My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3481: Nothing to do with you

Going to Jiuyuan is no different from "death".

Over time, many people will go to Jiuyuan and Jiuquan, equating with death.

"Free, I came to see you..." Xiao Wangge landed on a relatively safe island.

Looking at no waves, only the endless darkness of Jiu Yuan, her eyes were blurred, with a touch of longing... From her arms, she took out a branch of the tree.

The dark golden branches, without leaves, glowed with timeless golden light.

Xiao Wangge put the branch on his face and rubbed it... "Our daughter, recently came to see me... She had some trouble, but I was very happy..." "Because, if not like this, she would not I would like to see my mother..." "Of course, don't worry, I've taken care of it, Yuzhu will be fine..." Xiao Wangge said, suddenly smiled charmingly, and burned all of his clothes... …She sat down in front of Jiuyuan, looking at the branch in her hand, and gradually revealed a weird look... "Husband... Geer missed you so much..." In the distance, beside the stone monument at the entrance of Jiuyuan.

Jiu didn't wink his eyebrows, his eyeballs gleamed, as if he saw some incredible scenery, and kept swallowing...At the same time.


"Can you unlock this lock?"

Tai Cang, who was paralyzed on the ground, was surprised when he saw Jian Yuzhu remove the lock of his heart.

Although his whole body looks like being abolished, his physique cultivation is very solid and his recovery is extremely fast.

After the piercing lock was removed, the recovery was accelerated.

"Put the heart lock, it was passed to my father by my master teacher, now...except that woman, and I, indeed no one can quickly unlock it."

"You should be thankful, if it weren't for me, you might never get out."

Jian Yuzhu took out a bottle of elixir and poured it into his mouth no matter what Tai Cang said.

The divine power of Tai Cang's body quickly recovered, and a burst of colorful poison gas was expelled from his body.


Jian Yuzhu didn't notice it for a while, inhaled a little, and his blush suddenly became a heartbeat.

"How much did that **** give you... really shameless..." Tai Cang's muddy eyes gradually became clear.

"The temptress, is it your mother?"

"No! She's a bitch!"

Jian Yuzhu said with disdain.

"If you help this king get out of trouble, this king doesn't need to kill you, and it will be considered as your favor."

Tai Cang got up at this time, after his mental strength had recovered to a certain level, he stretched out his hand to summon.

Kungunir broke away from the control of the pool of water and finally flew back to Tai Cang's hands.

"You spear emperor, you are so unreasonable. I saved you. You owe me favors. Why did you pay me favors?"

"kill me?

Why would you kill me without me saving you? "

Jian Yuzhu sneered.

Tai Cang frowned and said, "In that case, what do you want, this king doesn't like to owe favors!"

"Very simple, take me away!"

"Where to go?"

"In your world, I have had enough of the filthy and disgusting place of Hongmeng..." Tai Cang looked at Jian Yuzhu deeply for a while and said: "Yes, but not now."

"What do you mean?"

Jian Yuzhu puzzled: "I let you go, do you still want to avenge that bitch?"

"Tai Cang, the emperor level really won't succumb, but if you lose, you will lose. Going back and working hard to practice is the right way..." Tai Cang shook his head, "The king will retaliate.

But when the king is here this time, there are other important things..." "What's the matter? "

"Nothing to do with you".

Jian Yuzhu didn't get angry and said, "You will be too late if you don't run! If you get caught, I won't be able to help you! Do you still expect that the sword **** will come to help you?

He is coming early! ! "

"This king's deal with the sword god, he didn't let him help me, the life and death was borne by this king."

Jian Yuzhu was speechless, "What do you want to do?"

"This king wants to find someone...a person who must be recognized clearly for this king!"

Too Cang took a deep breath and suddenly activated the gun.

The cultivation base of the body has been restored seven or eighty-eight.

"Woman, this king promises you that if you are done, he will take you away."

Upon seeing this, Jian Yuzhu hurriedly shouted: "Don't teleport!!"

But it was too late, Tai Cang directly activated the absolute distance, trying to get out of the dungeon.

But as soon as it started, the dungeon burst into bursts in all directions! The four forces of ground, water, fire and wind exploded, exploding Tai Cang to the ground, and fell back to the original place embarrassed! "It's no wonder that you can't even hold the position of the emperor. You are self-sufficient and don't listen to persuasion..." Jian Yuzhu chuckled: "This dungeon is a special space created by the Six Souls circle. The rules are completely different from those of the outside world, and are ever-changing." .

"Unless you can completely crush that **** in the cultivation base and realm, otherwise... even if you are the emperor's mood, it is impossible to directly send it out."

"However, it's too late now, that **** must have found out..." Tai Cang looked astonished, "You said that this dungeon has reconstructed the law of space?

What formation is so powerful? "

"That was passed down by my master to my father. This bitch, but I learned a little bit from my father..." "Forget it, tell you more, you won't understand, the barbarian is the barbarian..." Jian Yuzhu Much lazy to explain.

At this moment, a phoenix flame flashed out of thin air! Xiao Wangge hurried back to the dungeon in a panic without getting an inch! "Boom!" A blood-red Phoenix Flame golden wheel shook Tai Cang directly! Tai Cang roared wildly, and his backhand was an endless sharp gun! Countless gun shadows penetrated Xiao Wangge's body in an instant! Xiao Wangge was disturbed at the critical moment, and his face was full of anger at this moment.

No matter how Tai Cang's spear intent passed through her body, she didn't seem to be injured at all! "You still don't understand?

You are not my opponent at all! ! "

Xiao Wangge slapped Tai Cang's head with a palm, spitting out blood! After dozens of consecutive Phoenix Naruto attacks, Tai Cang's whole body was grilled like black charcoal again.

Recalling the heart-piercing lock, Xiao Wangge pierced and handcuffed Tai Cang again! Tai Cang fainted because of his severe injury... "Yuzhu, are you okay?"

Xiao Wangge was afraid that the child would be injured, so he hurried up to ask.

"Go away!"

Jian Yuzhu pushed her mother away, looking at her who was wearing nothing at this time, with disgust in her eyes.

"It's just such a little time, where did you go?"

Xiao Wangge realized that he was negligent, so he quickly changed into his clothes and said, "No, mother didn't..." "Shut up! Listening to you saying this makes me feel like a fool..." Jian Yuzhu sneered.

Xiao Wangge also knew that the explanation was unclear, so she asked with a grievance: "You child, you are scared to death. This barbarian is very dangerous. Why did you let him go?"

"Don't worry about it!"

Jian Yuzhu said indifferently.

Xiao Wangge had no choice but to say: "Okay... I don't care about you, go out with my mother. It's safe now, and my mother has settled the Nineth Heaven Palace..." At this moment, there was a voice transmission.

"Madam, the two elders of the Jiuzhong Tiangong, come here to ask for something."

"Got it," Xiao Wangge looked back and looked too much, "I will bring things up now and let them sit for a while."

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