My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3174: bride price

"That's what you call the law of planes... the name in the countryside.

Above the sky, it is psychic, that is, plane level.

Occasionally, some divine communication will comprehend unique divine skills, the so-called law.

But even if there is no magic skill, as long as you reach the god, it is the same state, there is no essential strength.

Being in the realm of God, it is also a real strongman in the Hongmeng universe, which is the same as the countryside.

However, the total number is naturally much higher than in the countryside, after all, the population base is not comparable.

What's more, humans in the Hongmeng universe use the original crystal mine to cultivate, and the cultivation method is more reasonable."

Ye Fan suddenly realized that before, he should not be defined by laws.

This makes sense. It turned out that I arrived at the God Realm! "Senior, you seem to know a lot about Hongmeng universe, why not talk to me more?"

Ye Fan wondered, knowing a little more, and being safe when going out.

After all, he was unfamiliar with his life and could not recover his full strength at once. It would be a bit dangerous.

"I don't have so much time to tell you that, and the current situation of the Hongmeng universe is very different from my time."

Ye Fan looked sad, and seemed to have to go out and ask for information.

"One thing, I want to remind you that although I said you were there before, the universe is the country."

"However, that rural universe is a special one among countless rural areas."


Ye Fan guessed: "Is it because of the tomb of the Titan?"

"Yes, that tomb of the gods is actually not of the Titan family, but they are used."

"That Divine Tomb is a good thing and one of the most mysterious things in the Five Tais."

"Even if you are an enemy, taking the tomb of the gods is nothing."

"Those people in the Hongmeng universe have estimated that many are looking for that tomb and want to unlock the secret of the tomb."

"It's just that because Taishi is vast and immense, they are looking everywhere in all directions, but they have never found it."

"This time, Hongmeng Universe discovered this rural place, and then discovered the group of Titans and the tombs of the gods, sooner or later."

"At that time, there will be a **** storm... I guess that is the main reason for starting this interstellar array."

Ye Fan suddenly said, "So...ANKH, was it also the Hongmeng universe?"

"Yes, although the ancestors of the Titans were defeated, all the good things were transferred out."

"Humans in the Hongmeng universe have realized afterwards that they have suffered a loss, and they will naturally refuse."

Ye Fan frowned: "Senior wanted to remind me that although there was a country there, it would gradually become a battleground for soldiers because of the relationship between the tomb of the gods?"

"Just understand".

Ye Fan has a headache. It seems that he still needs to improve his strength as soon as possible.

"Boy, after you go out, you can do your part or practice, or continue to follow your path of extreme combat strength..." "I don't care which way you go."

"However, if you see the kid named Lin again in the future, bring me a sentence for him."

"Lin's name?"

Ye Fan guessed: "You said Lao Lin?"


"What is your relationship with Lao Lin?"

"Count him... half a master, after all, he was not officially accepted as a disciple."

"You are the master of Lao Lin!?"

Ye Fan was surprised! This man on the top of the mountain has such a state! ?

"Just tell him that the two proverbs of poetry involved are not necessarily only him and me, maybe... there is a third person."

"What's the poem?"

"You don't need to ask too much, if you see him, tell him, if you don't see it, just forget it."

Ye Fan was speechless, "That senior, you always have to tell me, what is your name?

Anyway, you saved my life."

"Hey... didn't you use my name to hook up with the Protoss Princess?

I didn’t think about it, why did you give yourself that name? "

"Dragon Five!?"

Ye Fan suddenly said that his feelings were influenced by him, and the subconscious mind burst out with this name! ?

If you think about it carefully, you have been wearing the sword **** ring, and often put your consciousness in the ring world to practice for a long time.

It has been normal for many years to be affected by some effects.

Not waiting for Ye Fan to ask, he suddenly fell quickly from the hillside! Looking up again, I could no longer see the silhouette of the top of the mountain.

I don’t know if it’s Long Wu who can’t hold him anymore, or if Long Wu has “disappeared”.

"Senior Longwu, although you and I don't have the name of a mentor, but you pointed me to the direction, and it is also my teacher."

"I salute you, I hope to see you again."

Ye Fan was kneeling down on the hillside.

After the end, Ye Fan summoned the beginning.

After taking off a trace of his own blood at the beginning, Ye Fan came to the outside world.

After intensively probing around for four weeks, Ye Fan found a dark piece near him.

A closer look reveals that the sword **** ring is actually in a huge mahogany box! Surrounded by various gold and silver jewelry, as well as some small magic tools.

This wooden box was placed in the same room as a warehouse with many happy boxes.

"bride price?"

Ye Fan realized that the sword **** ring had been used by some people as a trinket and was thrown into the gift box! Most of them are unavailable to others, and they can't see what the ring is for, so they just throw small things.

In fact, as Ye Fan expected.

At that time, the human army withdrew and cleaned the star battlefield.

After the sword god's ring was found by a monk, he didn't feel any strong energy fluctuations, and was regarded as a normal ornament.

A few days later, I entered this batch of gifts.

At this moment, it seems that the night is quiet outside, only some singing, dancing and drinking sounds.

Ye Fan was sure that no one came here, and he began to reshape his body in the dark room.

In this ceremony, there are two boxes of primitive crystal mines, plus a lot of spiritual tools, making the room full of aura and primitive power.

Ye Fan's cells are already very strong, and the body is remodeled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It seems to be no different from the human world I have been to before."

"There is no new place in Arcadia and Demon..." Ye Fan carefully sensed with his consciousness and found that he was in a forest town.

The buildings here are quaint, and there is no strangeness.

If you think about it carefully, after all, it is a universe dominated by humans, but it makes sense.

"Ji Xuanyuan...Is it true that you will be successful, and you want to discuss the sword with you?"

Ye Fan was somewhat expecting, and met some new strong men.

Listening to the meaning of Longwu, Ji Xuanyuan and Chiyou may be in the Hongmeng universe.

Of course, although his physical status can be restored to his original state, he can be repaired very low.

Only a few hundred spirits are left, and they are still very weak.

Really fight, it is estimated that not even half of the strength at the peak.

Fortunately, this point of self-exaltation has not changed.

There are emperor-level swordsmanship and disintegration. If you don't die, you should be self-protected.

Give him some time, recovery is not a problem.

The main problem is how to further improve your strength.

"I don't know, what is the level of technology here, can I contact them."

"There are also interstellar teleportation arrays. I don't know if I can pass it back..." Ye Fan wondered. With a star chart, she could roughly know the way home.

If there is no connection, he will resume cultivation first, and then use the sword to transfer.

He actually wanted to report peace, as long as he knew that the women were safe, he could just pretend to die.

"No matter, restore your strength first, come step by step..." Ye Fan murmured inwardly, and then found that she had recovered unconsciously.

The head is a bit dizzy, as if the spirit was hollowed out.

After all, hundreds of spirits have been lost.

Ye Fan looked at his glazed self, even without the storage ring, so he turned over the box and put it on his head.

At this moment, there were a few whizzes outside! "Flying sword?"

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