My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3120: Absolute realm


Feng Xiaotian's face was suspicious, and he knocked a few times.

The air wall in front of him stood still.

A tall, burly figure came slowly from a distance.

"Megatron's first strong human race, it seems, is more unpretentious than imagined."

The steady middle-aged man looked at Feng Xiaotian with a look of interest.

"Fallen Angel? Satan Expeditionary Guy?"

"In Xiadifan, the first demon under the throne, appointed by Lord Ribera, came here to take care of Elder Fengxiaotian alone."

"Di Fan? Haven't heard of it, you are not famous, little brother," Feng Xiaotian scratched his head and said.

"I'm not small. I'm 14 thousand years older than you in terms of age."

"Huh? Looks pretty old," Feng Xiaotian said.

"Xiaotian, are we imprisoned?"

At this time, Mi Mi and a group of villagers came out.

Everyone also found that the air in the village was no longer circulating, and it was obviously closed.

Although the incident happened suddenly, after all, standing beside Feng Xiaotian, everyone is still calm.

"The demon's plane rule seems to be a defensive barrier, but don't be afraid, I'm here, hehe..." Feng Xiaotian laughed.

"Xiaotian, please rush out. You are still needed in other places, but you can't be caught by a demon," honey urged.

Feng Xiaotian nodded, then raised his hand, and a thunder appeared in his hand.

"Thunderblade, cut through the air!"

Originally it was necessary to condense a period of emptiness, and in the hands of Feng Xiaotian, the hand came, and it was instantaneous!

A god's lightning blade chopped on that barrier!

"not good!"

As soon as Feng Xiaotian cracked out of the thunder, he found that the situation was wrong!

The thunderbolt, which had been emptied, did not break the barrier, even a refraction, and directly attacked a group of villagers!

"Rock Dragon!"

Feng Xiaotian evokes a force of the earth, turning sandstone into a crazed dragon composed of crushed rocks, which will swallow this **** of thunder!

Rao is so, a group of villagers are scared to face.

"Good guy... this thing is so hard?"

Feng Xiaotian walked to the air wall.

This time, he no longer used the power of the Blue Dragon, but used his strength to hit the barrier with a fist!


The land of the whole village cracked and the houses collapsed!

However, the barriers still cannot be broken!

Feng Xiaotian looked down at the underground, "Good guy... This barrier was even covered underground? It's really airtight."

"My "Absolute Realm" will not leave you any gaps," Di Fandao said.

Feng Xiaotian thought for a while, and suddenly there was a thunder, and there was a "bang" burst on himself!

The moment of God's thunder and lightning, the figure of Feng Xiaotian is sent along with it!


This skill of recruiting gods and thunders can only be used by the six robbery green dragons.

With the short combination of Shenlei and the body, it will be transmitted in a short distance and in the form of pure energy in a short time.

In fact, this trick is already on the verge of exploring the "space" power of the Seven Tribulation.

However, after all, it is not a real space force, so the shortcomings of this trick are also obvious.

Shenlei will cause some damage to the body of the blue dragon, and the transmission is random, within a short distance, I don't know where it appears.

It's just that the Six Dragon Tribulation Qinglong obviously doesn't mind, causing some harm to the body.

At a critical moment, this trick can circumvent many heavy hits.

Feng Xiaotian tried to use this trick, trying to teleport directly outside the barrier.


Feilongdu performed a dozen times in a row!

Feng Xiaotian himself was chopped black and ragged, ragged.

However, every time it is transmitted, it only appears inside the barriers, but it cannot be transmitted!

Feng Xiaotian knew that this was definitely not a probability, but was really blocked!


Feng Xiaotian took a breath, and when he recovered quickly, he had a headache.

"Elder Feng Xiaotian, you don't have to waste any effort. Since I dare to come here alone, I will surely trap you.

My absolute domain can block everything, including teleportation.

"Don't go anywhere in this battle, just rest at home," Di Fan said lightly.

Feng Xiaotian's face sank like water, and his eyes were changing.

"Smile, can't you really get out? This demon is so powerful?" Mi Mi asked.

"It's not impossible to go out... but..." Feng Xiaotian hesitated.

Honey honey suddenly realized what, "Will it hurt us?"

Feng Xiaotian is silent.

According to his estimation, if he makes a serious breakthrough, he should still be able to go out.

However, once he is real, these people in it will all have to die.

As soon as Mi Mi gritted his teeth, Da Yi said with awe: "Don't worry about us! So many people outside need you!

If you don’t go out to help us, it’s the devil’s plan! "

Feng Xiaotian pouted and sat down directly.

"If you don't go, it doesn't matter if anyone dies outside. My lady can't die."

"You... why are you still so capricious?" Mi Mi was moved and angry.

"What kind of person am I, haven't you known for a long time?"

Feng Xiaotian doesn't matter: "Anyway, since this guy wants to drag me here, at least I also helped the clan children outside, and reduced a strategic opponent, it's not a waste of time."

Honey honey and a group of people are speechless, there is such a saying?

"Haha... Lord Ribera is right, Elder Feng Xiaotian is indeed the most affectionate person," Di Fan laughed.

"You laugh a fart, even if grandfather I don't go out, are you gangs of stinky fish and rotten shrimps, is my brother's opponent?" Feng Xiaotian said.

"You still have a brother?"

"My brother Sword God!"


Di Fan calmly said: "Sword God, Lord Ribera has already arranged, he is now... I am afraid he is busy saving people around."

"Then you can't win! Emperor Dean and Mrs. Xiao are not easy to deal with. If you provoke the woman, you can take it for yourself!" Feng Xiaotian said unconvincedly.

"Elder Feng Xiaotian, do you know why I understand "absolute territory"?"

"how could I know?"

"I was born in Hellfire Lake, the most barren place.

My mother is the most beautiful woman there. In order to raise me up, she keeps following different demonic strongmen and seeking refuge.

In that wild place, my ‘father’ will continue to be killed, and I will continue to have new ‘fathers’.

For thousands of years... My mother gave birth to 117 brothers and sisters.

From the moment I was born, I was the eldest brother in the family and took on the responsibility of caring for those younger brothers and sisters.

Their biological father is continually dying. Only my brother is their only reliance...

When my mother gave birth to her youngest sister, she chose to commit suicide. "

Di Fan's eyes burned: "I never blame my mother, she is a strong woman.

In order to protect me, she began to endure that endless torture.

I promised her that there are 117 younger brothers and sisters, none of them will be lacking.

I did it! I am their brother and protect their fortress!

And this battle, we will win, because... I will live to see my loved ones back! "

A group of villagers stared blankly at Di Fan. This firm belief made them afraid!

Feng Xiaotian was expressionless, lying directly on the ground, looking up at the sky.

"Xiaotian! What are you doing?" Honey asked.

"If you don't want to hurt you, just take you out... I need to break through to the "Seven Tribulation."

"Try your luck and look at the sky, what if it breaks?"

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