My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3430: Itching

When the Xuanming clan moved in, how many centimeters taller the World Tree obviously grew?

Although it is only a few centimeters, for the World Tree, one point and one centimeter can take an extremely long time!

"What's going on? Could it be that Xuan Ming came in and gave the world any nutrients?" Bai Qianluo wondered.

Ye Fan touched his chin, "It's still not clear, but...I can do something..."

After spending a day and setting up the Xuanming clan, Ye Fan came to Xuanhai again.

At this time, Xuan Hai was completely empty because Xuan Yi left with a few of his men.

After Ye Fan found the isolated island, he used Long Yan to forcibly melt the ice, revealing the black frozen soil.

After digging, the Feng Qiwu seeds were buried.

According to Zhu Huansha, directly injected into the flame, Feng Qiwu can germinate and grow.

Ye Fan used Longyan to let the seed germinate and quickly became a sapling.

Just about to stop, I found that as soon as the sapling lost its flame, it immediately showed signs of withering!

Ye Fan hurriedly renewed Long Yan, and didn't let the parasol tree wither.

"This old turkey, put me off again?!"

This Feng Xiwu needs a fiery environment, and Xuan Hai looks at it from a wide range of extreme cold Xuan Bing.

To keep Feng Qiwu alive, you must find someone to keep him alive!

"Fortunately, I still have Xiner..."

Ye Fan didn't panic at all, looking for Xiao Xin'er again.

"Huh, don't you rely on my aunt's grandmother at the critical moment?"

"Smelly Yefan, if you invite the beast this time, is it my greatest credit?"

Xiao Xiner hugged her hands in front of her, in a posture waiting for praise.

"Yes, Xin'er baby, you are Dinghai Shenzhen! The backbone of our family!! Without you, all human beings would have been extinct!"

This is how a woman is, she knows it's a good way to coax her, but she just loves to listen.

Xiao Xin'er threw out a small group of phoenix flames with joy, and it began to diffuse and burn on top of Feng Qiwu.

From a distance, Feng Qiwu was directly coated with a layer of black gold!

"Okay, don't worry about it, as long as I live, this fire will keep burning!"

Ye Fan shook his head enviously, playing with fire still couldn't play with this woman.

After ensuring that nothing was lost, Ye Fan shifted his sword intent and returned to the territory of the Vermillion Bird tribe.

Near Wanniaowanglin, Zhu Yan waited nervously.

Seeing Ye Fan's return, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Master Sword God, those old turtles are not embarrassed, right? How is the matter?"

"Hey..." Ye Fan smiled bitterly, "Don't mention it, it's really not a human doing it, I just said it!"

Zhu Yan's eyes showed disappointment, but he could only comfort him: "The old tortoises don't care about anything else, they just look closely at the territory..."

"They are not very agile, so they don't need to be far away, just guard the nearest places, it is impossible to move."

"Master Sword God, you don't have to be too depressed. In order to plant a tree, you really offend Xuan Ming, and you can't commit it..."

At this time, Zhu Huansha's voice came from the depths.

"Sword God, since you can't meet my requirements, you don't have to spend any more words..."

"Zhu Yan, see off the guests."

Obviously, Zhu Huansha was not surprised at all. When it gave this proposal, it was tantamount to rejecting it, and didn't want to mix things with Titan.

Originally, as far as the Suzaku clan was concerned, even if the other races were dead, they would still be alive and well, so there was no need for them to stand up for a group of weak races.


Ye Fan jokingly said: "Sister, I just said, this is not easy...but I didn't say, I can't do it, right?"

"..." Zhu Huansha was silent.

Zhu Yan opened his eyes wide and looked at Ye Fan in astonishment.

"Master Sword God! can't really plant a tree, right?"

Ye Fan shrugged, "If you don't believe me, you can go to Xuanhai Island and see for yourself."

"By the way, the Xuan Yi who guarded Xuan Hai has been driven away by me!"

"So you can safely enter the Profound Sea, and no one will stop you!"

Zhu Huansha's tone seemed to trembled, "You... wait a moment."

While speaking, a red light flickered, and the space shattered.

Obviously, Zhu Huansha was sent directly from Wang Lin to Xuanhai.

After a while, the golden red brilliance fell from the sky, and the blazing Suzaku divine fire condensed and recovered into a flesh.

Zhu Huansha spread her wings in the air, staring straight at Ye Fan with a pair of eyes, incredible!

"Sword God... how did you do it? Xuan Mi, the old tortoise, can't do a loss-making business...what did you give it?"

"Why do you want it too?"

Ye Fan put his hands in front of him, Shi Shiran said: "Sister, what you want me to do, I have done it, should you fulfill your promise first?"

"I am the king of the Suzaku clan, I will do what I say!"

"But I will only help you deal with the current Titans. If there is any other powerful enemy in the Dark Matter Realm, or Hongmeng is invading, it has nothing to do with the Suzaku clan!"

Ye Fan nodded, "Reasonable, it's a deal!"

"Now you can tell me, what deal did you make with Xuan Mi?"

Zhu Huansha is really curious, what kind of huge benefits can make Xuanming clan give up Xuanhai? Don't even care about planting Fengqiwu?

"Eldest sister, making friends is a matter of mind. Patriarch Xuan Mi and I are now friends because they treat each other with sincerity."

"On the other hand, eldest sister, how about you? I saved your daughter somehow, and you almost shot me to death!"

"Come to Taishi, you also set up a trick to lie to my family, Xiaojin, and made me look after your children with fear. As a result... if you ask you to help, you will help half."

"I'm asking you for help this time, you have problems to make things difficult for me, and I not only planted Feng Qiwu, but also gave you Xuanhai to come back..."

"I asked Ye Fan, because your daughter and I are predestined, because of the face of the Phoenix girl among my confidantes, I have done my best to you, the Suzaku clan!"

"From beginning to end, our family did not owe you half a point!"

"Now, eldest sister, you want me to tell me what benefits have been given to Patriarch Xuan Mi? Why?"

"Send it out and let all walks of life comment on it. Is this the temperament that the dignified Suzaku king should have? Whether it is a man or a god, it must be reasonable?"

"If you ask me, I must tell you, is that different from a robber?"

"Why waste your lips and tongue when you and I started? Isn't it enough to just fight?"

Zhu Yan on the side was stunned, and couldn't help but nodded.

Even the little turkey, who was trapped in the energy wall, nodded like the little chicken pecking at the rice, and looked disappointed in his mother.

Zhu Huansha's two phoenix claws were trembling there, her **** eyes were full of aggrieved, but she couldn't lose her temper.

Why suddenly, it became a shameless, selfish image?

"I think you are not an emperor-level sword intent, are you an emperor-level tongue?"

"Hey... I've been rewarded!"

Ye Fan arched his hands, "I'm just discussing the matter... Don't get excited, sister. We can talk if we need it. After all, my transaction with the Xuanming clan involves shocking secrets... You can't just talk about it."

Zhu Huansha was tickled by the hook. Generally speaking, it is impossible to be fooled by Ye Fan.

However, Xuan Mi took the Xuan Ming clan to make such a concession, which really made him care!

This is definitely not fraud, it is really a big benefit!

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