My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3150: Why not

A world ravaged by blood vines.

"Bahuang Liuhe Dragon Sword Formation"!

In order to save time in sweeping the battlefield, Ye Fan directly carried out a large-scale strike.

Jianlonghai flew around, Biantianjianyu burst into bursts, Jianyi dragon soul roared.

Even if it is only the most common magic weapon level flying sword, as long as Yefan's Wushuang sword intention is attached, it can easily kill most demons below Kaitian.

Wherever I went, in the countless sky, the demons on the earth were penetrated and burned!

After sweeping through the main battlefield of this world, hundreds of millions of human beings were finally saved.

Ye Fan could not listen to the gratitude of these people and flew back to the bottom of the earth.

Xiao Xin'er happened to have burned the vines of this world to death.

A large number of original power crystals have turned the bottom into a crystal world!

"It's getting more and more troublesome, and it will take longer to burn these blood vines," Xiao Xiner annoyed.

"These crystals are too large, and it is impossible to destroy them all," Ye Fan sighed.

"Why do you look so bad?" Xiao Xin'er asked with concern.

Ye Fan wiped his face, knowing it without looking, haggardly.

"After all, it's not a real Qinglong, so it's a bit expensive to consume"

"Should you take a break?"

"No, there is still some medicine for me first. Just take some medicine."

"By the two of us, this rate of extinction is already limited...

This group of demons is too abominable. If you want to fight, just fight, what is this kind of indiscriminate slaughter! "

Although Xiao Xin'er is hot, he is also a woman after all.

Throughout the world, I saw too many civilians who died in tragic death.

"Wars have always occurred in the Taishi plane. Such sufferings are innocent, but it has not been human's turn before."

"Even if we are tired, it's better than people who don't know how to die for unprovoked disaster."

Xiao Xin'er heard it and said, "Someone seemed to promise that he would never think about saving the world anymore. It seems that Jiangshan's nature is difficult to change?"

"It's not dangerous this time, it's just tired. You can't save tens of billions because you are tired, right?"

Ye Fan smiled bitterly, took Xiao Xin'er, and went to the next world again.

But when he arrived, Ye Fan was surprised to find that although there were blood vines in this world, the devil was nowhere to be seen?

"What's going on? This is a fortress world, demon?"

Ye Fan faintly felt something wrong and said: "Xin'er, you go to deal with the blood vine, I will go back to the Sword Shrine".

When returning to the Sword God Palace, Su Qingxue was busy commanding, and there seemed to be a large-scale adjustment that made Su Qingxue very anxious.

Jiang? Ye Fan came back, just about to shout, but Ye Fan stopped him.

Ye Fan knows that Su Qingxue probably has no time to explain to him.

"Candle Wick Soul, you go to Qingfang Realm!"

"Qinglan, Huai Su, your team, go to Yongzhou, where the teleportation array has been repaired."

"Elder Hua, can you rush to the Surabaya world now?"

"Doomsday, the devil over there, leave it alone, you go to Donglian Valley..."

After Su Qingxue dispatched, he turned back to Ye Fan and said: "Her husband, Drizzt has moved the demon's main force again to a large extent.

They seem to deliberately spread our people apart."

Ye Fan frowned: "Scattered? Their strategic number, allowed to do so?"

"No, this is what worries us the most. And the targets they choose are all worlds with a large number of human beings."

"What's even more weird is that these worlds don't have blood vines yet, which means that humans have stronger defensive capabilities."

"The devil did this by clearly trying to force our people to fight against them, so as not to destroy the blood vines."

"In the eyes of demons, blood vines are more important than their lives!"

Jiang Daxi said: "So, their main purpose is to create those crystals? We guessed it!"

"What's the use of guessing it? We still have to be led by the nose?"

Ling Yuwei said helplessly: "Even if we know their purpose, we can only send the strategic level and the main force to deal with them.

After all, people in those worlds can't be left, can't they be saved if they die? "

"Ribera's purpose is to delay time, but we must still eat it..." Chu Yunyao said coldly.

"Wei Wei, did you find anything in the formation?" Ye Fan asked.

Ling Yuwei bit her lip and said, "I'm not sure, but... as far as I know, it should be some sort of interstellar teleport."

"The hypothesis is some big formation, can it be cracked?"

"There are too many eyes, there are dozens of them. If you want to crack them, you need to destroy all the crystals of these worlds...

Otherwise, if you miss a few, you may fall short.

And according to the scale of those crystals now, it may be faster to launch a large array, and there is not much time left. "

Ye Fan's eyes flickered and asked, "Wife, do you think it is necessary to try to prevent the formation of large formations?"

"According to the demon's importance, I think it's necessary," Su Qingxue said.

"The key is whether you can do it?" Chu Yunyao said: "After my analysis, this crystal can be hundreds of times stronger than Honghuangshi."

"To destroy those crystals, the general open world is not enough, it must be strategic.

And it needs to be able to recover quickly, otherwise it will not be destroyed, and it will not work if you rest for too long. "

"That's only the Qinglong or Fenghuang's," Jiang Jiang smiled bitterly.

Ye Fan suddenly remembered a guy, "How about Feng Xiaotianren?"

"He hasn't moved, it seems that he was restricted by the other party's Di Fan", Su Qingxue said.

"He can't be restrained by an unknown guy! He must be lazy!

Help me find him, he should be useful," Ye Fan said.

"Master Jianshen, don't you go to see the other battlefields? It seems that a few elders such as Bai Yiyi and Wu Ye Mingling are in danger!" Jiang asked.

"My goals are only three, Ribola, Booker and Drizzt. If every demon will ask me to shoot, then this battle cannot be fought."

"I can't stay here forever, the clans must survive on their own."

Everyone was silent, although they knew it was cruel, but... this is part of the war.

Su Qingxue summoned the Book of Heaven and quietly applied the law.

She naturally does not use the law of fate to calculate Fengxiaotian or Difan, but starts with those who are not important, but who are related to Fengxiaotian.

In this case, she will not consume too much.

After a while, Su Qingxue pointed out a position for Ye Fan.

"Here, Mi Ye Mi Mi and her little sisters are here, it should not be wrong," Su Qingxue said.

Ye Fan nodded and was about to leave, but suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, why is Gillian not here? Isn't she responsible for the affairs in the palace?"

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