My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2936: Object of doubt

When Ye Fan heard the woman's slightly heavy words, she could not help but stunned.

In recent time, he has been immersed in cultivation and Feng Qinglan, hard and happy.

I feel that this kind of life that continues to increase kendo and is accompanied by women is really enjoyable.

Suddenly, when I heard of an accident in Kyushu, there was a feeling of "as if I were alive".

Only then did he remember that he had a lot of things to deal with outside.

"Tricky affairs ... when can I really be at ease?"

Ye Fan sighed, put away too early, and walked to Su Qingxue.

"What's wrong, wife?"

Feng Qinglan also came over, with a touch of concern in her eyes, but also a little guilty.

Su Qingxue glanced at Feng Qinglan, but he didn't have much mood.

"Seven strategically-controlled worlds controlled by the Clan Alliance suddenly lost contact for two days.

The teleportation array has been tampered with and can no longer be used.

Those worlds are the key positions to resist the army of Satan.

If an accident happens early, the Satan army can greatly shorten the distance, drive straight ahead, and enter Kyushu.

Moreover, it is difficult for us to build an effective line of defense. By then, strategic strong players will not be able to support it smoothly. "

"Are there no masters in the strategic world to protect the teleportation array?"

"Of course there are guardians of Kaitianjing of all ethnic groups, but ... the other party is a plane class."

Ye Fan frowned. "Did the Austrian God Realm do?"

"I thought so at first, but it turned out worse."

Su Qingxue said distressedly: "At present ... the shot is from a strong dragon, and ... it is said that it is a flower."


Ye Fan and Feng Qinglan were all in a daze.

I heard at first that there was a Kaitianjing transmitting the news back before dying.

He also claimed that the elders of Huafeihua attacked them.

"Hua Fei Hua? How could it be her? Even if she didn't like us much, wouldn't she do such a thing?"

Ye Fan was not convinced.

"The problem now is to be able to capture seven worlds in a short time and defeat so many Kaitianjing.

The opponent must be a plane-level, and the surviving witnesses also claimed that it was a flower.

The power of Qinglong is imitated, and the probability is too small. There is nothing wrong with being a Qinglong.

There are only a few Qinglongs known now ... "Su Qingxuedai frowned.

"It's really difficult to wash out the suspicions ... Let's go to the Alliance Presbyterian Hospital and find out in person Huafeihua and ask clearly."

Ye Fan felt that it would be useless to say more.

"Or should I go with me? Maybe I can help?" Feng Qinglan asked.

"Lan Lan, you continue to practice first, if necessary, I will not be polite," Ye Fan smiled back.

Feng Qinglan, after getting along with these days, felt that there was something in the man's words.

The noble and cold face showed a touch of unusual redness, and nodded.

"Hum", Su Qingxue snorted coldly.

Ye Fan was so excited that he smiled honestly at his wife.

"Hey, dear, why don't you come to see me for so many days? I want to die, come, let's go ..."

Ye Fan quickly hugged the woman's shoulder.

"Do not touch me!"

"How to transfer without touching?"

Regardless of Su Qingxue's escape, Ye Fan stubbornly continued to stubbornly.

No matter how big the world is, it doesn't coax his wife into a big deal.

Home and everything, Ye Fan knows it.

When they came to the Presbyterian Home, the couple saw that the three out of ten had arrived.

For the clan alliance, it was even more shocking to learn that Hua Feihua had attacked the world of seven forts.

Not surprisingly, Hua Feihua himself was already in the solemn conference room.

"Master Sword God, Miss Su, you two are here." Jiang? Came to the door to greet him.

Ye Fan looked at the solemn atmosphere at the scene.

"How's the conversation going? Are there any results?" Ye Fan asked.

Xiao Qingxuan sighed, "Sword God, Qingxue, you are here just right, and we are having a headache."

"Qinglong has attacked seven fortress worlds, and is familiar with the defense of each world.

