My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3355: Purgatory

Lake of Purgatory Fire.

Said it was a lake, but it was a vast expanse of stars.

Red flames, lava, fiery red and darkness blend.

A large amount of high-energy matter and stars have turned the entire universe into a purgatory where extraordinary life can grow.

Only organisms with high heat and radiation resistance, or strong enough, can survive in such harsh environments.

Located in the center of Purgatory Lake, a vast world surrounded by lava and volcanoes.

The lava river is continuously flowing across the galaxy, which is spectacular.

If you look farther, you will find the entire huge lava world, with volcanoes arranged in arrangement, like a fiery red dragon with a nest.

According to legend, it is an ancient flame dragon from the beginning to the beginning.

And when it came to the end of life here, it turned into a lava purgatory, which is still hot and hard to extinguish.

Red Dragon City is the name of the capital of the devil.

The lava river, in this city, flows and converges into a badge of "Manders Goat".

In the Red Dragon City at this time, countless demon kings and ordinary demons gathered here.

With the disappearance of the last Big Three, Beliet, the First Kingdom truly fell into chaos.

However, a powerful intelligence network still exists.

Knowing that the second and third kingdoms, the Celestial Clan, will come to divide the cake of Purgatory Lake, the demons are all in anxiety.

Without Satan and the Big Three, the demons knew very well that they could not stop the invasion of those three forces.

Inside the Demon King's Palace built by black magic crystals.

The glory of the past is not there, and the top combat power of the First Kingdom has almost gone.

Strategic level magic commander, and only Di Fan is still in the hall.

"Master Di Fan! Please keep our billions of people in Red Dragon City!"

"This time the Spear King is coming fiercely, how do you and the lords think about how to deal with it?"

A group of demon ministers said nervously in front of the magic commander Di Fan.

The burly Di Fan has a solemn face.

"You don't have to panic, as long as I am here, even if Tai Cang, Jeros and Elarys come in person, they can be blocked for at least three days!"

"This time they are fighting against the three countries, there will be damage, we will act according to the opportunity..."

A huge figure flew into the hall.

"Haha, act by chance? I think you are sitting and waiting for death, right?"

"Satan ran away, what are you still guarding? I think it's better to return to Jeroth as soon as possible. This is the best choice."

It was an undead three-headed dragon full of decayed death energy.

The strange thing is that these three heads are human, vicious dog and griffon.

"Bounet, the sudden disappearance of His Royal Highness the Demon King must have a reason! We can't pretend to be guessing before we reach a conclusion!" Di Fan said.

Necropolis Lord, Bunei, one of the strategic powerhouses of the First Kingdom.

Bunei shrank into a human body and sneered: "Our Purgatory Lake has been attacked by that unknown civilization, but Satan has concealed such important information."

"In the end, there was a'disaster to the east', but it lost most of the combat power of the First Kingdom!"

"This kind of stupid Demon King, what are you doing to guard this Red Dragon City for him?"

Di Fan and a group of Satan's supporters looked extremely ugly.

"His Royal Highness Satan has done nothing wrong. It has made the best choice. It just lacks some luck..."

"Luck? That means it doesn't have the life of the Devil Emperor, and we don't have to follow it anymore!"

"It seems that a certain dog guarding the grave has secretly taken refuge in Gerlos?"

A fallen angel flew in, holding a book in his hand, wearing glasses, and gentle.

"Master Etarides, are you back?" Di Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

Etarides, the Minister of Engineering of the First Kingdom, is also a famous architect in the Demon World.

As the protégé of the Big Three Booker, he is also one of the strategic magic generals.

"After the teacher left, I needed to deal with a lot of things, but now the kingdom is in danger, and we civilians are also duty-bound."

"Hmph, your teacher Booker has been killed by the Sword God, what do you think you can do?" Bunei dismissed.

"There will always be a loser in a war. Although the teacher is defeated, it does not affect my respect for him."

Etarids looked at Bunei coldly, "It's you...if you want to betray the lake of purgatory fire, you can go first."

"Don't pretend to be a loyal minister here! It was Satan who abandoned us first!!"

