My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3337: All beings are evil

Ye Fan shifted his sword intent and came to the edge of the battlefield.

Wushuang Law was launched, trying to find out the secret of its "unkillable" from Belie.

However, it seems that there is nothing special.

Although Belie's cultivation base was comparable to that of Libra, it was still one level behind the Demon King.

However, facing this group of Hongmeng monks, this level of strength is already a crushing level! Believ's dark burning chariots were harvested frantically, and the battle situation showed a one-sided trend.

As soon as the death sickle swiped across, the dark waves of demonic power rippled through the space.

This evil and cold power is not only destructive, but also makes countless human monks into "madness"! Each of them grinned and grinned, terrifying, and Daoxing lost.

Even at the moment of death, they didn't know what they were facing.

In a blink of an eye, these souls became the "soul first level" hanging on the dark chariot of Belie! Believ's chariot kept expanding, and later turned into a super demon the size of a full moon! "Haha...haha..." "greedy humans! You want to provoke noble demons!?"

The remaining few hundred human monks, seeing the huge demon that seemed invincible, were already devastated! "This wild demon is so powerful! Retreat quickly!"

"Hurry back and report to the god!"

At this time, Brother Hongmeng found that he had kicked the iron plate and was about to withdraw.

When the magic wolf Finnis saw Belie appeared, his eyes were solemn at first, but he found that Belie was killing the enemy for them, and he was relieved.

At this time, seeing the human side retreating, I also knew it was an opportunity to launch a counterattack.

The Demon Wolf Knights whizzed and rushed over.

Ye Fan did not favor either side of the war.

Since he wanted to plunder and open up wasteland, Brother Hongmeng had to be prepared to die in battle.

Since the devil wants to occupy the territory, he must accept the corresponding challenge.

Therefore, Ye Fan didn't want to save any party, nor was he interested in blocking it.

Only this Bilie... makes Ye Fan feel very unhappy, his unparalleled, even the emperor-level rules can be seen through, why did he miss Bilie?

try again! Ye Fan called out Taichu, a sword dragon Jueying, instantly entered the battlefield! "Sword God!?"

Finnis was also shocked when Ye Fan appeared! But seeing that Ye Fan's goal was Belie, it only breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Sword God, I worship you so much, why do you bother to force you?

We can be friends..." After absorbing countless primordial spirits and various dark energies, Belie is as huge as a star! It has a wicked and weird smile, polite words on its mouth, and eyes full of contempt. And disdain.

That is a kind of supreme inner attitude, it comes from the heart, thinking that the devil is the most noble! Ye Fan is standing in front of it at this time, like a lone boat in the sea, which can be overturned by any storm! "Emperor Dragon Sword Sovereign!!"

Ye Fan's massive mental power at this time released a super sword **** phantom.

After the violent contraction, the golden dragon soul fits perfectly with the sword intent.

Although it still seems to be a small figure, Taichu in his hand has already released a huge lightsaber that can not be seen! The cyan-gold lightsaber, simply because of its length, exceeded the height of Belie! With a giant sword, you can chop the stars! "Since I don't know how you survived, I will kill you again!"

Ye Fan figured it out, but if he didn't understand, just watch it again! It resurrects once and kills itself once.

Kill until you understand! He didn't believe it, could Believ be better than Ye Qun?

Twenty-seven consecutive cuts! ! Ye Fan swung down with one sword, and the huge sword turned into twenty-seven overlapping huge lights and shadows! "Emperor-level sword intent!?"

"I am not wrong, right?

What an imperial sword intent! ? "

"What the **** is this wild place!?"

A group of Hongmeng monks who were running away felt this sword-inspired breath, and they were so scared to pee their pants! I had known that the people here were so perverted, they wouldn't dare to come if they were killed! They only wanted to go back and report the letter, and did not dare to delay for a moment.

Ye Fan concentrated on his mind, slashing his sword on Belie! "Keng! -" Death's sickle greeted me suddenly! Twenty-seven repeated slashes, the force of destruction and rottenness, smashed the dark flames in all directions.

Countless black souls flew away from Believ's body and chariot at this moment.

"Ah! -" Belie let out a roar, and after forcibly consumed tens of thousands of souls, he actually blocked this sword! ?

"The me now is different from just now..." Before Bilie's words fell, the sickle waved towards Ye Fan in the opposite direction! "Harvest of the suffering!"

Countless souls flew out of the sickle, winding towards Ye Fan, corroding Ye Fan's sword-intent shield.

Ye Fan swept directly! "Fight back!"

A strong sword intent whirling force, the sword bounced back abruptly! Belie staggered back for a while, grinning angrily: "As expected of the sword god, the strong man I worship is different..." "Yijian Shuanghan!"

Ye Fan was too lazy to talk nonsense, and swept out again with a single sword, directly enclosing all the laws of this area in a huge range! Finnis, who was using "Golden Ge" to smash the opponent's spirit weapon, suddenly discovered that his law had failed! ?

Finnis was dumbfounded. Although he heard of the brilliant record of the Sword God, he didn't expect that he wouldn't even be able to use the rules in front of him?

Fortunately, everyone has failed, and the demons have not been affected much.

Ye Fan discovered that Belie's huge body had not shrunk due to this.

Explain that this is not Believ's law, but its ability as an evil god.

"Is this the power of my idol sword god?

Erase the laws of others? "

Bilie admired and admired his expression, "It's so great! The power that fascinates me..." Ye Fan became more annoyed as he listened, and a sword pierced Belie's head again! Dimensional exile! The violent sword intent, tearing the space apart! Ye Fan was looking for the demon soul of Belie, and he must be destroyed.

Believ let out a painful scream, and tried to resist this time, but his strength was already insufficient.

The force of space shattered Belie's head, and the devil soul was quickly evaporated in the cyan-gold flame of sword intent! Ye Fan didn't forget to stare at all the states of Belie with Wushuang, for fear of missing its "escape" route.

Just as Bile turned into a plume of smoke and dissipated... a gloomy voice echoed in Ye Fan's mind... "All beings are evil, the sword god... as long as you want to kill me, you will You can never kill me..." "Haha...haha..." Ye Fan was sweating coldly behind his back! He clearly noticed that Believ seemed to run through his body! Do not! To be precise, he has walked through his "spiritual world"...not spiritual power, dragon soul, primordial spirit...that is...unexplainable, unknown spiritual world...though Belie is "dead" "Yes, but Ye Fan knew that it was still alive.

Only next time, I don't know where and when it will appear.

"How is it possible... Could it be said that it... exists in a dimension I can't see?"

The battlefield, I don't know when it has subsided.

Finnis won a big victory, but in fact, 90% of the Hongmeng monks died under Belie's sickle.

Ye Fan stood in the universe for a long time, silent, half of his face plunged into darkness... "Sword God, give up."

I don't know how long it took, Finnis appeared behind Ye Fan.

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