In other words, this is basically impossible for outsiders to do. "

The emperor turned ugly and said, "This incident will make people of all major clans heart-sick."

Su Qingxue went to Hua Feihua and asked, "Elder Hua, what do you think?"

"Why do you think I betrayed the clan? Then why am I still here? Isn't it good to just run straight?" Hua Feihua looked cold.

"I just asked your opinion and didn't blame you," Su Qingxue said lightly.

"Blaming? I haven't done such a thing at all, naturally I don't need to be blamed!

You should be glad now, and see me become the target of the public, the traitor of the clan! "Hua Feihua sneered.

Ye Fan walked in front of her, "Although you can see that you don't like our couple very much, but ... I don't believe you did it."

Hua Feihua looked a little suspiciously: "Why?"

"You're not stupid, really want to do such a thing, why show your true content?" Ye Fan said.

"Yes, this is more likely to be stolen.

It is nothing more than that we cannot explain why there is a blue dragon, "Su Qingxue Road.

"Xiaohua, everyone actually believes in you. Don't get too excited, just discuss it carefully." Xiao Qingxuan smiled and soothed.

Hua Feihua took a complicated look at Ye Fan and his wife, took a deep breath, and said, "I will find out who faked me, and give you a confession."

"Check? How are you going to check? Even if your Huahai Law investigation ability is first-rate ...

Don't forget, of the seven worlds, two teleportation arrays are in the desert, and one is in the ocean.

In addition, the seven worlds are separated and far away. Even if you want to collect all the clues, it will take a lot of time.

When you finish the investigation, Satan's army has already entered Kyushu ... "Zhou Wangxian shook his head.

"Then what do you say?" Hua Feihua stared at him.

"Elder Hua Feihua, you are not surprised, why this fake dragon does not impersonate others, but why you want to impersonate you?"

"Are you asking? Naturally it's because it's most appropriate to impersonate me."

Hua Feihua said coldly: "I am in charge of intelligence. If I am not trusted, then if there is a war with Austrian God, we will have no chance."

"That's why, whether it's the Austrian God Realm or the devil Satan, I am afraid that we want to lose trust within our clan.

Elder Huafeihua is not only responsible for intelligence, but also one of the representatives of Shenlong.

If she is not trusted, many of our plans will not be launched.

This time, the act not only opened the way for the Satan army, but also created confusion for us. "Zhou Wangxian said.

"What do you say so much?

Everyone understands the matter, but the suspect is not cleaned up now. Who can believe Xiaohua? "Huang Wanrou complained, pulling her throat.

"The major clans are asking us to give us an answer, otherwise the major clans are afraid to act.

After all, if our ten intelligence officers are traitors, they will be killed if they go into battle, "Jiang said.

"Now, several big cities have set off a wave of doubts about the Shenlongs.

The few Kaitianjing who were killed this time happened to have no Shenlongs.

So ... Many people are wondering if it's our God Dragon's intentional enemies, "Ji Zhihei said helplessly.

"At present, although we have maintained the stability of the major city owners, ... if we can't give a reasonable explanation, I'm afraid that will sooner or later be stunned," Jiang said.

After listening to the emperor for a while, the emperor looked at Ye Fan meaningfully.

"Sword God, if you plan to unify the alliance, this incident will be your first challenge.

If it is impossible to prove the innocence of Huafeihua, you don't have to wait for the Austrian God Realm and Satan's army to come, and the clan will be divided. "

Ye Fan was lost in thought. In fact, he was not worried about the seven teleportation formations, because he could use sword transfer to bring people to repair as soon as possible.

Even if it is the worst, it will not let the Demon King take it up.

The problem is ... there is a blue dragon who is doing evil everywhere. If it is not solved as soon as possible, it is a hidden danger.

"Qinglong ... the whole Taishi plane, shouldn't be many, don't everyone have any doubts?" Su Qingxue asked.

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