My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3516: Big Thousand World

"Oh? Is there anything else?"

Jane comfortably said: "Then next time the ghost gate opens, Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, I will give Brother Ye Fan a chance to fight."

"Hyakki Yexing? What do you mean?"

"Brother Ye Fan knows, why should we stay in Mingquan?"

"Just tell me directly," Ye Fan rolled his eyes.

Jian Zi looked into the abyss and said, "Mingquan is the junction of the underworld and the yang... it can be regarded as the junction of yin and yang."

"How is it possible?" Ye Fan felt wrong, "If this is the case, why is there no Yang Qi here, even I see Youquan already..."

Halfway through, Ye Fan suddenly realized something!

"Is it caused by the destruction of the Six Paths?"

Jane nodded freely, "Yes, originally, Mingquan was not like this, just because the six reincarnations of the sun were destroyed, and the balance here has been broken."

"A large number of lonely souls and wild ghosts are transformed into ghosts and beasts here, and the Yin Qi naturally rises gradually."

"Mingquan is the closest to the underworld, and the natural yang energy is squeezed out of existence."

Ye Fan thought: "Could it be that...there are fewer administrators here, so it's unbalanced?"

"Administrator? Oh, do you mean master? Judging from the current situation, this is indeed the case. After all, most of the abilities of soul reincarnation are missing in Yang Jian."

Ye Fan immediately thought of a terrible idea!

"Then if... I mean if, Jiuyuan's Yin Qi keeps increasing, and the number of ghost beasts keeps increasing..."

"Will one day Jiuyuan completely become a part of the underworld?"

"Even... Would Jiu Yuan, unable to bear it, disrupt the balance of Yin and Yang?"

Jian Zi looked at Ye Fan unexpectedly, "Unexpectedly, Brother Ye Fan had already thought of this layer."

"Indeed, once Jiuyuan is filled with ghosts and yin qi, the two realms of yin and yang will be completely out of balance."

"Jiu Yuan may not be broken through for a while, but it will happen sooner or later. After all, everything has a limit..."

"The most serious consequence is that reincarnation will completely collapse, and all living beings in the sun will no longer be reincarnated!"

"It's not easy to say whether the Yangjian will perish or not."

Ye Fan took a breath, sure enough! He just said, this group of guys won't really be bored, just come here to practice.

Even if most people are "tired of life", they are no longer interested in everything in the world.

It is like a rich man who has enough eating, drinking and having fun, and wants to eat rough tea and light rice.

However, it is impossible to want to eat like this all my life, I always want to change my taste!

And Xia Jiuquan, it's not here to experience the bitter days, obviously there are back and forth!

Under such circumstances, this group of legendary powerhouses are influx on a large scale, which is obviously abnormal!

"You are here... to prevent Jiu Yuan from being completely swallowed up by the underworld?"

Jane sighed comfortably, "It's...and it's not".

"What do you mean?" Ye Fan wondered.

"Don't talk about us, even if the Master and other immortal true gods can't stop the changes here."

"Even since the destruction of the Six Paths, we have been constantly killing the powerful ghosts and beasts that emerged, practicing with Yin Qi, and accelerating the consumption of Yin Qi."

"But no matter what you do, it will only delay the large-scale invasion of Yin Qi..."

"Including myself, I agreed with the guardian **** of Hongmeng to let the monster race join Hongmeng, which is also out of this part of the consideration."

"If Hongmeng wants to make the sun last longer, it needs to reduce death and avoid too many souls going down the nine springs..."

"So, everything we do can't be talked about to stop, it can only be regarded as delay."

Ye Fan couldn't laugh or cry, "Meaning that the sun is not saved?"

If so, what are the Titans up to?

I really don't know if Cronus will give up the war and sit back and enjoy his success if he hears these words.

"I said, only the Creator can recast reincarnation."

"But the creator did not take action, indicating that the Six Paths were destroyed. They either did not intend to repair it, or... they could not repair it."

