My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3475: New emperor

"Won't let you succeed!!"

Cronus intervened laterally with a fist, and the power of time spread the barriers.

The space began to look mottled and chaotic, because of the dislocation of time, it looked strange.

If it weren't for Ye Fan's sword intent to protect the body, most people might have been teleported back to an unknown point in time.

Although it can't completely block Wushuang's sword intent, it can create time for Riya to dodge.

"Roar!" A dazzling thunder suddenly rushed into the time barrier, and the platinum thunder disrupted and diluted the power of time.

It was Bai Zhan, the patriarch of the White Tiger, who copied from the side and slammed into Kronos's heavy punch.

One of Kronos's arm was blown off every inch! In terms of explosive power, White Tiger is even a bit higher than Suzaku. Even with ANKH, Cronus cannot recover quickly.

"Brother Sword God! Don't just hand it over to the old lady Zhu Huansha!"

Bai Zhan passed a few claws, and Kronos' arm was directly paralyzed by the explosion of God Thunder.

Among colleagues, several Titans, including Oceanus and Hyperion, also rushed to support Rhea.

This key role that has been recovering for Titan is obviously very important to Titan! But the intervention of Shenlong, Suzaku and White Tiger made it difficult for several Titans to approach smoothly.

Xiaojin didn't care about anything at the moment, the huge golden dragon body just entangled a light titan like this stubbornly! The attack of the Bright Titan is more effective against demons, but it is very tasteless against Shenlong.

The other beasts also stared at the Titans one by one, putting out an iron bucket formation! The strategic level of the gods and demons is nothing more than that, the size of the gods and beasts is there, even the Titans can hardly cross directly.

This is also the reason why Ye Fan bothered to find the sacred beasts. The size of this thing, to a certain extent, will also change in quality! Cronus waited for a few Titans, and saw Ye Fan slay towards Ria, but there was nothing he could do! "No! ——" Accompanied by Cronus's unwilling roar, Ye Fan swung a sword intent with black and golden flames! Yan Mie the embers! Nineteen! ! The dark and blazing fire of sword intent, with Ye Fan's angry heart, and the power of the dragon comparable to the beast, swayed out at the same time! The effect of the chain explosion makes Yan Mie ember's release disintegrate, even more terrifying! The disintegration of the external release is tantamount to finding the best space to play. Once it is waved, it will cheer for joy, as if the saboteurs of the doomsday are reveling! ! Each of the black particles burned detonated as if turned into a nuclear bomb! I could only hear the space wailing and whimpering, it was obviously a dark sword intent, but it exuded an astonishing heat wave than a gorgeous flame! From a distance, it seems that the giant spirit **** used a black flame curtain wall to divide the ancient gods into two halves! Rhea didn't even have time to scream, she was already distorted and crushed by countless dark sword intent particles! Burned out! The Earth Titan, who was so big that it was endless, never expected that he would be destroyed by a human being as small as a grain of sand with a single sword! "There is a play!!"

Foggy night celebrities and a group of people are overjoyed! Killing a Shouquan Titan is really exciting! At this moment, a black object appeared in the area where Rhea died.

The black object was like a broken planet, covered with slits, and there was a stream of transparent energy liquid overflowing from it... "That is... the fountain of life!?"

Ye Fan was shocked suddenly, and suddenly realized something! No wonder, these Titans saw Rhea being attacked, more nervous and excited than seeing Cronus being besieged.

The Titan can transform that venom into the fountain of life, nothing else but the "heart" of the Earth Titan! Only the Earth Titan, with the help of the infinite earth power, can absorb and filter the harmful substances in the venom! And generations of Earth Titans continue to use this heart! This is why, the name Rhea, is considered the mother of Titans! "Sword God! Destroy it! Otherwise Rhea will come back to life!!"

Zhu Huansha reminded at this time.

The resilience of the fountain of life is really amazing, even if Rhea is bombarded with no residue left, she will save her heart! "Sword God! Don't you ignore the countless humans, countless common people!?"

Cronus was very anxious at this time and threatened.

"To tell you the truth, I have sent more than a dozen clansmen to kill the Human Alliance!"

"You want to be the emperor to save the common people, why not save your own humans first?

! "

The powerhouses of gods and demons present could not help being shocked.

This Titan is so despicable, so he plays "Stealing Home" at this time?

"Sword God! At this time, the fountain of life will not be destroyed, and there will be endless troubles! The little one can't bear it will lead to chaos!!"

Elarys shouted loudly.

"Cronos, your people, I'm afraid they won't be able to climb the mountain top of the Xuanming clan..." Ye Fan communicated with Xuan Yi in Yantian Ring.

A behemoth that stood shoulder to shoulder with the Titan instantly set foot on the lava land.

The original billowing lava instantly turned into black rock, and the cold wind swept! "Xuan Ming!?"

Almost everyone present was stimulated again! "Sword God, don't worry, there is our patriarch Xuan Mi, and a Titan can't leave the ancient gods..." Xuan Yi deliberately let go of the sound transmission so that everyone can hear it.

A pair of eyes stared at Ye Fan again.

Cronus gritted his teeth, his face grim! "Xuan Ming... the Xuan Ming clan, how dare..." Xuan Ming, who thought that he had no desires, was extremely lazy, would never get involved in this matter.

As everyone knows, Xuan Ming was not only the first to agree, but also the first to deploy.

Ye Fan had already asked Xuan Mi to take the Xuan Ming clan to guard against all parties to prevent the Titans from "stealing home" as a threat.

In addition to the borders of the ancient gods, even the Human Alliance sent two Xuan Ming.

The scope of Xuan Ming's divine consciousness almost covers most of the stars, making Titan's sneak attack a luxury.

"The general situation is gone... Kronos, don't you understand, a new emperor is born..." Xuan Yi said leisurely.

The strong people of all ethnic groups at the scene focused on Ye Fan.

Happiness, admiration, fear, admiration... Numerous intricate emotions are fermented in everyone's heart.

But there is no doubt that everyone has been overwhelmed by Ye Fan's ability.

The four great beasts are all willing to cooperate with a human being on an equal footing. This... has surpassed the race! The prestige beyond race is the basic requirement of a generation of emperors.

Cronus lowered his head, and remembered in his mind the conversation with Lao Lin before the war... "Dragon King...Are you" Kronos kept denying this. Everything, it must have a way! "The fountain of life is very important to us... It's a pity that it can't belong to your Titans..." Ye Fan appeared next to the Heart of the Earth at this time, lifting Taichu, intending to completely destroy the heart.

But at this moment, Cronus, half of his face sinking in the darkness, showed a touch of madness in his eyes... "The Sword God... As long as there is no you, everything will be rewritten!!"

As he spoke, a pressure that seemed to originate from the depths of the soul of Cronus, more terrifying than before, suddenly broke out!

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