My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3055: Ancient tomb


Chu Yunyao was puzzled.

"If the energy of the entire temple is cut off now, does that mean that the system will be 'shut down'?"

Chu Yunyao's eyes lit up, "Yes, here the system is independent, the temple has no energy, and it can't get out!"

"Sword God, even if you make me unable to go out now, the two girls can't get out, they are in the system with me." Mosin didn't panic.

Ye Fan smiled: "It's fine, give me an hour, it should be enough."

Mosin looked confident, "Oh?

I'm looking forward to it. What can you do to get back the two data from me? "

"Ling Yi, go to shut down all the reactors."


Ling Yi took a group of maids to forcefully shut down the temple reactor.

As the shrine fell into darkness, the system ceased to be active.

"What are you going to do?

Its technology is much higher than ours, it is not easy to crack, "Chu Yunyao asked.

"Even if it doesn't work now, we will study slowly, and sooner or later there will be a way," said Doomsday.

"No, it's too late, even if Angel can wait, but I have to bring Patricia back to the gods."

Ye Fan analyzed: "Now we can't find their soul because the data is 'dead'.

The entire temple system exists in pure material form, and there is no energy or spiritual response.

But I have been thinking ... if Mosin becomes a living creature with a soul, can it not be found and killed? "

"what do you want to say in the end?

Do you want Mosin to become a soul? "

Chu Yunyao frowned.

Ye Fan nodded.

"Sword God, when do you have this ability?"

Doom said unexpectedly.

Ye Fan shrugged, "I haven't, but ... I suddenly remembered just now that there is someone, maybe it's really a killer of Mosin."

Ye Fan immediately returned to the emperor and inquired about someone's residence.

Jianyi shifted and came to Mingzhou.

However, this time he was not going to Xuan Ming's territory.

A city close to Beiming, because of the influence of ocean current climate, is not so cold here.

Candle Dragon City, the ancestral home of the Candle Dragon.

All year round, there are lush plants here.

There are not many people in the city. After all, the Candle Dragon is also a big family, and commercial and trade are very developed.

But there is only one wood in the city, but it is inaccessible.

The ruined old house, a stone statue covered with moss, and an eaves covered with cobwebs.

Streams on the ground flow from time to time through a stream of smelly liquid.

The soil under many plants is scarlet, and it seems that some people watered the plants here with blood.

Skeletons, reptiles, and animal corpses are everywhere.

Rao is Ye Fan who has been through a lot of battles and has been accustomed to heavy winds and waves.

"Candle Wick Soul ..." Ye Fan knocked on the door of a "tomb"-a tombstone.

It's not nonsense, it's an ancient tomb.

If a good house does not live, the candle wick soul lives under a grave.

The tombstone slowly moved away, and there was an eerie gas in it.

Ye Fan endured the discomfort and walked in.

All the way to the depths of the tomb, he saw that it turned out to be a large underground space.

All kinds of glassware, cans, countless sizes, placed on various shelves.

The hanged down corpses of various creatures were disguised as a slaughterhouse.

"Guttering ... Guttering ..." A huge black wrought iron pan was burning some huge bones on a pile of flames.

"Sword ... Lord Sword God!"

The petite wick wicked out of his beak ran out of a pile of clothes like garbage.

Her long hair covered her pale face, revealing a bloodshot eye.

Shy, timid, and a little scared.

"Sorry ... I'm sorry, I don't know you will come. I was dissecting just now, so I changed my clothes."

Ye Fan looked at the black robe on the body of the candle wick soul, and it was all blood stained. "Hehehe ... white!"

A skeleton's eyes blazed with ghost fire and rolled under the wick soul.

"Big scoundrel! You are here, you are not allowed!"

The wick wicked the skull with a kick.

A soul in the skull flew out and attached to a hanging corpse, and the corpse began to smirk and swing on the swing ... Ye Fan glanced around, "You have a lot of souls here, they are still very strong, look Looks like a good relationship with you? "

In fact, Ye Fan saw that there were more than a dozen souls of all sizes.

Moreover, they are very solid, purely as soul, practicing.

"Master Jianshen, do you feel uncomfortable?

Do you want me to drive them out? "

Asked the wick.

"Get out?"

Ye Fan shook his head: "It is not necessary, it does not matter, the soul is also life, energy form only."

The candle wick soul heard a look, a look of excitement in his eyes.

"Do you really mind?"

Ye Fan nodded his head, but the ghost, what's the matter?

"I ... I thought you would be like others, and think they are too strange ..." "It ... they are all my friends ... I have been a child since childhood, and they are with me ..." Ye Fan's eyes were a little closer.

"Are you an orphan?

Are there no relatives in the candle dragon family? "

Ye Fan wondered.

"No, I ... my family, I think I'm too strange, always like to study the dead ... just ... just put me out to raise ..." Candle Wick Soul said with a smile.

Ye Fan stunned, listening to the sad past, but the candle wick soul did not seem very sad.

"You don't hate your family?"

The candle wick soul shook his head, "It's okay, although sometimes it's lonely, it may be free to go to the cemetery, dig the corpse, and find ghosts. It's also very interesting ... And when I am high, my family will occasionally come to me ... ... Just ... I didn't like coming to my place, hehe ... "Ye Fan smiled bitterly, but the woman was optimistic.

Her family looked for her, nothing more than fancy her status, but she did not mind.

Perhaps for the soul of the candle wick, instead of thinking about those emotional entanglements, it is better to spend energy on research.

"Oh! Lord Sword God, I will introduce my friends to you!"

The candle wick soul happily introduced to Ye Fan one by one: "That was the big bad guy just now, its son is the little bad guy, and their father and son were met by me three hundred years ago ... and good sister ... I have known since childhood. Take care of me.

By the way, the last time I brought to Shenlong City, the greedy cat, who was a cook before his life, was responsible for cooking for me to eat ... "The candle wick soul introduced Ye Fan to a series of seven or eight ghosts.

These ghosts are also very happy, dancing around, and corpses around the body.

Ye Fan smiled and asked her to stop, "Wait a minute, it's not too late for you to tell me later. I have something to ask now, and I'll ask you for help."

"Oh ... Lord Sword God please say it!"

The candle wick soul nodded.

"Your law, I have seen it before, although I haven't looked at it in detail ... But is it probably the ability to make" dead "into" living "?"

Ye Fan asked.

The wick froze for a moment, "Can you see it?

I ... I seem to have only used it a little bit in front of you, right? "

"Sure enough?"

Ye Fan was happy.

"Almost, my rule is to" attach the soul ", let the soulless thing, generate the soul, and start to act ... just like a stone, if the stone has thought, it will be a smart stone, but if it is a fool , There will be a stupid stone.

However, because of this ability, its practicality is not great, so I mainly rely on collecting various powerful souls and let them continue to practice.

Then, when fighting, it is attached to a variety of powerful corpses and items, which is more useful than directly dying the dead.

Of course, compared with some other seniors of the three masters and ten ancestors, I ... my abilities, frontal combat effectiveness are not good ... the last battle, also because of this reason, I ... I was not selected ... "candle Xinhun said with some regrets.


Ye Fan stepped forward and put his hands on the shoulder of the candle core soul.

The wick trembles, holding his breath, completely ignorant! "Your law is very useful!"

Ye Fan was right.

The wick soul is trembling, like a broken clockwork machine.

"Candle Wick Soul, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Fan wondered, was he too hard?

This woman nests in the tomb every day, lacks exercise, and is too weak?

"Never ... no one will come to hold my shoulder ..." The candle wick soul's pale face flushed red.


Ye Fan was speechless.

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