My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2939: What the hell

In fact, if Su Qingxue's brain hole was not wide open and he suspected that Yao Zhonggu wasn't dead, everyone might want to break his head without knowing who was making a ghost.

"Now the suspicion of Elder Hua can be basically ruled out, but Yao Zhonggu's rebellion is also a huge credit crisis for Shenlong.

After all, the Dragon Dragon is the first clan. If it is not possible to regain the trust of everyone before the arrival of the first demon king and the Austrian **** domain alliance, it will be a big problem.

Yao Zhonggu must be found as soon as possible, and his purpose clearly investigated to reassure the entire Kyushu clan, "the emperor returned.

"Yao Zhonggu is Qinglong ... even if it is the weakest of several Qinglongs, it is also a proper strategic level.

Besides, he still has a high ability to disguise.

It is difficult to find him in a short time.

The key is ... if you are below the strategic level, it is too risky to go to him.

In other words, only we can find them, "sighed Zhou Wangxian.

"I will definitely find him and investigate the truth ..."

Hua Feihua had a cold face at this time.

"Small flower, Yao Zhonggu knows your rules, he will definitely avoid all the flowery areas", Xiao Qingxuan smiled bitterly.

"Let ’s find it too! Let all of us in the human union world sprinkle flowers everywhere, and I want to fill all the world with flowers!" Hua Feihua said coldly.

"Flower girl, the picture you said, the emotion with you ... the contrast is too great!" Wu Ye Mingling shook her head.

Everyone couldn't help laughing or crying. Indeed, the picture was beautiful, but the purpose was more brutal.

"Anyway, let's discuss it first, how to look for it separately ...

Yao Zhonggu is likely to continue to attack the other strategic fortress world, we need to go to guard first.

Ji Zhihei! Don't want to slip! You have to act together! "

The prince gave a stern glance, and was about to sneak someone away.

Ji Zhihei face was bitter, and nodded with a smirk.

When the crowd was planning to leave, they found that Ye Fan did not follow.

Looking back, he found Ye Fan at the empty coffin and stared inside.

"Master Sword God, what are you looking at?" Zhou Wangxian asked.

"Are you admiring the lines of the coffin?" Bai guessed.

"The coffin has a fart line. It is estimated that I felt the emotion when Yao Zhonggu pretended to be dead ..." Wu Ye Mingling said with a bit of trouble.

Ye Fan looked up, pointed to the coffin and asked, "Will this coffin leak?"

The people were weird and quiet for a while.

"Dragon Bloodwood is not rotten for thousands of years. After making by our clan's special secret method, it will never enter the water."

"Really?" Ye Fan said, "But you see, it's wet inside."

The crowd was stunned again, and hurried forward to observe carefully.

Everyone just saw that it was empty, and didn't take a closer look.

At this time, I noticed that there were a few areas with traces of wetness.

"Don't you find it strange that Yao Zhonggu should be a complete body if he can disguise the body himself, is it easier?

What kind of camouflage is needed to break the body, so miserable?

Even if he was trying to make people believe that he died terribly, even the dragon soul was shattered ...

Don't you have to shatter the body? This should be a troublesome and unnecessary disguise ... "

Everyone listened to Ye Fan's analysis and immediately fell into thought.

"Yeah ... dead is dead, anyway, the Dragon Soul is gone, and it's normal, why should you pretend to be shattered?

"And how did he get out if the body was put into the coffin? The coffin wasn't damaged."

The more we think about it, the more weird people feel.

"You see, in fact, this thing is strange," Ye Fan spread his arms.

"If the broken corpse was not Yao Zhonggu from the beginning, would it be easier to explain?"

Suddenly, Su Qingxue said something.

The people were startled and fell into silence.

"Indeed ... without Dragon Soul, how can we guarantee that this corpse belongs to Yao Zhonggu?

Made into a broken look, it can better hide some details. "

Zhou Wangxian frowned: "Ms. Su, do you mean ... someone helped Yao Zhonggu?"

Su Qingxue nodded. "In my opinion, there are two reasons to pretend to be a broken body.

The first is what you said. In order to cover up the details, it is easy to impersonate.

But it seems to me that it is more likely, for another reason ...

That is, this person's camouflage skills are so powerful that he does not find it difficult to imitate the broken body.

So purely to convince everyone that Yao Zhonggu died so badly, he disguised the corpse.

Because, without destroying this coffin and graveyard, you can leave here, indicating that this person ...

Most likely, you can freely combine and disassemble your body ... "

"Combination breaks down the body ?!"

The people present were all insane, and felt that they had new ideas.

"Indeed, in this case, it can perfectly explain how all this is done."

"It seems ... some plane rules can really do this",

"Ms. Su is so intelligent that we didn't expect it. At this point, there is a search target."

The eyes of everyone looked at Su Qingxue, and a little more appreciation.

Ye Fan is more understandable, because one of her children can do this.

"Miss Su, are there any other clues?" Hua Feihua asked Xiang Qingxue.

Everyone unexpectedly glanced at Hua Feihua, and then they all snickered.

It seems that Hua Feihua, who is not pleasing to the sword gods, has quite recognized Su Qingxue's ability.

Su Qingxue pointed at Ye Fan. "For the time being, only my husband found the liquid.

Other clues, I need to investigate to know. "

Ye Fan then buried his head, smelled it in the coffin, and did not smell anything.

"This thing ... looks like ordinary water?"

Xiao Qingxuan reached out and patted Jing Xinhun's shoulder, "Xun Hui, go and see what the liquid is."

The wicked soul stunned, nodded, then covered his face with both hands, and ran away shamefully.

Ye Fan was a little puzzled, and didn't know why Xiao Qingxuan called the candle core soul for identification.

Candle core soul came to Ye Fan, his voice was shaking, and the mosquito groaned and said, "Sword ... Lord Sword God ... rude ..."

"Ah?" Ye Fan froze, wondering what she was going to do.

But I saw candle core soul, a pale and thin hand, stroking the dragon blood coffin.

Suddenly, a breath of soul came from the dragon blood coffin!

Ye Fan suddenly found that the coffin ... was "alive"! ?

He didn't know what was going on, but this coffin suddenly became a wave of Yuan Shen!


A deep, deep voice came from the coffin!

Ye Fan was startled, and hurried back two steps, wondering what the ghost was.

"Xiaoxinxin ... whee ... Come out, what's so delicious?"

The coffin talked!

Although the voice is very old, the tone is coquettish.

Ye Fan and Su Qingxue are stunned, it's almost! What kind of plane rule is this? ?

The three top ten princes were not surprised, obviously they knew it before, but their expressions were quite speechless.

"Little serval, you taste the liquid in this coffin, what is it ..." candle core soul murmured.

"Well ... just that ..."

Inside the coffin, there was even a living creature, and a mouth opened.

Dracaena softened and turned into something of a tongue, wriggling across the bottom ...

I could hear the tongue licking.

"Isn't this ordinary water? Xiaoxinxin ... when will you have something delicious?"

"Wait ... wait for me to go home and cook for you ..."

"Well ... well ..."

The coffin soon returned to peace, and the soul fluctuations disappeared.

Ye Fan blinked hard, as if that mouth was just an illusion.

"It's ... it's water ... oh ... don't look at me like this ... so shame ..."

Candle core soul turned around and whispered, then hid her face and hid behind Xiao Qingxuan.

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