My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2975: Immortal

Under the gaze of the unparalleled law, the dark energy condenses again in an instant!

A more manic than before, full of violent coercion appeared!

"Sword God! I said! You can't kill me !!"

The Dark Magic God laughed wildly, and stretched out his hand, the dark energy turned into a heavy hammer like substance!

The black giant hammer fell on Ye Fan and smashed Ye Fan into the air!

Although Ye Fan was not injured, but really, feel the pain!

How could this be? !

Does every time he kills him, he becomes stronger?

Ye Fan also did not believe in evil, and stood firm under her feet, calling out thousands of flying swords.

"Tianji Dragon Crossbow! Thousands!"

Using the sword concept that comes with Yujianshu, Ye Fan does not need hundreds of millions of exercises like Feng Xiaotian, but can use the flying sword, instantaneously!

Moreover, the power is even greater!

Thousands of black and golden sword lights, entwined with the power of the sky wind, shoot through the dark clouds of the sky!

The darkness receded like a tide, and the sky was bright!

Also shot through together, there is the dark magic god!

However, it just broke up, and a wave of dark energy was condensed again out of thin air not far from Ye Fan!

"Hahahaha !! Sword God! No matter how many times you try! It's the same !!!"

The dark dharma smiled madly, and his emotions were much more exciting than before.

Ye Fan's heart was awe-inspiring, this law was really difficult and strange.

Hate curse ... Is it true that this is really an "immortal" rule? !

His eyes continued to analyze, always feel that although the dark magic **** is constantly reborn ...

However, every time he was reborn, he was losing something.

what exactly is it? Ye Fan couldn't speak at all.

"Dark Swamp!"

Dark energy was released at the feet of the dark dharma god, and the earth suddenly turned into a piece of ink.

Countless dark hands, entangled Ye Fan, trying to drag Ye Fan into the ground.

Ye Fan's brow furrowed, and his unparalleled green dragon's flames skyrocketed, dispelling these dark forces directly.

"Dimensional exile!"

Ye Fan changed his mind, one flashed over, and the sword shattered the space.

When the giant sword crossed the body of the dark dharma god, he was again beheaded by Ye Fan!

But Ye Fan did not feel any joy, because ... he did not feel the destruction of Yuanshen!

Sure enough, it was in the same direction, the dark dharma was reborn again!

"Sword God, haha ​​... you look confused? Trampling my life makes you feel funny?

Hateful guy, I will always haunt you, let you ... let you fall into eternal darkness ... "

The body of the dark dharma twitched constantly, his expression twisted and exaggerated.

However, his attacking methods are more fierce and unequivocal!

Dark energy appeared beside Ye Fan out of thin air, turning into circles!

"Dark Shackles!"

Ye Fan's body was caught, and a black current spread across Ye Fan's body!


Ye Fan's fangs even felt pain! ?

The casting speed and the soaring force value have increased by several times from the beginning! ?

Is he really dying and getting stronger? !

Ye Fan summoned the Flying Sword and directly lowered the "Burning God Thunder Gun"!

"Shadow Shield!"

The dark dharma responded instantly, spreading a vortex-like dark shield, constantly absorbing attacks from heaven.

However, the Dark Dharma God was baptized by dozens of God Thunderguns, and after all, he still failed to resist and was destroyed again!

Even so, it is much more resistant than when it started!

Ye Fan's face sank like water, looking hundreds of meters away, the dark magic **** once again condensed a new body.

The guy was wrapped in darkness, and the only bare skin was covered with dark runes.

Looking at Ye Fan's eyes, full of tyranny, brutality, and madness ...

From the beginning, the black skinny old man turned into a muscular giant? !

"Sword God, his primordial spirit is probably not in this plane, so it is useless to kill him.

The Dark Dharma God claims to have sacrificed the soul to the O'Far Master, which may seem to be true now. "

At the end of the day, it was also found that the situation was not good, and said: "Leave here first, find a way back to Kyushu, the purpose of the dark magic **** is to hold you, don't let him succeed!"

"then you……"

"I can't protect myself, as long as I don't kill him, his strength will not increase," Doomsday said.

Ye Fan frowned, saying: "Every time this guy is reborn, he seems to lose some" sense ". Have you found it?"

For a moment, the doomsday looked at the dark dharma **** with some nervous trembling and said, "It seems like this."

"I was thinking ... Did he kill him a certain number of times and he would completely lose his senses, regardless of enemy?"

"Would you like to try it? In case this is not the case, or worse consequences?

There may be a monster that ca n’t be killed, causing the creatures to become charcoal, ”the end is right.

Ye Fan grinned, "Are you really humanized, and you still care about life?"

"I'm not kidding you," frowned at the end. "For the time being, I can still hold this guy. You want to find a way out of his control, try to get out."

"Then how do you get away?"

"Don't care about me, I'll find a way myself. It's enough for you to kill Mosin for me."

Ye Fan sighed, but did not expect that there will be a day when the Doomsday Pharaoh is willing to cut him off.

"I killed Mosin, not for you, don't make it as if I owe my favor, I will take you with you!"

Ye Fan said, grabbing the hand of Doom.

Looking back at the end, there was a look of surprise on his face, a strange look in his eyes.

"But ... nobody is holding him, he will use dark energy teleport to stop you ..."

"Then I will leave a" person "to stop him!"

Ye Fan said, directly using the "phantom" rule.

A lifelike Ye Fan phantom launched an attack towards the Dark Magic God, and displayed a morning glow to stop the Dark Magic God's attack.

Ye Fan himself took the doomsday, cast the sky and dragon shadow, and quickly moved away.

"Where to go !?"

The dark dharma **** saw Ye Fan about to run, laughing wildly, and casting a dark teleport.

In a blink of an eye, the Dark God has intercepted Ye Fan's escape route!

"The end! Energize, hold me tight!"

Ye Fan passed on.

Although the Doomsday was puzzled by what the man wanted to do, he still did it, turning his body into an energy body, tightly intertwined with Ye Fan.

Phantom replacement!

Ye Fan's body and the distant phantom directly changed positions!

This is the real purpose of Ye Fan's use of phantoms. It seems that he uses phantoms to entangle the dark magic god, but he uses phantoms to take the opportunity to slip a long distance!

No matter how powerful the Dark Magic God is, he can't take care of both ends of the ultra-long distance!

Unfortunately, the distance of the phantom cannot cross thousands of mountains and rivers.

Otherwise, Ye Fan can't wait to leave a phantom in Su Qingxue's office.

After a replacement, Ye Fan immediately realized that this position was not manipulated by the Dark God.

He quickly used the sword transfer!

A flying sword fell over the iron armored city.

Ye Fan and the Doomsday have returned to the Zhongzhou Presbyterian Home!

At the end of the energy state, the human form is restored again.

She looked stunned and looked around, revealing an incredible look.

"You ... how many plane laws do you know?"

The inner world of the endless waves has always been shocking, and now I feel that a huge wave has been set off!

Ye Fan shrugged and didn't know how to tell the truth. After all, he would be a little mixed.

"To say it later, I have to look at my wife first ..."

Before the words were finished, Ye Fan felt something was wrong.

The consciousness spread, and after some exploration, his face suddenly changed!

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