My Cold and Beautiful Wife

Chapter 3524: Force me to do a trick

"Starting again?"

"It's really useless, when will he really mature?"

Jiuyuan, Mingquan.

Dark and towering plains.

A woman with a cold face and a long black dress was complaining quite disgustingly.

Beside her, is a beautiful woman dressed in Xiaojiabiyu, with a dignified appearance.

"Sister Xuannv, if this problem with your husband can be corrected, it will be corrected while in China."

"Isn't the people around you too spoiled for him? You should be cruel to him!" The cold Yan woman snorted.

"How can we do it? The husband is not only the husband, but also the emperor we serve. How can we be disrespectful to the king?" The Wen Wan woman said solemnly.

"If you really are an emperor, you should use the emperor's majesty! Like a child in three days, he will be autistic with a little stimulation, and he needs encouragement and comfort. This is also called an emperor?"

The beautiful woman lowered her head and bit her lip and smiled, and said, "The husband is kind, do you remember? The Lu Wu at home, in order to let him have a baby, the husband personally sent him to find weak water..."

"Do you still mention this? An emperor does not do his business every day, thinking about giving birth to a beast?"

"But... I think my husband is so cute like this..."

"Xiao Lei, you are really... alas... you are really a pair of natural treasures!"

Xiao Lei chuckled and took Xuannv's hand.

"Sister Xuannu, let's hurry up, I don't want my husband to be sad for too long..."

Where the second woman was at this time, dozens of palaces were scattered all around.

Above the palace, a gold, silver and purple three-layer energy shield covers all buildings.

From a distance, it is like all palaces, all of which are printed and dyed by the three-color glow, which is magnificent!

"Yuxugong, the three-light divine water formation, can't be withdrawn? You can't fly here, can't teleport, it's too much trouble."

Hyun Nu complained while running.

"There is no way, after all, it was left by the sage Yuanshi. No one in the palace can break it now."

"That guy Ji Xuanyuan can definitely do it, but he's timid and doesn't dare to move."

As they were talking, the two came to the back of a lonely small palace.

Between the plants like jasper, by a stone table, sat a handsome man with long hair.

At this time, the man was holding a Kuipi snare drum in his arms, beating the drum with his hands while singing sad lyrics...

"Where is the little sword... the night sky is vast... unforgettable... and Jun Jian Wu... several winds and rains, repeated frost..."

"Little sword...oh...little sword...oh oh..."

The incomplete singing, the drake-like voice, I am afraid it can scare babies!

"Mrs. Xuan Nu, Mrs. Lei Zu".

A brave man in a green robe stood not far away.

Seeing the two ladies coming over, quickly bowed their heads in greeting.

"Brother Feng, you have worked hard, and look after this naive fellow..." Xuannv said.

"Madam is serious," the man shook his head blankly.

"How long has this'symptom' lasted?"

"It's been half a month... If it weren't for the fact that the ghost door was in some bad condition, I wouldn't be in a hurry to find Mrs. Xuannv to come over."

"What's the reason for the depression this time?"

"If Chen is right, he should have seen Xian Weng and Guang Chengzi waiting to test imperial swordsmanship. Seeing their flying swords, Your Majesty thought of his saber..."

"It's for Xuanyuanjian again... I'm sick."

"In addition, Emperor Yan hasn't seen your Majesty for a long time because of the allocation of herbal medicines. His Majesty has thought a little bit...maybe also the reason."

"Boss Jiang is not his wife and concubine, can he be guilty of thinking so much? It spread out and thought there was a relationship between their brothers!"

"Sister Xuannv, my husband is like this, I hope everyone likes him, so I think a lot..." Lei Zu said.

Xuannv shook her head speechlessly.

She thought for a while before she stepped up and entered a curtain of light.

In order to prevent outsiders from discovering, Ji Xuanyuan sang ghostly here, and specially arranged a noise barrier.

As soon as Xuan Nu entered, she kicked Kui Pi Drum away!

"Oh oh oh, you ghost? What do you sing if you can't beat a drum?"

"Sister Hyun?"

Ji Xuanyuan turned his head, with a tear in the corner of his eyes, and asked deeply: "You said...Is my little sword okay?"

"How do I know? That's your sword!" Xuannv rolled her eyes.

"How come Xiaojian hasn't heard from him, I have been calling him..."

Ji Xuanyuan was full of sorrow, "No, even Jiuyuan, my supreme sword intent, should be able to convey my longing..."

"Also, it was all fine from the beginning, and I'm going to be back. Why didn't you see me halfway?"

"You said it yourself, this is Jiuyuan, you can't get out, it can't get in, it's normal," Xuannv said.

", going out is one thing, coming in is another thing, Sister Xuannv, you don't understand this..."

Xuannv kicked Ji Xuanyuan's **** directly with anger!

"Just you know! You know! You know so, why don't you know how to do business?"

Ji Xuanyuan clutched his **** and stood up, "Sister Xuan, why did I make you angry again? I didn't cry in front of the others in Yuxu Palace this time..."

"Are you embarrassed to mention it? If it wasn't for you to cover after the wind last time, your nature would be exposed!"

"How old is a person, I am moved at every turn, even if I am moved, I still like to cry..."

"Let the people below know that Tangtang Emperor Jian is a crying ghost, how can they trust you firmly?"

Xuannv looked helpless, "Ji Xuanyuan, I beg you, don't be so sentimental, okay? You don't know how many people in Yuxu Palace are waiting for you, take them out?"

Ji Xuanyuan lowered his head silently, and said quietly, "Sister Xuan...Is it useless, maybe...I really don't deserve to be a leader..."

"Here again..." Xuan Nu rolled her eyes again, "When you look like you, when can you beat Chi You?"

"Chi You has been better than me since I was a child... Maybe I can't beat him by nature..."

"The problem is, you clearly beat him!"

"It's not a win, besides... it's also relying on you and Boss Jiang for help..."

Ji Xuanyuan smiled bitterly and laughed at himself: "I really rely on you too much. I used to be. I entered the Jiuyuan. Still."

"Speaking of it, if it weren't for my mistakes, everyone wouldn't have come to Jiuyuan, causing them to be unable to get out now..."

"Sister Xuan, I really don't deserve to be an emperor. Is the sword intent of the emperor just an accident?"

Xuan Nu gritted her silver teeth, "It seems that you have suffered a lot from this illness..."

At this moment, in a distant and dark place, there was a strong wave of Yin Qi!

"No! Your Majesty! The ghost door is about to open!"

Shouted after the wind outside.

"Here again... After playing here, I'm going to the Eye of Hell, and I'm going to be chased and beaten by Chi You..."

"Too tired, I'm really too tired...I feel like I can't hold on anymore..."

"Brother Feng, you go to Boss Jiang, Xianweng and Peacock, I...I want to be quiet..."

Ji Xuanyuan turned around silently, knelt down, and wrote the word "sword" on the ground with his fingers...

"Your Majesty! If you don't go, we will lose half of our combat power!!" Fenghou looked eagerly.

"Sister Xuannv, what should I do? When everyone sees her husband is not there, she must be here. If she sees her husband like this..." Lei Zu also panicked.

"Hehe...Xiao Lei, I let you down, I'm really useless, you just follow me and you haven't had any easy days..."

Ji Xuanyuan turned his head, his face full of sorrow.

"Husband, it's not..." Lei Zu shook his head in tears.

Xuannv gritted her teeth and took a deep breath, "Enough!! You two... force me to do a trick?!"

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