My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3097: Don't touch

Katie looked at her husband and looked carefully, "Taicang...are you okay? Does your heart hurt?"

Tai Cang's eyes were red, and it was all this way. The first thing this woman woke up was that she cared about his injury.

"It's alright, but you, how do you feel?" Tai Cang asked.

"I... seemed to have a very long dream," Katie said here, a smile unconsciously on the corner of her mouth.

"What's your dream?"

"I dreamed that the first time I met were so young, right on the central square of Silver Island...

I asked the guard at the time, who the young man was, they introduced you... and you looked at me blankly.

At that time...I thought, how could this civilian be more daring than the nobility and keep staring at me..."

A touch of tenderness flashed in Tai Cang's eyes, "I said, the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you."

Katie was stunned, remembering that Tai Cang did say that in that battle.

"You... what you said was true? Was it not lying to me?"

"Silly woman, I'm determined to die, why should I lie to you?"

There was a blush on Katie's weak face.

"Then at Platinum College, you were enrolled as a special enrollment in the army to study.

I invite you to take the graduation test. Why did you refuse me and say you don’t know me? "

"Isn't your graduation trial very smooth? The World of Warcraft you encountered, you are either dead or injured. You are very happy," Tai Cang played.

"It turns out to be you!?" Katie's eyes filled with surprise, could not help sitting up.

Tai Cang hurriedly supported his wife and nodded with a smile: "I don't worry about you, I have been following".

"No wonder... no wonder I said, why do I always feel that someone is following" Katie looked at her husband with resentment: "Why don't you tell me that you like me?"

"I'm just a civilian, you are a royal princess standing high. If I don't make a contribution, don't become a noodle, why should I like you?"

"If I showed my heart at the time, in addition to making a joke, let the royal family exclude me and force me to leave you, it is impossible."

Tai Cang stared at Katie hard: "So, I would rather pretend not to care about you, and want to watch you quietly and guard you."

Katie's eyes were wet, "Why did you tell me this today?

I always married me just to consolidate the status of King Silver...

I always thought that only I like you stupidly, and I don’t even know why I like you."

"I'm sorry... Katie, I'm actually confused. When I believed in Kailand's provocation, I doubted you."

"Brother provoked? What's going on?"

"Kyland once told me that you are the eyeliner of the royal family beside me.

Although I know, even if you are a royal eyeliner, there is nothing wrong with it.

But... I always feel that you are marrying me just to monitor me.

I clearly realized that it was Kailand who wanted to make me suspicious and make us spoil the couple...

But I still can't get through this hurdle in my heart, because I care too much about you, but I don't know how to face you.

I have to say that Kyland is really a genius when it comes to conspiracy.

He often makes a sentence, an expression, can make people like throat. "

"You know that my brother is that kind of person... why are you so stupid? So you alienate me?" Katie shook her head.

Tai Cang sighed, "It's a reason to neglect you, but more importantly, I know that sooner or later, I will be enemies with Kailand...

I don't want them to take you as my life gate and take you to threaten me.

However, I haven’t been able to come up with a comprehensive strategy to protect you, and this battle came earlier than I thought."

Katie was silent, her head bowed and said quietly, "Since you are here, then... Is my brother already..."

"Dead, your elder brother, clever but mistaken!

He actually colluded with Asmode! As everyone knows, Asmode is more insidious than him.

When the battle started, it was hidden behind the scenes and did not come out at all.

Taking advantage of Sword God's severely wounded Kyland, he directly took the opportunity to kill Kyland.

If it wasn't for sending Trek to be alert, and discovering that Bone Dragon King Bonn appeared, he immediately took us away from the scene, and you and I could not escape...

Asmod, the old thing, pretending to be stupid than anyone else, will be a big problem in the future.

The sword **** was used by the old seven for the purpose of being an abyss witch, but he may not have known it yet, and he was a fool! "Taicang sneered.

"Brother... He didn't persuade... he would believe the devil's words."

There was a sorrow on Katie's face, and then he said with emotion: "Jian Shen is not dead yet? He was blown up by Long Yuandan, didn't he die?"

"This is killed, how can I be my opponent?" Tai Cang said proudly.

"You said! If it weren't for him, you would die!" Katie rolled her eyes.

"If it weren't for me to delay the time, how could he have a chance to recover in secret? Do you really think he didn't hurt at all?" Tai Cang said.

Katie couldn't help shaking her head, "You mean, the two emperors who were supposed to fight each other, supported each other and survived?"

Tai Cang didn't seem to like this statement, frowned, but he didn't deny it.

"So what's going on with the Palatine Royals now?" Katie asked.

"Digonetti has succeeded, and Patricia is under house arrest...

Huh, Omor’s old stubbornness, let this kind of idiot succeed, I really don’t know what is in my mind,” Tai Cang sneered.

Katie showed a little worry: "Digonetti... has always been very opinionated about Patricia, Patricia, it is estimated that life is not easy.

Tai Cang, why don't you go and get Patricia and get us Silver, I'm afraid she will be killed."

"No need, now that you have recovered, the king should go to the imperial city!"

Tai Cang said, holding Katie up from the bed.

"Ben Wang will make up for your previous owes!

The first thing is to make you the queen of the gods! ! "

"What!?" Katie was stunned. " want..."

"Kyland is dead, and he is not worried about it. At this time of domestic and foreign difficulties, this king naturally wants to be the emperor! This is also the heart of the gods!"



Tai Cang said awe-inspiringly: "Caddy, don't you think that the situation in Taishi now can rely on a Digonetti to support the Kingdom of God!?

He didn't even reach the rank, how to serve the crowd?

Don’t forget, Kyland died to kill me, how could he get along well with us?

Katie, I would like to ask you, do you want this king to guard the gods, or continue to attack the seventh kingdom, and fight against the sword **** and Asmode? "

"I..." Katie stared blankly at her husband, suddenly speechless.

Compared to the dangerous thing like sword god, she naturally chose to guard the kingdom of gods.

But... that is after all her own nephew and niece, and now she is going to seize the position from her nephew, she is not good to speak.

"For the stability of the Celestial Clan and not to let the people suffer, this king must stand up, Katie, what do you say?"

Katie pursed her lips and said nothing.

The inner voice tells her that Tai Cang is indeed the best leader like God's Kingdom today.

Digonetti, I can’t help it...

Even if I feel sorry for my family, but this is the reality.

Tai Cang smiled proudly and stretched out his hand. Kungunil buzzed and flew back to his hands.

"Taicang! Don't touch this gun!" Katie quickly dissuaded.

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