My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2979: destroy

A giant metal fortress suspended in the air!

Tens of thousands of muzzles and various calibers are aimed at Ye Fan and Chu Yunyao!

"Mosin is inside?" Ye Fan asked Chu Yunyao because she couldn't feel the Yuanshen.

"Yes, electromagnetic waves are sent from here."

Chu Yunyao laughed: "Don't forget its memory in the neutron nucleus.

If it wishes, it can use the huge mass and gravity of the neutron nucleus to adsorb massive metals.

Not to mention building a fortress in the sky, even a metal planet is okay! "

"But I have destroyed the neutron ..."

Ye Fan half-talked, suddenly awakened!

"It's more than one" body "!?"

Chu Yunyao said: "Do you understand? For Mosin, how many neutron nuclei are needed.

It can completely destroy stars, or directly collect neutron nuclei as its carrier.

We must destroy it from the physical level before it passes the law of planes and transfers memory to other neutron nuclei!

To destroy the neutron nucleus, let its memory waves be completely disturbed!

Only destroying its memory from a physical point of view is considered to kill it! "

Ye Fan's eyes lit up, and she really lost Chu Yunyao, otherwise she might have no way to get this Moxin.

At this time, tens of thousands of guns have already condensed the original strength of high strength.

The metal fortress beast sounded like a roar!


The light cannon even brought a strong counter-thrust, and the entire metal fortress was lifted off!

Faced with the power of destroying the world, Ye Fan was not afraid.

He summoned tens of thousands of flying swords, and Wushuang Qinglong sword intended to release the power of Xuan Bing.

"Bijian Bingquan!"

The flying swords on both sides formed two high cliffs, and the flying sword in the middle turned into a rushing Xuanbing sword meaning, like a rolling fountain!

From a distance, countless flying swords form an upside down Tianhe.

The river blocked all of these light cannons and failed to come to Ye Fan!

At this moment, Mo Xin's voice came from his mind.

"Sword God, you are here to fight, can you think of your back?"

Ye Fan sneered, "Want to distract me? It seems that you will also be afraid."

Mosin said nothing more.

"Xiao Yaoyao, you follow closely, I'll kill it!"

Ye Fan saw that he had reached the outside of the metal fortress and was about to attack.

"Wushuang Qinglong, heaven!"

Ye Fan's flying swords came together very quickly, forming a constantly rotating flying sword fireball.

Cangtian originally needed to condense Cangyan, but Ye Fan's move relied on the sword technique to omit the time to condense Cangyan, while also enhancing its power and endurance.


The sword-like sky was like a black-gold blazing sun, hitting the fortress!

The metal fortress was quickly melted, and many muzzles could no longer be launched.

This is the case with Rao. This metal fortress is too big to be penetrated at once.

"I'll help you!"

Doom rushed over at this time and directly attached to the surface of the fortress.

"Waste soil!"

A plane rule was launched, and the metal fortress seemed to fall apart, quickly changing from matter to energy.

As a result, Ye Fan and Doom go together, and Mosin's fortress quickly melts!

Seeing that the fortress was about to fall, and the Dark God was under control, Mo Xin really intended to abandon this body.

"It's going to run!"

Chu Yunyao has been using Moss's armor to detect Mosin's movements.

When she noticed that Mosin's electromagnetic waves were moving, she immediately shouted.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Fan saw that there were three neutron cores bursting out of the fortress in three directions!


Ye Fan was a little ignorant. It was enough to chase one. How can I chase three things so fast?

"The one on the left is true !!"

Chu Yunyao distinguished the authenticity through electromagnetic waves.

Ye Fan said nothing, a sword dragon phantom dashed past, the phantom law was used in succession.

Move the multi-hop jump in an almost instantaneous way, narrowing the distance from that neutron nucleus!

"Little Yaoyao ?!"

Ye Fan just wanted to ask Chu Yunyao what he planned to do.

But I saw that in Chu Yunyao's hand, there was already an extremely sophisticated, silver-black weapon.

In Chu Yunyao ’s goggles, a locking procedure was initiated.

"The recoil is very strong, you hold me tight!"

Without saying anything, Ye Fan hugged the woman's waist and gave her a back.

"Quick! It is pulling away!"


This one second made Ye Fan feel extremely long.

The face in Chu Yunyao's Starfire Battlegear was extremely cold and calm.

Starfire Battlegear instantly illuminates thousands of golden light paths, and this silver-black round mouth light cannon is connected together.

Obviously, this weapon can only be used when Chu Yunyao is wearing the Starfire Battlegear.

Women's emphasis on this weapon is self-evident.

When the muzzle lit up with a little starlight, Ye Fan couldn't help but feel a trace of fear!

What kind of energy is this! ?

It made him feel ... a great threat? !

Ye Fan feels that even if he is going all out, he may not be able to eat this gun!

This is a "scientific force" he has never seen!

"No ... impossible !?"

Mosin's consciousness was conveyed, and it seemed to have seen what Chu Yunyao was using.

But at the same time, Chu Yunyao has fired!


An off-white particle cannon that locked Mosin flashed through the air!

Only after releasing it for a while, Ye Fan felt a strong recoil!

He held Chu Yunyao and flew out hundreds of meters!

What makes Ye Fan even more terrifying is that Chu Yunyao's silver-gray particle gun has been blown up! ?

This gun ... turned out to be one-off! ?

Chu Yunyao's Starfire Battlegear also had some scars.

Ye Fan clearly felt that the woman was breathing hard and was struggling.

"Xiao Yaoyao ... this ... successful?"

Chu Yunyao reached out and pointed to the army of mechanical hearts below.

I saw that tens of thousands of machines were all messed up, and those who fell and ran around were unable to break into the army!

"It's volatility has disappeared, this time, it is really 'dead'."

Doom flew over at this time, with a difficult expression: "Miss Chu, you ... did you just use 'anti-matter'?"

Ye Fan scratched his head, "What do you mean?"

Chu Yunyao smiled in the battle armor, "'Antimatter Gamma Particle Cannon', I call it 'Destroy Type 01'."

Relying on the collision of antimatter and matter, the matter is converted into energy 100%, producing ultra-high energy gamma rays.

Even Mosin and its laws of material plane cannot resist this ultimate material weapon.

It should be said that ... this should be the most feared attack by Mosin, because it only has material, but no soul. "

Although Ye Fan didn't understand much, he also knew that it should be a dream weapon that was very difficult to develop.

"Little Yaoyao, when did you prepare this thing?"

"Yeah, Miss Chu, our ether has some basis for the extraction of antimatter.

The hardest thing about antimatter is storage and carrying, and it is too scarce to extract a little bit of countless resources.

Our ether has not completed the development of anti-material weapons ... how did you do it? "

The end of the day was excited, even more admired than looking at Ye Fan's eyes.

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