My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3313: Immediately

"The emperor, the conditions have been made clear by this king just now."

"The power of the human alliance was given to these women in his family because of the sword god."

"But now that the Sword God is not there, and the Abyssal Witch is involved with them again, it is difficult to convince the Protoss."

"The King of Spears has agreed that as long as the Human Alliance gives me the management of the Obsidian Legion, the Protoss will not raise troops."

"We can unite against the devil together."

Ye Xuanguang said sternly: "With emotion and reason, this king believes that this is the best choice for the current situation of mankind."

Emperor Zigui looked at each other with a few people around him.

"When evaluating a person, you can't just look at who he was with, where he came from, and what he experienced..."

"More importantly, it depends on what he did."

"The sword **** proclaimed the emperor in the human race, first because of his strength to convince the masses, and second, he quelled the civil strife of the Arcane Gods and the clan."

"Third, it led the human race to win a battle that was impossible to win."

"As for the wife of the sword god, Miss Su and Miss Chu, they have all made important contributions to the current revival of mankind."

The emperor Gui replied, "Ye Xuanguang, tell us, what have you done for humans?"

"Just because the Gun King recognizes you, do you want us to recognize you?"

"What's the difference between this and robber theory?"

Ye Xuanguang squinted his eyes, and the words of the emperor's return were clearly rejected directly.


Tai Cang jokingly said: "The emperor dean, is it not enough to have this king's approval?"

"You are not qualified now to negotiate terms with this king."

"Feng Xiaotian will take at least three days before he can appear. Can you withstand the presence of this person for three days?"

The emperor returned: "Tai Cang, although we may not be your opponents, if you want to destroy my human race with your own strength, you are not afraid of being taken advantage of by the devil?"

"You may have forgotten an important message."

Tai Cang plays with the taste: "If it is the past, there is not much difference between the territories of humans and the gods."

"But now... in the world that you humans occupy, there are many worlds that demons like."

"In comparison, the rate of return for attacking humans is much higher than for attacking Protoss."

Everyone changed.

What Tai Cang was talking about was obviously those worlds transformed by the magic vine.

Those places are all primitive crystal mines, but because of their highly poisonous, humans generally have difficulty in long-term survival.

But the demon is not affected by those poisonous, and can mine those primitive crystal mines to develop higher demon technology.

If Satan had won the war, he would probably use those worlds to become their supply.

But now he lost, leaving a bunch of primitive crystal mines in the Human Alliance.

If the other three kingdoms see opportunities, they will definitely want to compete for resources.

"When the king came, you personally informed this king of this information."

"For such important information, I must thank you very much."

Tai Cang looked relaxed and content.

"Dean Emperor, you have also heard, now it is forced by the situation."

"This king also knows that in terms of merit, the sword **** is much higher than me."

"But between war and peace, do you really have to choose to confuse the human race again?"

Ye Xuanguang's words were serious and thoughtful.

"Ye Xuanguang, you traitor!"

"Last time I thought you were something wrong, but I didn't expect you to be a running dog!"

Huang Wanrou couldn't help it anymore, she slapped the table directly and yelled.

"Huh, the so-called Spear King is also such a despicable person who fought injustice!" Hua Feihua sneered.

Tai Cang's face sank.

"You are wrong! This king does not directly suppress the realm with an army, and has given you enough human face!"

"What do you say?" Emperor Zigui frowned.

"Originally, the cause of this war was Asmodeus!"

"Once the Seventh Kingdom rises, it will be worse than the First Kingdom, because they cultivated the Abyssal Witch!"

"And the ultimate goal of Asmodeus, most likely, is to give Princess Gloria time and space to grow up."

"At this time, you are still helping to take in the Abyssal Witch? Where do you humans put the safety of other races?"

Tai Cang proudly said: "This king will destroy demons and save the world, this is a righteous act!"

"The little girl, just because she is the witch of the abyss, she should be considered a great demon? The King of Spears, you are too superficial," Xiao Qingxuan sighed.

"Little sister Qingxuan, how do I feel that you humans are overconfident? The abyss witches dare to raise them? Aren't they afraid of being a'farmer and a snake'?"

Elf Silf jokingly laughed.

"In the history of our highest heaven, once the Abyss Demon rises, it will set off a **** storm, without exception."

Michael also said solemnly.

"As long as I return to the Seventh Kingdom, you will give up attacking humans?"

Suddenly, a black shadow stood up strangely from a shadow on the ground, condensing and forming.

It is Sally Ye!

"Hmph, Abyssal Witch, overheard now, is she finally willing to show up?"

Tai Cang obviously knew she was there.

Patricia looked nervous, thought for a moment, and quickly got up and cursed: "Sally, you are so bold! My uncle is here, you dare to show up?"

She tried to warn Sally that it was dangerous.

"Sally, don't be impulsive!"

Chu Yunyao frowned and said in a low voice.

Sally Ye's face was full of generosity, "The King of Spears, I just ask you, am I going back to the Seventh Kingdom, so you won't provoke humans?"

"You witches of the abyss are the best at escaping and hiding. How does this king know where you have gone."

"Then you want me to die before you are willing to give up?"

"Abyss Witch, she shouldn't be alive," Tai Cang said indifferently.

"Too much deception! I think you are the devil!"

Ai Er couldn't bear it and stood up and said: "No matter what the Human Alliance decides, Sally is our family and wants to touch her unless we die!"


An imperial pressure suddenly broke out from Tai Cang!

Tai Cang's eyes flashed with golden light, and the sharp gun Kungunir beside him resembled a wild beast about to rush out of rage, sending out vigorous spears!

Just a coercion made everyone on the scene feel unsatisfactory, and the muscles and bones were tight!

A kind of instinctive fear emerges from the depths of my heart.

"Be careful!"

The emperor Gui and Xiao Qingxuan are ready for a battle at any time.

However, Rao is their strength enough to deal with the Big Three of Hell, facing Tai Cang, still pale in comparison!

"You seem to have some misunderstandings about this king."

Tai Cang slowly got up, as if his figure was already ten times taller than everyone else, looking down at everyone!

"You people, you are not even qualified to act with this king, how can you have the confidence to stand up to this king?"

Sally Leaf gritted her teeth, overcame her fear, bit her lip.

The demon particles burned, and the whole body turned into a magic flame.

"Taicang, if you want me to die, just try it!"

Sally Ye didn't want to, she was used by Tai Cang as an excuse for fighting.

Instead of letting the important people around her bear the dangers and consequences for her, she chose to fight to the death!

Otherwise, if she killed others because of her, she would have no face to see Ye Fan.

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