Both the heads of the Griffon and the Vicious Dog in Bun were barking wildly.

At this moment, the demons felt a terrifying imperial pressure, from far to near.

"Not good! Too Cang is here!"

Di Fan's face was deep, "I have already laid out the Absolute Realm, I hope it can drag on for a while."

An invisible barrier envelops the entire Red Dragon City.

At this time, outside the Red Dragon City, the densely packed, countless army of the gods had quickly approached.

All kinds of spirit beasts and gods, leading the elite warriors of the gods, the angels of the highest heaven, cover the sky and cover the sun!

A burst of sacred energy made the demons of Purgatory Fire Lake feel very uncomfortable.

A large number of demons and monsters roared in anger, fear and anxiety instinctively.

On a white-gold flying boat, Tai Cang is dressed in golden armor, holding a sharp gun Kunguner, and looking down.

Several sharpshooters stood behind him, waiting in full battle.

"His Majesty the Spear King of the God Clan is here, wait for the remnants of Satan, if you submit to surrender, you will avoid death!"

Mulder's voice came into Red Dragon City.

"Your Majesty Spear King, you are an emperor-level powerhouse anyway, taking advantage of the emptiness, you are not a hero!"

Di Fan waited for a few demon generals, walked out of the hall, and confronted loudly.

"It seems... Satan really ran away."

Tai Cang sighed, and said regretfully, "This king thought that it was only deliberately showing weakness, but also wanted to fight with it... Now it seems that it is out of play."

"Wait... If you refuse to surrender, then disappear."

When the avant-garde Trek heard it, he immediately swung the iron-blood hammer and gave instructions to the army behind him.

The power of tens of thousands of gods turned into a dense beam of light and fell towards the protective barrier.

I saw the dazzling white light constantly shining, and the barrier produced a huge shock.

However, after several rounds of attacks, there was still no sign of damage.

"Your Majesty Spear King, the Red Dragon City has been enchanted, and it should be the'absolute realm' of the magic commander Difan".

A fair-skinned man with long pale blonde hair wearing a white gold-patterned robe is solemn and holy.

It is the present Supreme God, Aton.

"It won't last long."

"Your Majesty, it's true that Difan can't stay on guard forever, but the night is long and dreamy. If Jeros and Elaris come, we have to deal with it, and we can't waste time and energy on this group of remnants."

Tai Cang also heard some truth, and immediately picked up the gun, and the overlord's spear intent suddenly broke out!

"This king personally destroyed the First Kingdom today!!"

Before Tai Cang's words fell, a shot had already been stabbed!

There are no waves in the absolute realm at all.

However, Di Fan suddenly spewed blood!

Di Fan, who was standing outside the Demon King's Hall, had been pierced into the heart by a shot!

The sharp gun ignores all the distance in the middle, including the barrier, and directly kills the caster Difan!

The barrier suddenly collapsed, the morale of the Protoss army was greatly boosted, and the spear king was invincible!

If it's not too great, the protoss army will really have to spend too much time with this barrier. After a long time, morale will be weakened and there will be unstable factors.

"I told you earlier! Keeping it means finding your own way!" Bunei gritted his teeth when he saw Di Fan was hit hard.

Etarids looked terribly ugly, and gave Bunai a stern look.

Immediately, he took out a golden long sword and walked towards the huge Devil's Square.

"The First Demon King's army listens to the order, don't be afraid of death, let me punish the gods!!"

Most of the remaining Demon King's army were also brave and fierce Satan fanatics. At this time, when they heard the roar, they were all wielding their weapons frantically.


"Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, let this group of dirty and dark beings turn to ashes under the divine light!"

Aton's eyes were full of disgust for the devil. With an order, the angel army rushed towards the Red Dragon City under the leadership of several archangels like Michael!

Seeing a large-scale fight is imminent, it is another amazing demonic power, from far to near!

The huge waves swept across the sky.

In the fiery purgatory, a vast ocean appeared out of thin air, floating in the air!

A huge deep blue magic whale, like a rolling mountain, spouts a jet of water to the sky, coming by the wind and waves!

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