Sword God, is this slogan okay?"

Ye Fan was dizzy and didn't want to answer ...

Seeing this scene, I have regretted it!

How did he feel that he did not come to dominate the human alliance, but got on the thief ship?

What kind of ghosts are these guys! ?

"Master Sword God, does your wife have any powerful magic weapon? Has it been eaten in your stomach? Hidden early?"

Zhou Wangxian whispered quietly and asked Ye Fan very much.

Rarely, there is something normal, and Ye Fan is somewhat comforted.

But Ye Fan can only pretend to say very calmly at this time: "Look at it, learn it well."

Just then, there was finally movement on the court.

The prince returned to the court as the referee.

"This time, in accordance with the agreement, three moves are limited.

Ye Xuanguang attacked, Su Qingxue guarded, must not use any magic weapon ... officially started! "

After the emperor returned, the figure instantly retreated to a few hundred meters away.

Hundreds of thousands of people at the scene were suddenly quiet.


Ye Xuanguang was surging with the power of Qinglong's blood, and a wave of Longwei was released.

Raise your hand and launch the Dragon Crossbow!

At such a short distance, Ye Fan did not dare to say that he could avoid it 100%, after all, it was Ye Xuanguang's method.

Obviously, Ye Xuanguang determined that Su Qingxue couldn't carry it just with a dragon crossbow!

At the same time, Su Qingxue had a frost on his face, and his eyes lit up with an ice-blue halo.

The body is like a deep sea black ice, sweeping an ice storm across the city.

The sky is falling with snowflakes, and the speed visible to the naked eye becomes dark ...

The surrounding area quickly cooled down, and the warm wind just turned into a chill wind!

What is even more surprising to everyone is that the black hair like a waterfall with long hair turned into a white snow!

Ice-blue pupils, snowy white eyebrows, and complexion also become whiter, such as snow in the morning without dust!

"God of Winter !?"

Many people in the clan exclaimed.

Su Qingxue had cleaned up his temperament as immortal, and became popular.

At this moment, the eyebrows turned into ice and snow, just like a snow mountain ice lotus.

Peerless and independent, not blasphemy.

"Wow ... so beautiful ..."

Many clan women are extremely envious.

I only hate that I am not Xuanming's, and I do n’t even have the opportunity to impact this blood realm.

Zhou Wangxian's eyes shined, which was quite a surprise.

"Mrs. Sword God is really good! How did you advance Xuanming's blood to the realm of the God of Winter?"

"This is the second form of Xuanming Bloodline?" Ye Fan didn't know much.

"Of the four clans, white tiger blood is the easiest to advance, followed by Phoenix.

The blood of our Xuanming family is second to Shenlong's difficult to advance.

Xuanming Apparition is the first realm, but to reach the God of Winter, it is to look at opportunity and understanding.

Not to mention anything else, although the old man realized the rules of the plane, he failed to advance to the God of Winter, ashamed ... "Zhou Wangxian said.

"In the form of the Winter God, the blood of Xuanming will indeed increase greatly.

Forcibly enter the cold winter night, transform the battlefield into an environment suitable for Xuanming Bloodline, and use advanced bloodline skills.

But even so, it is not like reaching the plane level directly like Qinglong.

The blood of Qinglong is better than the blood of any other race, which is why.

If only to deal with the general state of heaven.

The opponent is Ye Xuanguang. The **** of winter alone is not enough, "said the emperor.

"The dean said it was ..." Zhou Wangxian smiled bitterly, feeling Bai happy.

Ye Xuanguang also seemed somewhat surprised.

"Oh? God of Winter? Rarely ..."

"Unfortunately, in the presence of Qinglong, my god's dragon, his blood is not worth mentioning!"

"Heavenly Dragon Crossbow!"

The words did not fall, a force of the wind, turned into a powerful dragon-shaped crossbow cannon, burst out!

The blue dragon crossbow turned into a straight beam, tearing the cold winter night, dazzling!

Ye Fan has quietly tripled because he is worried about his wife's safety.

At the same time, the eyes also ignited a black and golden flame, discerning the changes in the operation of all laws in the field.

As Long Long's crossbow fired, Ye Fan's heart beat into his throat.

However, he found that a slight change had taken place in Su Qingxue ...

"this is?……"

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