Ye Fan remembered that there were several thieves and bald donkeys in front of him.

"Oh, you haven't run yet ..."

Ye Fan smiled and said with a smile: "By borrowing your Lingbao, I tried my hand strength, seems to be too hard?"

Three steps can't help but go back, shaking and shaking his head.

"No ... Impossible! It is impossible to break my Buddhist bell in the sky!"

"It's not possible to open the sky, martial arts is fine."

"Budo? What a joke! Unless it is the law of planes, what is Budo?"

"The law of planes is just a form of expression. The plane level includes laws, but not just laws ..."

Ye Fan murmured, and shook his head again: "Forget it, tell you, you won't understand, your state is too low."

"What are you talking about?"

Three eats and asks: "You ... who are you? How can you be so divine?"

"Everyone said, my name is Longwu. You gods are all deaf?"

Ye Fan is too lazy to talk nonsense, raising his hand across a few tens of meters is a straight punch!

A fist in Xingyun Liushui, his muscles are coordinated to the extreme.

A group of demon monks are still wondering, at such a long distance, this Dragon Five does not work, what does it mean to punch?

But the next moment, all the living demon monks' eyes will fall out!

"Boom !!"

Without warning, the head of Sanchi Zen exploded! !

No primitive power, no wind!

After a few tens of meters, this punch seems to be real, hitting Sanchi's face!

For Ye Fan to explain for himself, Ye Fan couldn't tell clearly how he did it.

In Ye Fan's eyes, this battlefield is like a piece of paper.

The three-eater Zen Master is a villain drawn on paper.

Ye Fan picked up the pen and drew a fork on the villain's head. The villain's head was gone.

It's that simple!

The bottom line is that this little man, even if he was on a piece of paper and was pointed at by someone, did not understand it!

Face-to-face vs. face-to-face, it should be.

At this moment, Ye Fan felt that he really understood the deep meaning of the plane!

The plane is a chess game, and I am the chess player!


A group of demon monks have been scared to go crazy!

This has far exceeded their knowledge of the strong!

Celestial Clan feels that they have really encountered a god!

So, the remaining dozens of demon monks split into three or four groups and fled in different directions.

Ye Fan stood in the same place, arching his fists left and right.

"Boom Boom Boom Boom! ..."

With every punch, the demon monk who was separated by hundreds of meters was beaten and smashed!

As if it was a super long distance, dozens of **** were pierced, and there was no living creature in the understatement.

"Don't pretend to be dead."

Ye Fan glanced at the three eaters lightly.

Three headless eaters, originally suppressed their own soul breath to the limit, pretending to have been exploded.

However, Ye Fan couldn't hide it at all.

How can a cheater who paints on a paper be tricked by a painter?

Any clues are visible in the eyes.

"Uncle Dragon is lifeless !!"

He didn't care about restoring his head after three meals, so he knelt and begged for mercy.

"Where do you not eat?" Ye Fan asked.

"In Jingzhai Temple! Just ... just three thousand miles from the northwest here ... Grandpa! I can take you there! You can bypass me!"

Three eating just repaired his head, he started to kowtow.

Ye Fan didn't even look at it.

Three eats turned into countless powder, and the soul was blown away!

This time, the scene was completely quiet.

Ye Fan lifted his understanding and exhaled.

Although his realm has reached the real plane level, but to become stronger, he still needs to improve himself.

After lifting the quadruple disintegration, I immediately felt a little tired.

Wiping his forehead, some sweat.

The consumption just now was not small.

However, this is not anxious, after all, his own cultivation time is still short, can not compare with those old monsters.

But it can also be seen that the talent of blood veins is really important.

Because these things can help you save a lot of practice time, and can also increase the final limit.

In the early days, the Devil Dragon Emperor felt sorry for his human master.

A mortal, even standing taller, encounters a powerful race of the same height, and is bound to be at a disadvantage.

"Brother Dragon Five! You are so handsome!"

Shi Lanyu pounced from the darkness, hugged Ye Fan.

"Why, Xiaoyu's sister was dumped by the elder brother Long's heroic attitude?" Ye Fan raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Hate! It's also addictive to play as a man!"

Shi Lanyu gave a sneer and then giggled: "However, it's really fun. Uncle Long Wu feels more interesting than Leng Xingchen's little white face, hee hee ..."

"It seems that I have a lot of talent to shape the characters, and the other day let Wuye Mingling write me a Dragon Five Legend ..." Ye Fan touched his chin.

"Smelly shameless! It really blows up ... I just scared my sister to death!"

Shi Lanyu leaned on the man, "I thought that Dragon Five brother could not help but get out of the sword just now, and even solved the battle with his fists and feet, it was too powerful!"

Ye Fan smiled and said, "Here is the fist."

However, he didn't want to explain more, and the girl couldn't understand.

Some "courses", if it is too early, will cause some confusion, but still have to be steadily improved.

Ye Longyuan actually saw something unusual and frowned: "The way you just did it ... a bit like his father."

The silent monk nodded.

What they said was naturally Ye Wuya.

Although Ye Wuya is on earth, it can't be serious, most of them are just for fun.

After all, to shape the role of Wushen, always show a few hands.

Deep and deep, Ye Longyuan they naturally can't see.

But in taste, one or two can still be produced.

Just watching Ye Fan punch, they suddenly remembered some clips that Ye Wuya used to ...

Ye Fan heard this and confirmed some of his own guesses.

"Really, do you understand?"

Shaking his head without saying a word, said he did not understand.

"It seems to understand, so I said something like that," Ye Longyuan sighed.

Ye Fan smiled: "It seems that the realm of the master is still a bit higher.

But if you do n’t understand, it means that you do n’t understand completely. When you do n’t understand, it means that you have really made progress. "

"Why?" Ye Longyuan asked.

"Your current state is that you can't even see the question clearly, so you naturally feel as if you can answer the question.

In fact, you can't think of how to answer it until you understand the problem, "Ye Fandao said.

Ye Longyuan stunned, then sighed and nodded.

"Okay, I still have to find a monk who can't eat. The rest in this temple is a bunch of stinky fish.

You can solve it with Master Wuyu.

Let's finish the matter of saving the child.

If I do n’t eat, I will never be **** again. "

Ye Fan said that when he hugged Blue Rain, he jumped directly and left the mine.

In more than three thousand gods, Ye Fan is actually not sure how far it is.

But at the speed of Ye Fan, it's nowhere near.

At dawn, Ye Fan had arrived near Jingzhai Temple.

As soon as I reached the city around the temple, I could already smell the smell of meat in the air.

Everywhere, there are huge signs of various gold characters, and the catering industry is in full swing.

In all kinds of restaurants, the bald head of drinking and eating meat is full, all of which are full of fat and intestines, and the face is full of horizontal meat.

Yefan Shenzi searched all the information near the temple and suddenly realized something was wrong.

"A good one does not eat, really worthy of the leader of the demon monk", Ye Fan sneered.

"Brother Wu, what happened?" Shi Lanyu wondered.

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