My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3172: countryside

"I remembered it!"

Ye Fan was excited.

"Last time, the last time you showed up!"

Before he entered the perspective of the Creator and had doubts, it was this voice that said a few words to him!

He also told him that that perspective is not the power that can be possessed now!

"What are you doing so excited? You don't have Alzheimer's again, just forget it," said the voice.

Ye Fan tried to walk up the mountain and wanted to see who the top of the mountain was.

But no matter how hard Ye Fan tried, he couldn't get up.

"Don't bother, at this position you are standing now, it's all I took you, or you won't be able to stand up."

Ye Fan frowned: "You... who are you? Why are you in the sword **** ring?"

"Such things, you will know sooner or later, I don't want to waste time explaining to you."

"Boy, I don't have much time. In order to save your life, I have almost exhausted the remaining power."

"The things that are explained to you below, you must remember them firmly!"

Ye Fan stunned: "You saved me?"

"Otherwise? Do you really think you have reached that level?"


"Boy, you don't have to thank me too, because, the reason why I can save you is did it yourself."

"What do you mean?" Ye Fan wondered.

"I'm on the top of the mountain. If you are too far away from you, then you will fall off the cliff. I can't help it."

"It's you. At that moment, if I climbed close enough to me, I can pull you."

Ye Fan woke up suddenly!

"You mean, can you connect with me only if I enter that kind of creator-like perspective?"

"Almost... this is the basic requirement I set for the owner of the sword **** ring."

"If I can't even reach this level, then I don't need to spend energy."

Ye Fan couldn't laugh or cry, this might... just put it to death?

My own suicide behavior, however, also exchanged a chance to survive.

"Don't be complacent, I can only help you once."

"Your tactic "request for defeat", if you use it again, no one can save you!"

Ye Fan doesn't mind, just survive, just escape from death, happy!

"Thank you senior, hehe..."

"Look at your shameless virtue, it really has the style of the old man", the voice laughed.

"Is this praise me, or does it hurt me?" Ye Fan muttered.


The voice seemed to find that it was far away, and became serious again.

"Boy, you brought back a trace of your blood in the beginning, but it can make you reshape your body."

"However, your practice is afraid to start again."

"Although you have hundreds of spirits, this time, 90% of them have been damaged."

"But your realm is still there, and recovery should not take long, just need to have abundant cultivation resources."

Ye Fan laughed and said: "Senior, this is not a problem. What do I have to cultivate resources, I have!"

"You are in that rural area and have a lot of natural resources. You have done a lot of hooligans. How much resources do you need? You have a say."

"But... you are in the "Hongmeng universe", the most primitive and core area of ​​the Taishi plane."

"You have to get enough resources here, but it is not that simple."

Ye Fan was stunned.

"What? Hongmeng universe? Where?"

"You forgot the star chart on the beginning?"

Ye Fan suddenly said: "The lake of purgatory... other than the stars?"

"Wait! Can it be said that the army of human beings that can use primitive power is the human being of this vast universe?"

"The Satan side was attacked by them, so they were brought to the human side?"

Ye Fan calmed down at this moment, and his thoughts flew!

If humans become like demons, they can use primal power from the beginning.

Well, human power is stronger than demon!

Humans are only flawed in physical strength, but wisdom is much higher than many low-level demons.

Plus, humans control monsters, alchemy, and make various primitive crystal weapons...

Just looking at that army of human beings is not something that any demon kingdom wants to face.

Ye Fan has seen the armies of the demon kingdoms, and it is really not as good as those of humans!

If there is that army across the lake of purgatory fire, what will Satan do?

First, Satan dared not tell other kingdoms, especially the second and third kingdoms.

Geralds and Hiraris, even if they knew, that there would be a human army to invade, certainly would not help Satan.

After all, Satan is still too strong for the second and third.

In any case, it is necessary to wait until Satan is weakened, or even the general trend is gone, before he can intervene.

Otherwise, Satan will be saved, and they will not benefit themselves in the end. Instead, they may be bitten by Satan.

Satan certainly knows this truth, so he dare not leak this news.

Once known by other kingdoms, the First Kingdom was actually in crisis, and most of it fell into disrepair.

Misfortunes lead eastwards, allowing the human army to discover other more "rich" worlds and stay away from the lake of purgatory fire, this is the best choice!

"Damn... no wonder there are so many original crystal mines, originally used to attract hatred?"

"Isn't the devil want it, but for the humans of the Hongmeng universe?"

The voice said: "Your boy, don't you really think that the Taishi plane is as small as you know it?"

"You haven't thought about it, so many historical strongmen, don't say anything else, just say where did the dragons of the Shenlong family go? Did they all die?"

"Frankly speaking, the rural place you were in was just one of countless civilization communities in the Taishi plane."

"Hongmeng universe is the central area of ​​Taishi, and this is the birthplace of various races."

"However, after the war of gods in history, the human race has been the master here."

"That's the rural area where you were before, so the devil is so proud."

"Actually...their ancestors, including those groups of Titans, have long since lost to human ancestors."

"The ancient gods of Pangu, Fuxi, and Nuwa have already done a lot of farting on those ancestors of Titan!"

"It's just that the Titans are stupid, and they also want to face, so sorry to tell the truth."

"Their Titan Realm and the Tomb of the Old Ancestor moved from the Hongmeng universe to the country!"

"Haha... this bunch of grandchildren, I think it's funny every time I think of them being beaten to move their graves."

Ye Fan couldn't help crying, no wonder he had only seen the Titan before, but hadn't heard of the deeds of Nuwa Fuxi's great gods.

Turns out...I have been in the "countryside"?

Ye Fan was surprised: "How could this be? The human race is the ruler? Aren't the protoss and demon races inherently superior in primitive power?"

"There are not even primitive crystal mines in the countryside, only Honghuang stone, of course, the devil is very powerful."

"But in the Hongmeng universe, primitive crystal mines are common, just like ordinary rocks."

"Under such circumstances, humans have long learned to master the primitive power when they practice from the foundation."

"To put it bluntly, the country over there is too old, no matter the cultivation method, method, various reasons..."

"That's why everyone thinks that humans can't use primitive power."

Ye Fan understood that, indeed, humans will produce different civilizations according to the environment.

"It's impossible... The water of Tian Yisheng and the Emperor Wa's supplementing the Tian Jing that I practiced were all from the Hongmeng universe?"

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