My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3107: There is a possibility

I saw that Hua Feihua and Angel have also returned to the Sword God Palace.

Almost everyone looks complex, and seems to have a heavy heart.

"what happened?"

Ye Fan is still in high spirits and wants to discuss with everyone about the expeditionary forces of Satan.

This atmosphere made him stunned.

"Sword... Lord Sword God", the candle wicked soul lowered his head, said tremblingly, "I'm sorry..."

"Candle Wick Soul, what do you apologize? This matter is definitely a conspiracy of the First Kingdom, and it has nothing to do with you," Huang Wanrou said angrily.

Su Qingxue said: "Her husband, the other party's tricks this time are far more complicated than we thought."

"What's going on?" Ye Fan became more and more confused.

Shi Lanyu said: "Actually... an infectious disease broke out in Kyushu in the last half a month.

Many humans with low cultivation levels are confused, mad, hurt or commit suicide.

After we got the information at the beginning, Sister Qingxue asked me to investigate.

I use the search for the virus Gu, research and analysis in various places.

The results obtained, showing the source of the virus, is Candle Dragon City. "

"Virus? Candle Dragon City?"

Ye Fan frowned: "Is it..."

"This virus is spread by plants, and the earliest appeared is the ancient tomb of Elder Candelabra."

Shi Lanyu looked at the wick soul with some embarrassment.

"Sword... Lord Sword God, I'm really sorry", the candle wicked soul trembling voice, "I don't know, there will be a virus spread."

"It's also my biggest mistake to make mistakes."

Hua Feihua said: "I sent the spirit of the virus to the world."

Ye Fan stunned, "Those worlds we have been infected with?"

"Yes," Angel said with a sad face: "At first, I thought that it was the teleportation array that sent each other. This kind of situation appeared, who wants to..."

"Now is not the time to fight for the crime, we all know that everything is too coincidental.

Elder Wicket Soul has been in the ancient tomb for so many years, although various studies and anatomy have never been a problem.

However, as soon as the husband was about to prepare for the throne ceremony, such a thing happened.

Not just infections, but also those flowers and plants that are not flower elders.

The entire human world knows that this time the sword gods were moving together.

That is to say... the sword **** brought to the world, not grace, but disease", Su Qingxue said.


Ye Fan strangely said: "Since we have found this information, how did it spread outside?"

"Naturally, the guy who designed all this behind, already knew the whole process, and then spread it out..."

"We are still investigating, but the outside world already knows this ins and outs," Emperor Zigui sneered.

Ye Fan frowned: "You can remember, I mentioned it to you.

Among the hell's three giants, Booker, who is the cultural chief, this time the deputy commander...

It used to make the opponent's strategic level sick and win without a fight...

If it can make the strategic level sick, it is not uncommon to create such an infectious disease. "

"Sword God, those of us here naturally understand that this is definitely a conspiracy.

But the problem is... Now the whole human world has spread all kinds of rumors.

In many places, although they dare not shout and shout, in private...the words will be unpleasant," the emperor said in awe.

"Hey, Dean Emperor, don't you have to be so subtle?

Doesn’t it mean that the so-called ‘cheap reform’ is the ‘cheap cleanup plan’?

What else is ‘the sword **** is called the emperor, it’s hard to understand,’ this is the ‘God’s punishment’.

Even when he came to Kyushu with the sword god, he killed Zhuang Biyou.

It is said that your sword **** is too arrogant and arrogant, involving the human world in war, making it angry and resentful," Ji Zhihei grinned.

"Ji ran, at this time, are you still laughing?" Huang Wanrou was speechless.

"Otherwise? Do you want me to cry?" Ji Zhihe rolled his eyes.

"Yes, you Shenlong, it is said that none of them are sick now," Huang Wanrou sneered.

"Elder Huang, you said that our Shenlongs are not sick?"

"Yeah, all Kyushu, at present, there is no infection of the Shenlong family, otherwise how would everyone point the finger at Huafeihua and your sword god?" Huang Wanrou pouted.

"Be calm, be calm, and make it clear that it is deliberately targeted to provoke alienation," Ji Zhigang said.

"You are calm! What do you want other clans to think?" Huang Wanrou scolded.

"Bald, why are you so excited? Mrs. Xiao, who is crazy and died of several grandchildren, isn't it calm?" Ji Zhihei said.

Ye Fan frowned and looked at Xiao Qingxuan.

"Mrs. Xiao, really?"

"It's okay", Xiao Qingxuan smiled: "It's not my grandchildren, I can't tell how many generations there are.

I have many descendants, and I die every year. It’s okay."

"Jiangshen, don't think about us too much. The overall situation is important.

When the other party does this, he wants us to be in chaos and even rush to take action.

You have to think about the battle plan, and then go back even more profitably..." Xiao Qingxuan said with a smile.

Although Xiao Qingxuan was laughing, his tone was calm.

But Ye Fan could feel faintly that the heart of the three must be really calm.

"The devil did this for two purposes.

At one point, if I could not ascend the throne, the power of faith could not be obtained.

Second, internal divisions have weakened our overall combat power.

If the situation continues to ferment, the consequences are unimaginable," Ye Fan said.

"But if they do this, will it ignite our emotions and then explode?

Once the emotion of anger erupts, then kill them directly, what should they do? Asked Wuye Mingling.

Just then, Jiang? hurried into the meeting room.

"No, there was a protest in Zhongzhou, and now there are monks of all races outside the sword palace!"


Su Qingxue turned on the monitoring in the conference room, and immediately the picture around the palace appeared.

I saw that there were already tens of thousands of monks outside the sword-sword palace hanging in the air, shouting and demonstrating.

"It seems that because there have been more and more mad people in the past two days, many people's relatives and friends have got sick for no reason, or were accidentally injured by the mad monk..."

Jiang asked cautiously, "Master Sword God, do you want me to use Mirage to shut them all down?"

Ye Fan looked deep, "No need, you close them, and kill them, there is not much difference, it will only aggravate internal conflicts."

"Then... what about that?"

"Xiaoyu, can this virus be treated?" Ye Fan asked.

Shi Lanyu shook his head helplessly: "I have never seen anything like this, and Yunyao's sister also said that she is still analyzing.

But this time, it seems technically very difficult to understand.

Sister Yun Yao also said that she had never seen such a virus, beyond her scientific understanding.

Perhaps it is because Hellfire Lake is too far away from us, and many of the devil's techniques are also different from ours. "

"There is another possibility..."

Ye Fan said: "This is not a real virus at all, but ... the effect of the law of planes."

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