My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3129: It's you

Even with some strong clan powerhouses nearby, the souls will be destroyed in an instant! Hua Feihua never thought that one day, he will be hurt by the flowers he loved since childhood.

When the high temperature of molten gold burns jade and sweeps through the whole body, Hua Feihua feels that her body has a tendency to turn into fly ash in an instant! "Crazy Dragon Blood Man!"

"Xuan Bingtan!"

Hua Feihua gritted her teeth to the strongest form and released a cold lake towards her position.

At the same time that the high temperature was blocked, there was a line of evasion.

With one move, Tianfeng Longying, Huafei's body method speeded up, trying to open the distance and recover from the injury first.

But Ribera vibrates the six wings, the speed is not slow, and seems to predict the trajectory of Hua Feihua's actions, as the shadows follow! "Boom!"

During the ultra-high-speed movement, Ribola exploded at a speed, kicking Zhong Huafeihua's waist and abdomen! Hua Fei Hua waist ridge smashed, blood spit out of the mouth, the body was like a soft noodle, hit a ice peak! Ribera did not have any thoughts of pitying Xiangxixiyu, and he quickly followed up, planning to make a quick decision.

Rushing to Bingfeng, Ribola caught Hua Fei's throat! "Uh!"

Hua Feihua felt cold like a chain on her neck.

"From your memory, I know that you are most fond of far-off attacks, but you are most afraid of melee."

Ribera said coldly, his wings fluttered toward the top of the mountain! The non-flowers are pressed against the stone wall and embedded in the cracks of the rock, and human flesh is regarded as a "crusher".

"Ah! -" Hua Feihua screamed sorrowfully, feeling that his body had to be crushed, and a cold **** dent was drawn on the cold stone wall! Even if Qinglong's flesh was robbed, he could not bear such destruction.

She released Cang Yan and tried to force Ribola back.

But Riberus was a bit taller, and he just carried Cang Yan, and he didn't let go.

Hua Feihua screamed constantly, watching his head hit a sharp stone.

This collision will inevitably smash the head, and the body has no chance to recover.

Hua Feihua slapped her eyes and didn't know where she came from. Her hands were facing Ribera's head, releasing two Heavenly Dragon Crossbows! At such a close distance, Ribera also had to be cautious.

He let go of Hua Fei Hua, but when he dodged the dragon crossbow sideways, he hit his fist against the side of Hua Fei Hua's cheek! Hua Feihua bumped his head against the rock wall, and several **** white teeth were knocked out.

But Hua Feihua did not care about the pain, and quickly released the power of Aoki.

"Fresh breeze!"

The power of Aoki turned into a continuous gale, whistling across the ice sheet.

Hua Feihua's injuries healed quickly, and her pain quickly subsided.

Hua Feihua did not dare to fight, and once again opened the distance.

But Ribera is faster and will soon catch up to her.

"Crimson chaos!"

The non-flowers call forth a lot of red dandelion-like flowers and dance in the air.

These red flowers explode into the sky, and through mutual influence, the power of the explosion is constantly becoming stronger! Ribola was disdainful and forced to repair the explosion to block the explosion while drawing a clever flying arc in the air.

"Qinglong is really not easy to kill, but... I know your memory.

Your law, your blue dragon skills, in my eyes, has become useless..."Hua Feihua's face was pale, she realized that most of the flaws in her rules and circumvention methods, Ribola already knew.

Although Ribera couldn't fully copy some of the skills, after all, there are blood factors.

However, he took away the memory, which means that he knew the loopholes of these skills.

"Your clear breeze and clouds will certainly allow you to recover quickly, but... it also means that the power of Aoki will become stronger!"

After Ribera got close to a certain distance, the power of the demon roared out! "Aoki Burial Dragon Coffin"! Behind Hua Feihua, there is a clumsy door.

The door is open, full of demonic power and three powers of Xuan Bing and Aoki.

A black dragon emerged from the void gate, entwining Hua Feihua entirely! ! "not good!"

Hua Feihua has forgotten herself. Under the clear wind and clouds, the Aoki Burial Dragon Coffin will double the effect! Numerous ice cold spikes entered the non-flower body of the flower, and the black dragon began to nibble her sperm blood! As the black dragon absorbed the essence and blood, the dragon's body began to appear golden and red, binding the non-flower bouquet tighter and tighter! "Impossible... Even if you can plagiarize your memory, how could Qinglong Skill be so skillful..." She couldn't understand, after all, their real Qinglong spent a lot of time to study and hone Qinglong Skill.

"Who told you that I was facing Qinglong for the first time?"

Ribola said lightly: "In my long life, there are also several green dragons... Maybe, the number of green dragon skills you will use alone, you are not as good as me."

It took a long time for Hua Fei to realize that the opponent she faced was a monster that copied the laws and skills of not many masters! Despite Hua Feihua's continuous release of Cangyan, Binglongfang, trying to smash this black dragon.

However, the gap between cultivation and cultivation made Hua Feihua unable to break free and was imprisoned in a coffin! The black dragon outside the burial dragon coffin, wrapped around the coffin, constantly absorbs the blood and becomes thicker.

As long as a few more breaths, Huafeihua will be completely drained of the last drop of essence blood, and the Dragon Soul will be smashed accordingly! suddenly! A celestial dragon crossbow traversed the sky from a distance and burst into the back of Ribola! Ribera had no time to avoid it, so the wings suddenly became toughened! "Keng! -" The silver-gray metal wings blocked the Tianji Dragon Crossbow hard! A figure with Shen Lei, who took advantage of this time, came to the middle of the battlefield.

With a scorching fire on the sky, a dragon fist punched out and smashed the buried dragon coffin! The collapsed flower is not a flower, and fell in the snow.

She gasped for breath, faceless, and looked up to see a burly man in scorching flames, wearing a treasure armor.

"Ye... Ye Xuanguang?

It's you? "

I don't know why, Hua Fei's heart is deep, and seeing that the Emperor Xuanlong Emperor saved her, there is a trace of loss... She also does not know what is happening with this inexplicable taste.

"It's just a coincidence," Ye Xuanguang said lightly.

Because of this ice and snow zone, it is in Mingzhou.

Ye Xuanguang was about to go to his own territory, but he found the war here.

Originally, he did not want to intervene suddenly, but when he saw that the dragon's clan was not a flower, and he was about to be killed by the demon, he decided to take action.

"You are... that Ye Xuanguang who was excluded by the clan alliance and was compared with the sword god?"

Ribera also knew, "Shouldn't your position help my demon clan to kill the hindering sword god?"

"If you want to kill the sword god, you should also be the king. This king disdains the company of small demons such as Seoul! You devil, you have to fight, you have to use some shameful conspiracy and tricks.

Really when my clan is empty, can you wait for rampage here? "

Ye Xuanguang proudly said.

"No are not an opponent of the sword god."

Ribera seemed to understand something, saying: "You lack basic judgment skills, only a few men."

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