My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3153: No retreat

Ye Fan didn't dare to trouble Su Qingxue about Ru Jiao, he contacted him with a communicator.

After contacting Nian Rujiao, I discovered that women were in one of the worlds that needed to install engines.

"Giao, why are you going so far?"

Ye Fan couldn't help but stunned. He thought Nian Rujiao was only active in Kyushu.

"Fujun, I see on the map that the demonic forces of this world have been withdrawn. I don’t think it would be too dangerous... The concubine also knows that it is risky to come out alone, so I don’t want to make Fujun burden."

Ye Fan was relieved to hear this, so Ru Jiao knew what was right.

"Even in this way, demons are demons after all, they use primitive power, and it is still too risky for you."

"But..." "No! But I don't want you to go out to fight, I don't want you to be too risky.

If you arrive at the plane level, I will not stop you, I will take you back now."

Although Nian Rujiao was very reluctant, he had no choice but to "hmm".

...On a battleship of the Satanic army.

"Master Booker, according to your script, the main force of the clan, those strategic levels have really dispersed into the world on the edge of the major."

Frankenstein said in the newsletter.

Booker sat in a chair, writing a book of cause and effect.

"There is nothing to be fussed about. Su Qingxue's careful layout did make my first script fail to proceed smoothly."

"But she can't influence the script I write now."

"Unfortunately, before withdrawal, Bellard and Luck failed to kill Bai Yihe and Wu Yeming, Haigede had helped a lot."

Booker didn't care: "It's normal, after all, it's a hastily written script.

It can only be said that they have the possibility of death, but in the end it cannot be compared to the mortal script that carefully collected materials. "

"In a maximum of two days, the large array arranged by His Royal Highness will have enough energy to start.

This group of stupid clans are still busy fighting our army.

I really look forward to what a feast His Royal Highness will present," Frankenstein said excitedly.

"Di Fan is back?"

"Yes, the sword **** let it go alive, but it refused to fight again."

"Well, Sword God mostly sees through its character, so he does this.

No problem, anyway, it is only good at defense, let it stay in the mothership."


"After Haigede recovers some time, he will provide remote support to some battlefields in the marginal world.

Although our strategic level is not as good as humans, there are Drizzt and Sea Goethe. We can play more and less at any time, to take full advantage of this advantage."

"Master Booker is wise!"

Frankenstein hesitated and said, "But... Master, Feng Xiaotian is now out. Will he join forces with Sword God? Will it be difficult to deal with?"

"As long as the two of them do not destroy the five key worlds, there will be no harm."

"Jiangshen should also be busy saving people, Feng Xiaotian might support some strategic levels."

"I will let Xiao Qingxuan and Lord Ribera avoid it, and Lord Ribera can hold the wind and laugh at the sky."

"Sir Ribola... can you stop the wind and laugh at the sky?"

Frankenstein couldn't help but doubt.

Booker said in a deep voice: "At least, it won't be as useless as playing Xiao Qingxuan.

Adults know very well that in order to complete this plan, even sacrifices are inevitable."

"Of course, I have been writing their script. In the past two days, Feng Xiaotian and Jianshen will encounter various troubles."

"The people they care about, the things they care about, will make them do nothing."

"In short, as long as they are two, far away from those five worlds, everything is fine..." Frankenstein shouted before the words were finished! "No! Lord Booker!"

"what happened?"

Booker wondered.

"My food bug, in the British League, saw the sword god!"

The British League is one of the five key worlds. It is a world in which multiple major business alliances are stationed together.

Booker's hand shook his hands! "what!?"

"Impossible! All the main forces of the British League have been withdrawn. Why did the sword **** go there?

! "

Dignified sword god, it is impossible to find soft persimmon! What is it to fight a group of little magic soldiers?

Frankenstein was also speechless: "I... I don't know!"

"And the world that the sword **** used to go to has no teleportation array. This Fallen League has even repaired the teleportation array!"

"Even if you want to deal with our small remaining team, just send a few general clan masters!"

"Don't say... they already know our true purpose, and know which worlds are the most important?

! "

Booker's face changed a lot! This time he really panicked.

No matter how many dead and wounded the demon army is, it’s okay if the plan is overwhelmed. That’s the real sin, and it will affect the big plan of the entire First Kingdom! "We also deliberately kept the Sword God from going, and did not even stop the repair of the teleportation array..." "How can this Sword God know that the British League is the key?"

Booker quickly thought about it and said, "Contact Master Ribola!"

Frankenstein immediately rushed into the conversation with Ribera.

"Adult! We seem to underestimate Su Qingxue! Her law may be far more terrifying than we thought!"

"What do you mean?"

"Perhaps, she has known for a long time, which five worlds are the key! So I didn't worry at the beginning, only then I found Feng Xiaotian back.

They knew at all that what we care about the most! "

After listening to the report, Ribola obviously felt incredible! "You mean... we just sent all the main forces to the edge and dispersed them, you tell me now that all the scheduling is done in vain!?"

"Sir... maybe Su Qingxue can really predict the future."

"Impossible! Foreseeing the future, even if such a law really exists, it will inevitably be costly! How strong the law is to match how strong it is, this is common sense! That woman, even with such a plan, All can be predicted, from the beginning, this war cannot be fought!"

Booker was also very annoyed, and it was strange.

The point is, there is no "symptom" for Sword God to go to the British League! It is totally awkward and inexplicable! In addition to saying that Sword God already knows the key to that world, no other explanation can be found! "It's impossible... who has betrayed our intelligence?

Or is it the ghost of the mother bug?

Has it completely turned to Sword God? "

"It's a formation!"

Suddenly, Booker's eyes lit up: "When I went to the Sword Palace, the layout of the palace's odd gate formation was very delicate. Perhaps it was the Sword God side, and the masters of the formation method had already seen the formation!"

"Damn... anyway, there is no way out now! In two days, even if I wait to die, I won't let Jianshen and Feng Xiaotian destroy the key worlds!"

"Sir Ribola, don't you want to..." "Contact Drizzt, all our strategic levels alive, gather together with a sand table, kill the sword gods! Destroy the teleportation array of the British Alliance, don't let any other strategic level support!"

"But this...the battlefields will collapse everywhere, and our army has no strategic support..." Ribera was very excited and shouted: "The whole army is overthrown, and the large formation cannot be destroyed!!"

Booker and Frankenstein stunned and called out loud!

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