Ye Fan didn't believe it, "Why can't it be repaired? It must be indifferent, too lazy."

"This... is really hard to say," Jian Zizai said: "For example, Pangu, the incarnation of Yin and Yang, has never appeared again. It may have exhausted all of its power.

"My ancestor, the ancestor of justice, was incarnate as the ruler of ten thousand ways. Later, I never showed any divine power and I was missing."

"By the way, my uncle and the second uncle, when they went to the underworld, they just tried to find the master..."

"They think that if they want to cure this stubborn disease, they can only ask the Creator to come out, but...obviously they have not succeeded yet."

Jian Zizai smiled bitterly: "The creator seems to be omnipotent, but in our eyes, maybe... they also have a barrier that they can't cross."

Ye Fan's eyes flickered and murmured: "It may also be a river that can't be crossed..."

"River? What river?" Jane asked freely.

Ye Fan waved his hand, "Just make an analogy... So, Hundred Ghosts Night Walk is a large-scale action by the underworld ghost beast, right?"

Jian Zi nodded: "Yes, because Jiuyuan's Yang Qi is constantly decreasing, and Mingquan is already unstable."

"Whenever a period of time passes, it's like a'ghost gate wide open', and countless ghosts and beasts from the underworld will rush out."

"If you don't get rid of some powerful ghost beasts as soon as possible, they will absorb more Yin Qi here and grow stronger, making it even harder to clean up."

Ye Fan sounded a little troublesome, "How long will I have to wait...I'll go find Ji Xuanyuan Lunjian first."

"The last time Hundred Ghosts Walked in the Night, it has been a while, I am afraid I don't have to wait too long... Brother Ye Fan is really so hard to wait?"

"Anyway, I have nothing to do when I am idle, just so I can stroll around in Mingquan."

Ye Fansheng was afraid that this guy would be suspicious, and said, "I have no plans to take refuge in Yuxu Palace, so don't worry."

"Brother Ye is worrying too much, we are free, and we are not enemies with Yuxu Palace. In fact, we won't force it wherever you go," Jane said freely.

"Then your elder sister and the others, why do you say you want to target Ji Xuanyuan? You will not suffer under the emperor's sword..." Ye Fan wondered.


Jane couldn't help but smile, but restrained as soon as possible.

"Mingquan has been staying for a long time, naturally boring, wouldn't it be boring if you don't compete against each other?"

"Moreover, to learn from masters is an important way to improve your strength."

"Actually, winning or losing is not very important... but... if you lose too much, you naturally have a temper."

"Mainly, Ji Xuanyuan has a close relationship with Yuxu Palace, and he is still a descendant, so he was even overtaken from behind, so the elder sisters are naturally even more unconvinced."

Ye Fan couldn't laugh or cry. It turned out that it was a group of masters who were idle, fighting "Fighting Landlords" under Jiuquan!

It seems boring and naive, but when you think about it, they really have nothing to do.

Don't talk about self-cultivation and family governance, many people here have long been called kings and emperors, and they have become gods and Buddhas in the sky, and they have done all kinds of things.

For them, the interesting thing may be to become stronger, and then to protect the Yangjian that nurtures them...

Looking at the Yangjian, various races are fighting back and forth, and various forces are fighting over and over again...

How ridiculous would it be to be seen by these powerful men in Mingquan?

However, the realm is different, the vision is naturally different, and there is nothing to compare.

"No matter where Brother Ye Fan goes, in Mingquan, they are all contributing to the last door guarding the Yang. In my opinion, it is the same."

Jian Zizai pointed to the abyss, and said: "Mingquan is vast and needs to be guarded. There are currently seven ghost gates."

"Here is a door guarded by our Zizaimen."

"From then on, Yuxu Palace has crossed the abyss and moved forward about...two thousand worlds before reaching it, the ghost gate guarded by Yuxu Palace."

Ye Fan was a little confused when he heard it, "What are the two worlds?"

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