My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3448: Thunder

The Terran spacecraft passed a starry sky, and the dazzling starlight was like a sea of ​​gems.

After waiting, I found out that it was a Titan's nostril. The nose hair had crystals in it, coupled with the Titan's supernatural power, emitting light.

"These big guys... Elder Feng Xiaotian, even you, if you want to kill a Titan, I'm afraid you have to fight for milk?"

Huang Wanrou said excitedly.

"What nonsense?

Not every Titan is so big, this time it is the core members of other Titans, the heads of Titans! "

Feng Xiaotian was playing around with a mobile phone, "Damn the broken place, there is no signal, I can't connect with my Mi Mi."

"If it's just a big size, many strategic levels can kill the Titan through a wide range of attacks..." "After all, there is no need to really attack all parts, just hit the key points and crush the soul."

"The problem is... Titans are not strong outsiders, they are all equipped with unique skills and unfathomable."

The emperor returned.

Everyone looked worried, looking at Ye Fan who stood there without saying a word, it was even more helpless.

When the spacecraft descended, there was an oolong.

I thought I stopped on a plain, but it was an "earthquake"! I realized that it was not the plain, but the toes of a Titan.

When all parties were basically settled, I also saw the representatives from the Protoss side.

"Haha, Spear King! My good brother! See you again!"

Gerlos was still the one with the loudest voice, and when he met Tai Cang, he hugged him.

Tai Cang had already pushed Jeroth away with his hands, but this guy had many arms and could extend it, and he just came into a big hug.

"Uncle, how is my aunt's health recently?"

Patricia went up to ask about Katie and the child.

"Aren't you a video call?

What am I doing? "

Tai Cang said indifferently.

Patricia shook her head helplessly, knowing Tai Cang's bad temper, and got used to it.

"The gun king who is invincible in melee combat, I heard that he has already handed over this title to the sword god?"

Gared laughed provocatively.

"As a high-level golden dragon, you still have the face to mention this?"

Tai Cang sneered.

"Haha, Gared, don't irritate him. If he didn't sit hot in the position of God Emperor, he was snatched by God Aton!"

Elaris said.

"Our majesty abdicated voluntarily to be virtuous, what do you demons know?"

Patrick said indignantly.

A group of demon generals and **** generals suddenly had a fight.

God Aton is a serious man, with a few archangels, greeted the high-levels of various countries, showing the majesty of the new emperor.

When they came to Ye Fan and his wife, they were neither humble nor overbearing, and they couldn't see the private appearance at all.

Elf Queen Bi Luodi also attended the scene with several elves.

But the arrogant elf, obviously still very resistant to the devil, just came to the human race and said hello.

"Miss Su, if this king remembers correctly, this seems to be the first time we have met a real person, right?"

"I heard that the queen has a high life span of several million years, and it seems a bit confused," Su Qingxue said with a faint smile.

Bi Luodisi's mouth froze, "The Elf royal family has a long lifespan, my age, in the eyes of the Elf family, is the young man."

"That's weird. Since the queen is young, don't you remember if you have seen me?"

Su Qingxue asked back.

"Woman, what is your attitude?"

Salamander dissatisfied.

Bi Luodisi stretched out her hand to be quiet, "Miss Su is just joking with me, what are you excited about?"

Bi Luodis smiled gracefully: "Miss Su, I like your character very much, there will be more opportunities to get along in the future."

After speaking, Bi Luodis turned and left, her entire agile posture seemed to exude a charming halo.

"Sister Su, why are you so fierce about this fairy queen?

Sister Yun Yao is still working on her side..." Shi Lanyu asked.

"Some people, it's okay for you to be aggressive towards her, because...she deserves it".

At this moment, some unfriendly greetings between gods and demons had also ended.

Oceanus and other Titans' light and shadow were cast on the scene.

What appeared at the finale were two deeper pressures, which made the faces of the demon king and **** king on the scene change.

On the land of Kaos, a clay sculpture of a female body appeared.

The air flow in the sky formed an airy man's figure, translucent, looming.

"Everyone, at this special time, welcome to the birthplace of the Titans, Kaos..." "I am Cronus, and this is my wife, Rhea..." Cronus and Rui Behind Ya, Oceanus and more than a dozen Titans, sorted by seniority, also transformed into various small energy forms.

"Your Excellency Kronos, thank you for your support to the Demon Sacrifice this time, and thank you for standing up at this moment of life and death in the universe..." Asmodeus, as the representative of the demon party this time, solemnly said:" It is a great relief for our demons to stand with us.”

"You don't have to be polite to the Seventh Devil. This crisis is not just a crisis of the demons and protoss, but also of our Titans..." After the scene was quiet, Kronos sighed, "Time is precious, I will make a long story short."

"It's true that Hongmeng and our Titan ancestors have fought against each other. Their goal may be our fountain of life!"

The gods and demons changed their faces and looked at each other for the first time.


Hongmeng knows the existence of ANKH?

! "

"It is not only the fountain of life, but also our'divine tomb', which is the tomb of our ancestors."

"Up to now, we must also tell you a secret..." "If you want to enter the ‘prime primacy’, you need to go through the ‘tomb of the gods’!"

When these words came out, it was like a thunderstorm! "what!?"

"You mean, the passage into the beginning is the tomb of the Titan God?"

"Could it be that those humans in Hongmeng were looking for the tomb of the gods because they wanted to enter the early days?"

The people of the human race are particularly disturbed.

Although it is not sure whether what Titan said is true or false, whether it is ANKH or the passage of the beginning... these things are too tempting! "To enter the primordial tomb and achieve higher achievements, it is natural not to simply enter the tomb of the gods..." "It needs to be cultivated to a sufficient level in order to have the opportunity to pass the tomb of the gods and enter the tomb of the primaries.

"However, the humans of Hongmeng only want to dominate all of this, so that mankind has a dominant position in the beginning..." "Once the Hongmeng succeeds, the power sources of the gods, demons and other races may disappear."

"Because the tomb of God not only leads from Taichu to Taichu, it is also from there that Taichu draws all the power of Taishi's beliefs."

"Domination and sentient beings are closely related... If the tomb of a **** is occupied by a race, the consequences will be disastrous..." The faces of the gods and demons are even more gloomy! "The stele... is that what it meant?

Human race gets the tomb of the gods, so that the non-human rulers such as the demon of the early days will be destroyed?

? "

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