My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 2994: relative

For the rest of his life after the disaster, Ai Er also slowed down for a while before returning to calm.

Ye Fan could not help but look deep after understanding the situation here.

Ai Er encountered such a dangerous situation?

So what did Su Qingxue have expected? Or Su Qingxue did not expect?

Ai Er thoughtfully and guessed what the man thought.

"Ye Fan, don't blame Qingxue, it's my head that has a fever, and she didn't withdraw it in time. She told me to run quickly if there is a situation.

Ye Fan put aside his thoughts, and he should have thought too much and nodded.

"It's okay".

"Fortunately, blessed by misfortune, I finally realized the vague rules before."

Ai Er holds the Rubik's Cube in her hand, her eyes flashing, as if the child has found a beloved toy.

Ye Fan tried to look at Wushuang's rule for a while, and found that the particle cube was very magical.

The general rule is traceable, but the particle cube is changing all the time.

Although, the actual combat capability has yet to be tested.

But at least, with Ai Er's cultivation, there are various possibilities in the future.

"So, now you are the God of Creation?" Ye Fan smiled.

"Well ... it seems ... right," Ai Er was not very embarrassed.

"What does it look like? You are! The genesis lights are on!

Now the Temple of Creation is definitely open for you!

Miss Ai Er, the appearance in the Temple of Creation is unknown to several eras.

You might as well go in and see now? Maybe something special? "

The astrology on the side is very exciting.

"Can the temple be created by others?" Ai Er curiously asked.

"The five traditional temples are only open to recognized gods of law.

After the Dharma God enters, accept the Dharma God's control.

Unlike our later wild places, anyone can enter, hehe ... "The horoscope smiled.

"Aier, let's go check it out. Since it is the head of the five great temples, there must be some gains," Ye Fan said.

"What about you?" Ai Er also wanted to be with the man.

"The battle over Kyushu has not been completely resolved. I have to deal with the other side first. If you are okay, I can pick you up," Ye Fan said.

"Then go quickly, the business matters, don't worry about me," Aier urged.

Ye Fan glanced at the astrology, and the astrology smiled and saluted him.

"Master Sword God, rest assured, I must help Master Genesis ..."

Ye Fan smiled, this guy, always gave him a familiar illusion, it seems to have seen the same.

Although it is somewhat inexplicable, it should not be an enemy.

Ye Fan didn't have much time to think about it either, and one left.

Astrology saw a sword suddenly drop in front of him, but the person disappeared, and he was shocked again.

"This ... what rule is this ?!"

Aier put away Ye Fan's sword.

Although these swords used for transfer are all very low-level goods, Ye Fan will not use them at all.

But also because Ye Fan's vision is too high, these magic weapon-level flying swords are already very good for many monks.

"Astrology God, thank you for your divination, it's really accurate.

If it were not for you to say, I had a good turn, I almost gave up, "Aier was grateful.

"Master Genesis, I am ashamed ... Actually I just said that you have a chance, mainly to encourage you.

How can divination really know everything? It was so powerful that I became the first dharma god.

The main thing is, I ca n’t tell you, let you give up resistance, admit your life? "The horoscope smirked," he said with a smile.

Ai Er was speechless for a while, the emotion just painted her cake?

In fact, divination has no idea at all?

"But this also shows exactly that the destiny of the creator is the leader of the Arcane God Territory waiting for several eras!

In fact, the first time I saw the creator of the world, I can feel your posture, which is not unusual for those mages to compare ...

There is a dignified dignity and noble temperament in the faint room, which makes people in the heart admire ... "

The fortune teller turned around, and he was a fart, and the sound of the ceiling was falling!

Ai Er smiled perfunctoryly, she would not believe in this guy's words any more.

the other side.

Ye Fan learned the latest situation through the news of Hua Feihua.

The two brothers Jim Land and Eddie were killed by Ji Zhihei and Huang Wanrou?

The laws of these two demonic brothers were overcome by Ji and Huang.

Later, the battle was one-sided, the two generals of the fourth kingdom, it was so broken!

Ye Fan had to sigh with emotion. In fact, these ten statues, when taken seriously, are quite combative, but they are too casual ...

Ye Fan also saved a lot of things and went directly to the Emperor Zigui.

When I came near Kyushu College, the fighting had subsided.

The colleges and a large number of teachers and students who have just been collected into another world have been released.

"You're here ..." Emperor Zigui stood in the air and looked back at Ye Fan.

"Finished?" Ye Fan froze.

"Run away", the emperor sighed: "It must be known that the defeat has been decided, and directly withdrawn."

Ye Fan was a little depressed, and came back late, but there was no way. After all, it was more important to save Ai Er.

"It's the guy who moved the terrain. It will be very bad for our future when it runs."

"No way, unless it is a strategic level that specifically restrains its 'sand table' rule.

Otherwise, even some demon kings and **** kings can't stop it from running with one heart ", the emperor returned.

"What is the origin of this guy?"

"The black elf royalty, Drizzt, the first strategic class under Belfinge.

Although it is not the one with the strongest frontal combat capability, the strategic significance is indeed true of the top ten. "

"Why did Belfinger suddenly intervene here?" Ye Fan still didn't quite understand.

"I probably know, I didn't take it too seriously before, but now it seems ... mostly true."

"Oh? What's the reason?"

The emperor said a bit playfully: "You are close to the abyss of the seventh kingdom abyss demon, do you not know the relationship between the fourth kingdom and the seventh kingdom?"

"The two kingdoms are connected?" Ye Fan stunned.

"The old demon of the Seventh Kingdom, Belial, and the fourth devil, Belfinger, are cousins."

"What !?" Ye Fan was caught off guard.

"That was a long time ago, and I saw it in the" Wild History "that was spread in a demon world.

Because it is not the devil's official history, so I have been half-confident and not too serious.

It is said that Belfinger is a hybrid of abyss demons and evil spirits.

Although the abyss demons are more powerful than evil gods.

But the blood of the evil spirit is easier to grasp, so it grows ahead of time and suppresses the blood of the abyss demon in Belfinger.

This also made Belfinger cut the way to become an abyss witch.

In fact, such a hybrid demon is not uncommon. Pure blood abyss demons are difficult to breed.

Many times it is easier to reproduce children with other higher demons.

It's just that Belfinger was half a royal family anyway, but because of the mixed blood, he was not seen by the abyss.

She has a very high talent, and she can compete with Belial for the throne.

But because of the hybrid, Bailier directly became the devil, and did not give her the opportunity to compete at all.

Belfinger refused to accept it, so he brought a group of mixed-blood demons and established the fourth kingdom ...

Of course, it was not so ranked at that time.

It was only later that the half-blood demons went to trust more and more, so that Belfinger's kingdom gradually became larger. "

Ye Fan wondered for a while, "Even if ... Belfinger hates the Seventh Kingdom and hates to help Satan deal with his" relatives "?"

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